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December 04, 2022

December 2022

We are beginning to see some warmer days this month. I can get to wear my sandals out again.


LSP and DAAWG are making some progress on what we could focus on. Wording on the catalogue is vital to removing barriers to the library.Not only does it impact search results, it impacts people's decision to request an item. Too much obstacles deters people from seeking the item out.


Lots of instability. The server was down for a few hours before the mega raid day during tea break. I was at work for Friday's outage, so no impact on me besides I couldn't run my gotcha. Then they switched off raids in the morning before mega raid day. hours 2-5pm Without event tasks, many of us were left bored. If the raid event falls on my dating hours, I just give it a miss. Nowadays it is come to be known it as glitch day than a proper event. 

One the two guys I have been messaging has decided to come out and meet in-person. He is kind and knowledgeable. We went to watch Red Bull Go Cart race on Saturday 3rd December. Good fun.

November 11, 2022

November 2022

The flooding in our state has subsided and people are rebuilding their lives. Some areas have blown our rivers and billabongs up north east of Victoria. Apparently, the flooded dam and billabong has been like that for 3 years. The government and the news are not covering this matter in great detail. We really do have a climate change issue.


Brainstorming for ideas for 2023 projects and blogs.


With the help of my friends I was able to get trade hundo of costume pokemon while on vacation in the rural areas.


I have been corresponding with two blokes and they do not seem keen or that eager to meet up in-person. I am learning not to rush people if they do not feel comfortable in meeting up within a week or two.

October 02, 2022

October 2022

We are starting to receive partial sunny weather now. I can wear one less layer now. Nice. I took my family to the beach for a walk and some ice cream. This is life at its most peaceful moment.


I am learning to search for people names in the manuscript collection. Indexes are great. However, not all registers have the name of the individual.


Not having much luck with the shiny hunting, then again I was not checking the dense spawn areas. My right foot has been playing up all of last month.


Just fake accounts saying Hi and asking how was your weekend, when it has not even ended. Stupid. 
Petty but stupid.

September 18, 2022

September 2022

It seems every time I take my family members to the malls, they would say the stores are out to make a profit off them. They feel every shop and cafe is out there to make a living off them. I'm like, that is what businesses do for a living. I have lost interest in educating them and simply go "uh huh". The weird part is that they do not buy a thing from these shops anyway. Odd.

Spring felt more like an extended winter. 


It is soon to become business as usual after the new LMS was launched. I have put my hand up to do more testing in the future.


I learned with my allergy, I cannot eat and then do strenuous exercise afterwards. This means I gotta learn to eat after I've done some exercise.


Nothing worth reporting. Well,  besides people who only want to date and nothing serious keep messaging you, because the dating app keeps flashing you are online when you are clearly not. And I did state I am after a serious committed relationship. These dumb fucks are an annoying waste of my time. I just don't reply just to save myself some headache. 

August 02, 2022

August 2022

The winds are icy cold this month. The sun is shining but the wind remains cold like last month.

We have completed another saga. Not without putting a big fight. Mom argued we were stealing her thunder from her, when we asked a trades person to help install a slab in the corner of our backyard. However, what she did not know or acknowledge is the fact, that we are beyond seeking a quote at this point. The trades person has already ordered materials and booked a small cement truck for TODAY (02/08/2022) and was arriving within 30 mins. There was no way I was going to cancel on my friend's wife's friend like that. It would be VERY disrespectful.  

Mom have always bragged she has a set of helpful friends. Who has never once showed up to help dad repair the old house. Meanwhile, Bro told me when he and mom went looking for the friend who does plumbing works disappeared without a trace. The person who came to answered the front door said the previous owner has moved away with no contact details. And when they went to looking for a friend who was a roof tiler, the person never returned her calls or replied to their paper message left in the mailbox. I wonder why...

