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January 01, 2022

January 2022

Spring clean has been long overdue around my desk at home. I have cleaned out a great deal of junk and unwanted goods. I hope the charity receiving can make some money from them. Five long years of stack up stuff. Banished. Clean desk once more for a clean start ahead.

Due to the new isolation practices, many more staff had to call in sick, while waiting for test results. Unfortunately, the RAT test package was sold out at the supermarket. Every business was short of staff. Some had to close because of it. Also, they experienced lower patronage attendance than usual. Since the Omicron variant was running rampant.

The tasks are bit boring this month. The game gave us heaps of walking task when the sun is beating down on you is just wrong. A few players got sun burnt as a result. Meanwhile in the USA it is snowing. So what gives? Why set such improbable tasks. 


I have updated my profile to state what I hope to see from people. Activity and gesture wise anyway.  Also, I hope my zits dial down before I get back on the market. Hee hee. 

Someone actually is keen to date me. We are onto our 3rd date and we are starting to discuss what we value from a romantic relationship at our age. 

I asked the tough questions such as if I had menopause would you leave me for a younger woman? From what I see from other people's experiences, most men cower and run away when a woman shows the slightest of negative emotion during their middle age. and that why some people break up. Meanwhile, some middle age females have no choice but to find a more understanding partner who can entertain them.

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