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August 02, 2022

August 2022

The winds are icy cold this month. The sun is shining but the wind remains cold like last month.

We have completed another saga. Not without putting a big fight. Mom argued we were stealing her thunder from her, when we asked a trades person to help install a slab in the corner of our backyard. However, what she did not know or acknowledge is the fact, that we are beyond seeking a quote at this point. The trades person has already ordered materials and booked a small cement truck for TODAY (02/08/2022) and was arriving within 30 mins. There was no way I was going to cancel on my friend's wife's friend like that. It would be VERY disrespectful.  

Mom have always bragged she has a set of helpful friends. Who has never once showed up to help dad repair the old house. Meanwhile, Bro told me when he and mom went looking for the friend who does plumbing works disappeared without a trace. The person who came to answered the front door said the previous owner has moved away with no contact details. And when they went to looking for a friend who was a roof tiler, the person never returned her calls or replied to their paper message left in the mailbox. I wonder why...

We all have different kinds of friends, but not everyone wants to help out in repairing a house, let alone install a slab. We cannot be judgemental in such circumstances. These people so called friends have every right to refuse and ignore us. However, when someone was willing and is kind enough to assist us in achieving our dream, why shoo them away? Why indeed.

To be honest, I don't know if my heart can withstand another anaphylactic shock. Each day involves taking precautionary steps to avoid triggers: stress and allergies. I try to walk enough steps to keep my heart healthy. So far, my average is 10,000 steps a day. Probably, should get a watch to monitor my blood pressure. Hmm...


The two big projects are now live. The in-person tours have started for tour if the reading room. The new system will go live PUBLICLY in two weeks time. What an exciting time. Meanwhile, mom tries to throw tantrum at home.


No hundo from the Hisuian event. Oh wells, You cannot always win them all. I did get the chance to have dinner with a few mates and walk with my friends. It is always refreshing to catch up with people you haven't seen in a while.


Just chatting with a few guys online. Many of them were not charming, chatty, witty, or curious. Quite insipid to be frank. It is just I, who do the asking of questions and bringing up topics. You getting pretty bored and tired by the third day. Also, these guys do not reply back for hours and some even days. Thank god the chat in some of the dating apps have a time limit and expires on its own. No awkward un-matching needed. Yay!

Companionship is what I desire more than anything else. I find most men use sex to measure a person’s worth and I find that is no good for long term relationship. They only stay at home and do nothing else for weeks on end. Dull. Pretty much a waste of my time.

Several fake accounts asks how’s your weekend on a Friday, that just not right. Same when they ask you, how’s your week going on a Monday. Umm. Something is fishy.

There was a guy who refuses to ask questions or share their day with me, dared to accuse of me being busy and that they didn’t want to disturb me yet wants to hook up. F- off.  


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