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January 13, 2011

28th Dec 2010

Today we will be visiting Hiroshima the city. It is huge. Controversal city from atomic bomb to it's edo period with shogun versus the imperial. We trekked around Hiroshima castle and park. There was a nearby temple too. Then travelled partially in the underground mall to the Peace memorial park and museum. Many other people visited it too despite the rain.
The children peace bell was highly sort after by many tourists. To pose in front of it was a great honor. Emotions run through you when thinking about those who suffered years after the atomic bomb was dropped on their city.
Refreshing to see a city who was a victim of bombing was willing to get back on their feet and help others who were effected by nuclear bombing.
We had dinner at Yayoiken on the main road, as other places don't open till 6pm. Well, we have a train to catch around 6pm. I couldn't risk running late to Shinkansen because of other people restaurant preferred opening hours. I had all sort meat set, while Sis had tori katsu set. So fulfilling and delicious. omg. They were quick in serving the dishes.
Once you enter the street car (tram) you insert the Day pass is machine from the bottom and when exiting you do the same.
Fuyuka dept store was so-so. The products were more tailored to older folks and upper class. I'm not quite there yet in both categories. lol.
I have noticed a lot of French influence in dress sense and cafes. So much desserts everywhere we went in each major city. Although no obese people were spotted in these areas.