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September 18, 2022

September 2022

It seems every time I take my family members to the malls, they would say the stores are out to make a profit off them. They feel every shop and cafe is out there to make a living off them. I'm like, that is what businesses do for a living. I have lost interest in educating them and simply go "uh huh". The weird part is that they do not buy a thing from these shops anyway. Odd.

Spring felt more like an extended winter. 


It is soon to become business as usual after the new LMS was launched. I have put my hand up to do more testing in the future.


I learned with my allergy, I cannot eat and then do strenuous exercise afterwards. This means I gotta learn to eat after I've done some exercise.


Nothing worth reporting. Well,  besides people who only want to date and nothing serious keep messaging you, because the dating app keeps flashing you are online when you are clearly not. And I did state I am after a serious committed relationship. These dumb fucks are an annoying waste of my time. I just don't reply just to save myself some headache. 

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