We all have different kinds of friends, but not everyone wants to help out in repairing a house, let alone install a slab. We cannot be judgemental in such circumstances. These people so called friends have every right to refuse and ignore us. However, when someone was willing and is kind enough to assist us in achieving our dream, why shoo them away? Why indeed.

To be honest, I don't know if my heart can withstand another anaphylactic shock. Each day involves taking precautionary steps to avoid triggers: stress and allergies. I try to walk enough steps to keep my heart healthy. So far, my average is 10,000 steps a day. Probably, should get a watch to monitor my blood pressure. Hmm...


The two big projects are now live. The in-person tours have started for tour if the reading room. The new system will go live PUBLICLY in two weeks time. What an exciting time. Meanwhile, mom tries to throw tantrum at home.


No hundo from the Hisuian event. Oh wells, You cannot always win them all. I did get the chance to have dinner with a few mates and walk with my friends. It is always refreshing to catch up with people you haven't seen in a while.


Just chatting with a few guys online. Many of them were not charming, chatty, witty, or curious. Quite insipid to be frank. It is just I, who do the asking of questions and bringing up topics. You getting pretty bored and tired by the third day. Also, these guys do not reply back for hours and some even days. Thank god the chat in some of the dating apps have a time limit and expires on its own. No awkward un-matching needed. Yay!

Companionship is what I desire more than anything else. I find most men use sex to measure a person’s worth and I find that is no good for long term relationship. They only stay at home and do nothing else for weeks on end. Dull. Pretty much a waste of my time.

Several fake accounts asks how’s your weekend on a Friday, that just not right. Same when they ask you, how’s your week going on a Monday. Umm. Something is fishy.

There was a guy who refuses to ask questions or share their day with me, dared to accuse of me being busy and that they didn’t want to disturb me yet wants to hook up. F- off.  


July 12, 2022

July 2022

It has been a quiet and cold month in Melbourne. For me anyway.


We are wrapping up performance reviews and going gang busters on software testing. 


Oh. I'm sooooo... lucky. I managed to get a raid hundo Pansear. Only did a few raids and mostly using the free raid pass. Feeling blessed.


Men don’t understand that if you insult a person in jest, it is still an insult. Then to take it back and say it didn’t happen. Telling the person that they imagined it is considered gaslighting. Deep down, the guy knew has already jabbed you with your insult. 

June 02, 2022

June 2022

Looking forward to another short break in Warrnambool. Hopefully there is a whale or two when we get there.

The family did was not happy with the food served in any of the restaurants. In the high tea, Sis said the food were too tiny. In the Chinese restaurant Bro wanted rice to come with every dish, but we had 11 mains for the family share, so there was no need for rice. Besides the family couldn't finish most of the dishes. In the Anglo Saxon one in South Bank, everyone complained about how dark it was and how the food were too tiny of a portion. Fine dining is always tiny. They were hungry as they could not bother eating lunch. Not my problem. People cannot plan or book anything yet whinges about everything. Such a tragedy. 


Blog writing continues. Project work on library management getting more intense. We will be giving staff and patron a tour of the newspaper reading room in winter. I hope my voice will be in tip top condition.


First remote raid and I got a hundo Kyorge. If only I can score a hundo Groudon too. Nope. That was never going to happen. Oh wells.


Mostly scammers online atm. Guys who say they want to date and only asking about your earning is no go. No romantic anything. Nada. Some scammers. They bore me to death. So I ask them about how do they plan to date someone when they are not in the same country as me. That pisses them off. Fun times. A shorty from HK. After I told him that I did not originate from HK, he stated he was stuck in Hong Kong and cannot make it back to Melbourne. Deleted that one. 

Two men had a masters degree. One kept saying couple activity triggers PTSD for him. Then he said he had work is NSW then WA. When I talked about Lego, he asked me to send him gold bars. No way Jose. When I said I don't have a full licence - he got mad and stated that I must not have much life experience as a person. Belittle me he tried. Deleted that one too.

Yeah. None of these men were ever going to meet up in-person. Full of excuses. Sigh. Next.

