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January 13, 2011

25th Dec 2010

25th Dec 2010
Took Shinkansen hikari 7:13am train to Tokyo. For breakfast we have preserved vegetables with seafood ekibento.
want = motomeru / motomemasen
with = motte de
without = nashi de/ nuki de
Hibiya park
no Godzilla statue. how disappointing. nice looking garden cafes. plenty of benches for peace and quiet time.

Venus fort
Xmas light show.
Christmas carol.
Hello Kitty Kawaii paradise. snore fest. It was limited product & activity areas. omg u can gamble?! Wait. You don't ever get your money back in exhange of these pathetic tokens. Unfortunately, Sis stupidly fell into the trap thinking the change machine was a regular change machine, when it is actually a token producing machine. Yikes!
Cheese cake factory
yummy time
resting feet and butt relaxing.
my favorite store.
got myself a Teddy bear headphone pouch.
Ginza main street gone Xmas mad mayhem. lots of ppl packing each department store. very empty in high brand retail stores and same applies for high brands in department store. scored myself a Ginza Q-pot limited macaroon key chain. Bloody great. Walked kilometers to find Sanrio Questina and found cute stickers. Agh. Jewerly just don't stack up to Sportsgirl, Diva, or Swatch.
Christmas is terrible in Shinjuku. Every table indoors to taken. People put their names on an already long waiting list. 45 mins was my last straw.
Sis and I decided nicked off to get our 2nd last train for the night back to Shin Osaka. We decided to get ekibento boxes for dinner instead and they were deliciously fulfilling to the brim. Fresh peach juice. Aww... yum.
Note: Last Shinkansen train to Osaka is 8:03pm. So beware and organise your train trips a head of schedule.