======================================= The trip to Warrnambool

Day 1 - 6th June

The sky was grey, and the air was icy cold. Today the train to Warrnambool was in operation. Thank goodness. By lunchtime, we boarded our train and hopped into the correct carriage. We nearly sat in the wrong seats, but in the end, we figured it out. The train went past many empty lots of land and newly built houses. From the outside, it looks like a suitable place for a growing family. Somehow, I don’t think it is a good place for a single person. It was somewhat lonely looking of a suburb. 

Also, it got me thinking about how can I live in an empty town with a person who doesn’t talk to me much? Hmm. The lonely life of a wife can be depressing and even suicidal if you ask me. The inner suburbs and city have an array of events each month enough to fill your days up. Soon you forget how lonely you are in an empty relationship. 

The train carriage had various people, and many chatted throughout the 4 hours train ride. So much so that Sis could not get any rest.

Upon arrival walked up the hill to drop off our suitcases. The rain comes and goes. Our suitcases got drenched. Once dried off, we headed down to Redspoon for a light dinner. For dessert, we had black sticky rice with Thai custard. It was a delicious start to the trip. 

Day 2 - 7th June

The tour was cancelled and rescheduled to Thursday. The rain kept pouring down on us. We dashed back to the town centre to have brekkie at Fishtales.The town has laneways and a central car park with free two hours parking. They have a Coles and ALDI in town. Several slow one-way buses. 

After brekkie, from the main street we walked down the hill passing several tall pine trees to the mini golf by the sea. The rain keep weeping on us. The trees offered us shelter. The locals run and hide underneath them. We managed to reach a section of the Lake Pertobe. The birds were very cute. One squawk at my sister to get off the mini bridge. The bird couple used the bridge to cross to the island instead of swimming across. How odd. Laughs. 

On the first putt I whacked too hard and the ball ended in the pond. The course was very well though out. Trying to keep ball momentum was challenging in the rain and wet surface. Ha ha. We the  headed to Stingray bay to go up the stairs go the Pavilion cafe for a late lunch. Throughout our walk back to the town we saw five rainbows and one big arch above the beach.

Once back in town we had Hairy Goat for dinner. The one same sauce was served in every dish. Omg. Bland. For a Spanish cuisine focused it was appalling to say the least. The place was dark and dull. 

Day 3 - 8th June

Ann drove us to Tower hill. There we tried to spot wildlife. Not much luck today. At the visitor information centre, we took one loop around the area and looked at merchandise. T There was no story time session or historical talk. Koroit is a small town where young folks buy up a house. Port Fairy. We walked a trail on Griffiths Island. We saw two wallabies. These towns once slaughtered whales for their oil until the gold rush took away much of the business and population. 

Fletcher Jones market had new and old stuff up for grabs. They had so many retro gears. Sis even found a dinner table set that looked similar to dads.

We had dinner at Bojangles. The highlight of the meal was the basil ice cream. Yum.

Day 4 - 9th June

As a bonus, Fiona drove us to Stingray bay to watch horses training in the waters. I have never seen a horse swim before. Wow. We got out to Logan beach (whale nursery). Sadly, we were not lucky in spotting a whale. The waves  and the rain clouds are strong here. Also, she drove us to the various lookout points where you watch for whales in your car and in this kind of  weather that is a good tip. 

The botanical garden had a similar design to the one found in Melbourne - designed by the same person. Amazing. They planted a Turkish pine tree brought in by an army soldier in 1915. A sweet way to remeer someone. We fed ducks by the pond and saw several large goldfish. The children's playground was made out of natural wood. It is good for the children to come out and play on it. The houses are pricey here for young families. The oldest church would hold concerts throughout the year in Warrnambool.

Cafes by the rivers only open in summer. Even the cemetery is by the Hopskin river. Oof. Not a safe spot should it flood one day. The river was wide. Fiona drove us to each river mouth and showed tus how different they were and why they are a concern for the town. 

Fiona drove us to the mouth of Hopskin river and Merri river. One was more narrow than the other. The narrow one requires humans to make a channel regularly to stop the river from flooding. It could very well destroy farmland and homes. The bridges connecting the small islands in Stingray bay were great. It would have been a good boardwalk if it was summer. Middle Island was once open to the public to view penguins up close. Now it is closed to the public and foxes. In summer, two dogs would guard the penguins as the tide would go out and the foxes sneak on over the sand. 

Clovelly restaurant for dinner. The menu says doughnuts, but they only made one dry doughnut. Lol. 

Day 5 - Friday 10th June

It was time to leave Warrnambool. When we boarded the train, the staff said the train was fully booked out - not. Not surprisingly, more people caught the train into Melbourne than to Warrnambool. Overall, winter in Warrnambool was uneventful. Due to the sheer amount of rain. So difficult to attend any outdoor activity. Only a handful of people were willing to brave the element and hang together in picturesque locations like us. Hee Hee. We wore gloves every day and a hat to keep ourselves warm. The locals didn’t wear any and were okay with the cold, wet weather. 

May 14, 2022

May 2022

I am finding it super cold lately, when it is not even winter yet. Cobram was a relaxing break from the city. We had two days of warm sunshine. I even wore sandals to the in-land beach and had ice cream. Well, that's until my sister caught something from the coughing a child in the cheese aisle of Woolies and she didn't even eat the food she purchased from Woolies. Why put your self at risk when the food is not your liking. Someone has not thought things out. By mid may my throat was infected too.


Project work humming along. We might lose some facets we have come to know and use frequently. 


Being ill and all, I haven't being sending out gifts, same goes for raiding. It is difficult to concentrate when you are dizzy and sore.


A single dad had messaged me in a dating app, we met up, he seems keen, but then he said sore throat, cold sores, and hives are high maintenance. He was not impressed that I got a sore throat right after our date zero. Everyday he reminds me how I am squandering his time by being sick. The nagger continues. He constantly asks me what kind of Chinese am I? I have repeatedly told him I am NOT from mainland China. Someone has a fish brain. I asked what kind of relationship are you seeking? He refuses to say it over text. Hmm. It seems someone has ulterior motives. END of the line, mate.

Cobram diary 2022

Day 1 - 02/05/2022

There were no trains to Shepparton or Seymour until 9th May. Only coach buses available. The first bus was half hour late. Then the connecting bus was 1 hour late. There were no Myki machine at the Cobram coach bus stop, so we should have tapped off at Seymour train station. Which no one had told us about it.

Gosh. We arrived in Cobram pretty late. However, we did manage to check-in before the reception closed office at 9pm. For dinner we had pizza - Aussie and BBQ meat lover. The town was quiet. They had a Woolies and K-Hub nearby.

Day 2 - 03/05/2022

The Big Strawberry had plenty of delicious offering and the building has an interesting background to it. It used to be a school. Now it is a strawberry farm and has a walking track with native trees. We saw roo poo but no roo. The big strawberry sculpture was indeed big. Way taller than any of us. The macron on offer has strawberry jam in it. The strawberry ice cream was fresh and the seeds gave it a crunchy texture. The weather was sunny as can be.

When we were back in town we walked to the Kennedy park Thompson beach from the town centre. To get to the beach you had to walk through some bush land first. There was a direct path but it was reserved for vehicles. The cafe was closed on Tuesday. Oh well. No juice for top up. The water was cool and swallow. We saw the paddle boat docked to the side. If it was in operation it would have taken us down the river.

Stopped by a cafe for pistachio ice cream and musk sticks flavoured ice cream. Sis and I went to K hub for some light retail therapy. Of course, she found some things she wanted to buy. Haha.

For dinner we went to Cobram Hotel. Jalapeño poppers. Fried southern chicken with slaw and chips.
Salmon fillet salad and salsa. Sticky date pudding.

Day 3 - 04/05/2022

We caught a taxi down to the Cactus country. For lunch we had small bowl of nachos with two sides: beef and chicken. Yummo. Then cactus cake and cactus ice cream. There was a cactus cider but I didn’t buy it.

The dining hall was deck out pretty well with plants, paintings, and sculptures. Each trail had a theme and different species of succulent. Some did look like coral and brains. Some bear fruit and flowers with spikes. Yikes. A few chairs were plonked amongst the cactus for those chasing scenic photograph. There was a dome on a hill, which gives you a panorama view of the whole place. Some of the cactus were taller than me.

Back in town, we stopped by the Art Villa to look at kitchen ware and some souvenirs. It was a mix general shop. There you can buy parts for your bike. After that we went for walk along Punt road and brought some bun toys to sport BCNA and a honeydew grass jelly bubble milk tea. Pretty decent and smooth tasting bubble milk tea. Run by Thai owners. Also, we purchased paper tickets to get back to Melbourne. They don't use Myki up here.

Dinner at Barooga hotel. We made it to Barooga hotel the help of a courtesy free shuttle bus.
We had vegetable spring rolls. Firey meatball parma. Marble chocolate cake. The kitchen closes at 8pm. We and another group of people were the last to leave. The driver drove us all home. The roads doesn’t have street light and high beam was a necessary out here.

The signal went out while we were watching The Osiris child on TV.  The story had a great deal of flash back and forth. Something about human made mutants taking over cities.

Day 4 - 05/05/2022

We went back to Barooga hotel for lunch. We ate the lunch specials - cottage pie and fajita chicken salad.
After lunch we walked to the Sporties mini golf. There were two flags in each course. Sis and I were able to do three eagles each but we didn’t film it. On course 1 when aiming for the blue flag your ball could fall into the creek right off the tee. Lol.

The place has a bistro and informative staff on hand at the shop to help you with golf needs. There was a senior golf competition going on at the time. The lounge was a buzz with people filling out the tally sheet on the whiteboard.

On our way to the botanic gardens we consumed a rainbow paddle pop and Milo ice cream in a cup. Botanical gardens. There were a few interesting sculptures here. The autumn coloured leaves were pretty. Sis and I posed in front of them while the last sun shine down on us. It was very easy to cross the border here. Cobram in VIC and Barooga in NSW. Only the river kept them apart. The land had similar qualities.

We watched the Sicilian Ghost Story on TV. Very well made. What a sad tale.

Day 5 - 06/05/2022

We did our last packing up. Ducked out for fresh toastie and proceed to check out. It took 3 bus transfers to get back to Melbourne.

April 09, 2022

APRIL 2022

Autumn is phonemail warm this year. 


Training a lot this month.

I have been invited to participate in a big project, we are changing our library management system over to a new one, but I cannot spill the details. Quite a major shift alright. Happy to test every aspect of the system. What an exciting time to be alive.


No hundo legendary to date. Not much luck in finding the hundo of the newer pokemon. The drive has been impacted by the sadness emitting from bad dates.


Anytime someone brushes me away x3 times I feel unhappy and I feel like giving up on them. In the end, I have to cease communication, as my efforts are really going to waste.

I was a spirited individual before going on dating apps. I have dated three individuals since 2020 and I had to end them all, as they started to display a great deal of disinterest in me and going out together. I won’t pause, however, I won’t let people pressure me into being someone else I’m not - a door mat.

Travelling interstate and overseas had really open me up to new cultural practices and has kept me feeling positive about myself for a decade. I’m going to keep rolling on.

March 08, 2022

March 2022

After two years of learning about pronoun with my work stream, I learned about what indirect discrimination felt like, and yes, it hurts. It makes you feel insignificant and not acknowledged in your place of work. However, there is no teaching tool put into place at schools or workplace. How will people improve their use of language around pronoun.


Projects on the roll.


I was able to score 3/6 hundo of the new generation pokemon. The raid bosses during this event are not inspiring and most of the time there was no lobby. Odd, Niantic would drop in new task half way through the event and make it impossible to complete it. Why? Why?


The person started to question my dress sense and made superficial excuses to avoid going out together.
The person is NOT much of a spouse material. Oh dear. The road trip that ended the short dating relationship. He refused to turn on the A/C in the 29 degrees heat. When we got there, he did not want eat-drink-take pics or listen to music. He gave me a bro hug, where he smashed into my dangling earring, and the earring stabbed my flesh. Ugh. What's going on? Upon return and dinner at Preston, he said he was too tired to spend anymore time with me. By Sunday, Monday, Thursday, and the following weekend he said he has developed an indefinite tiredness and cannot see me, but he was NOT tired to go to work. You know what that means. Bye bye.


February 08, 2022

February 2022

My sister and I went to Torquay to go on ride of a life time. We went for a coastal flight on a Tiger Moth plane. They offered to do 3 aero-acrobats. Whoa. It was an exhilarating experience. You can feel the G-force on you. Very impressive. Patrick was an amazing pilot. I felt safe even though a few times I felt like I was lifted off  my seat. Haha. What a staycation. The ocean beach had several levels of intensity. The Cosy beach was calmer and had lighter waves. While Jan Juc was mild and strong waves. One can image how wicked Bells Beach's waves would be - ideal for a surfer.

Rant of the month

Mom threw out the range hood filters because she does not know how to clean them in 1999. Now whenever she fry up food, the walls and doors get greasy. Mom complains no one help clean the wall. Standing back a far this is self inflicted stuff. Mental really. I used sugar scrub to clean the walls. She called it cancerous stuff. Since the house is 24/7 greasy, I am the only one doing the scrubbing, and I am the only who has a job. It is just too much upkeep for me. I have been seeking someone to help replace the range hood, but several companies told me the job was too small to profit from, and some don’t even fix range hood. Now I finally found one who is willing and I needed someone at home be present to get the quote for me while I’m at work. Both mom and bro protested and yelling nothing is broken. Mom face palms and insist can you cancel it. Bro goes he was never consulted about the issue. Sigh. 23 years is long enough. How much longer should I wait for the range hood to be replaced? How much longer should I scrub the walls on my days off. I’m learning these people love living in grease.


I'm working on blog and was assigned to two new projects.


I have most of the hundo I need. Now is just a matter of candy and XL candy at that for all GBl pvp meta relevant pokemon. Just in case I get a rank 1, I want to be able to max it out for future battles.


We are working to find a middle ground to meet each other's work roster and have dinner together. 

January 01, 2022

January 2022

Spring clean has been long overdue around my desk at home. I have cleaned out a great deal of junk and unwanted goods. I hope the charity receiving can make some money from them. Five long years of stack up stuff. Banished. Clean desk once more for a clean start ahead.

Due to the new isolation practices, many more staff had to call in sick, while waiting for test results. Unfortunately, the RAT test package was sold out at the supermarket. Every business was short of staff. Some had to close because of it. Also, they experienced lower patronage attendance than usual. Since the Omicron variant was running rampant.

The tasks are bit boring this month. The game gave us heaps of walking task when the sun is beating down on you is just wrong. A few players got sun burnt as a result. Meanwhile in the USA it is snowing. So what gives? Why set such improbable tasks. 


I have updated my profile to state what I hope to see from people. Activity and gesture wise anyway.  Also, I hope my zits dial down before I get back on the market. Hee hee. 

Someone actually is keen to date me. We are onto our 3rd date and we are starting to discuss what we value from a romantic relationship at our age. 

I asked the tough questions such as if I had menopause would you leave me for a younger woman? From what I see from other people's experiences, most men cower and run away when a woman shows the slightest of negative emotion during their middle age. and that why some people break up. Meanwhile, some middle age females have no choice but to find a more understanding partner who can entertain them.