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April 19, 2009

April 2009

To reduce inflammation and break out on my skin, not only should I eat less chocolate, I should have less stress. March bleeding into April I was faced with shower stall in need of repair, leaky roof, and internet plans no cheaper than $40 for 5GB. These are sublime even trifling but it seems the body takes it in and turn it into evil cells. To do list: lighten my load of responsibility or thoughts about it anyway.

It was gr8 meeting up with ex-civica gang. Wow. Never two years would be such a huge gap. There were lots of laugh and many of us moved onto professional roles than we had in year 2007. All of us matured just that more. Or could that be because of we aged that much more. LOL. Oh, can't wait for next one.

Occasionally I get this ringing noise in my ear. The doctor says it noise from within which needs to escape by holding breath and gentle blow. It occurs when I have too much energy and can't sleep early. However, this has never been case in previous years. Possibly it is tinnuitus. Mysterious. On another point, Ashton Kustcher was the 1st person to have 1 million followers and beating CNN in the twitter race. 17/4/2009.

Flocked to HIA Home Show and saw some many big ticket products for the home, many were not innovation but to decorate more or less. Very little on repair and maintenance existing home. Some what disappointed. After having spoken to an expert in kitchen and bathroom dept, it seems my creaky floor is due loose corroded nail which requires uprooting the existing tiles. Yet after showing my photos of the shower stall and tile damade it is estimated my floor board has water damage and need to re-do the whole bathroom. Um. However, it is advised I should not try to repair it now, as it is pointless beautify 1 room and not fix the rest of the house. Huh? Now confused by the expert's opinion. It was a good experience to go to HIA Home Show but reality requires a real trades person to solve it. Sales people don't quite cut it.

I have managed to finish reading 'the curious case of Benjamin Button' by Francis Scott Fitzgerald. The story telling style was beautifully crafted and smoothing handling in expressing family frustration. The story reminds us how prejudice we are, how stereotype focus we can be,
and as a society we weave false stories about people we do not know intimately. It is also demonstrate that an individual can overcome image and achieve one goals which can be fleeting at times. Sad that the main character Benjamin no longer find his wife attractive due to her aging face. Still this book is a page turner alright. I had used 'Stanza' app to read this ebook. I have say turning pages back and forth was very natural and easy on this app. It does bookmark the page you last read or used the app. I have not tried enlarge text on the pages or tried audio books lately. This is a great app to have on iPhone.

22/4/09 Flu vacc. injection. How unlucky 24/4/09 Runny nose plagues me this month. I hate hayfever so much! I am so low on energy.

FYI: Shower in need of repair. Shower stall, slide door, 2 side panel, rest is tiled. looking for three full panel. 81cm D x 78.5cm W x 188H. These are the two I wanted to call up but my family is against the repair, saying it is fine and unnecessary to fix it. Despite water damage potential occurring. [1] Calder shower scrns, $350.00 installed - 740x820 SS, 56 Halsey Rd, Airport West VIC 3042. (03) 9335 5479. [2] Hawthorn shower scrns, 41-43 Church st, Hawthorn VIC 3122. (03) 9853 0053. [3] Doust plumbing (VIC) - never drip again washers.

FYI: Digital camera. ISO 400 best. QVGA@30fps or less for better video recording. 8MP.

AD HOC: Filmed watched: Confession of a shopaholic, Watchmen, Inkheart.

-------------------------Twitter Posts-------------------------------------------------

  1. My ear muscle no longer cramping yet the ringing noise continues. no help from stupid Bargate Ltd servers I hope u die & go to hell.
  2. @vezzah aren't ya out drinking 2nite? lol. Thursday are better than crowded Fridays.
  3. Pissed off at mobile spam. Can someone plz destroy Bargate Ltd's servers? Hack it to pieces perhaps for world peace? >_<
  4. Air balloon flying very low over shops and park, eh?
  5. @DHughesy Congrats mate.
  6. @pogue I feel sorry 4 ppl who dislike tweets abt food. Check this: RT Free oats sample in magazine. (via @Rove1974)
  7. Meeting which started 9am (not incl. 8am's meeting) concluded at 4:30pm. Butt sore. Yet topic at hand shows gr8 potential 4 my team.#fb
  8. Early meeting today 8am. Yawn. Doing my best to stay alert and focus. Oh yeah. Boo yah.
  9. @sngo1982 Pink is on Twitter. @aleciabethmoore (via @PerezHilton)
  10. Didn't wash soap in my eye 2nite. Ha.
  11. Still coughing. Cold weather has slashed my energy levels. Is any1 feeling the same? #fb
  12. Brrr. Cold. I see the sun. I wonder if sun shines warmth 2day, as I've had days wer sun is out, air is frost. ah choo.
  13. Soaps in ur eye = pink eye. Ouch. Don't was ur face & think too hard. A bad combination & doesn't save time.
  14. Home sweet home. Tip: a laptop can kill ya. See: Http://
  15. Feel ok yet still have a build up of mucus. Our hot water unit is back on says mom (fr home). I'm on tea break at work. Ta.
  16. @rove1974 FYI: live broadcast of your show tend to blackout multiple times thru out the evening tonight. Melb viewer.
  17. Watchn Ch10 reality tv shows: 'biggest loser' & now 'u think u can dance' wif my family. Still got mucus in my throat. #fb
  18. Experiencing ringing noise in my ear or is it in my head. Http:// The site says it's tinnitus. ugh.#fb
  19. r.i.p. bea arthur. u & golden girls brought us so much laughter all these yrs. definitely we'll miss u. farewell to yet another star.
  20. おは. お早うございます. Does anyone who spks and writes Japanese wanna be my pen pal via email/facebook? /--/
  21. Bro is upset about XP PC rejecting his game DVD. Hey, even a PC can be moody too. Born in 2002, old dog can't learn new tricks.
  22. Channel 9 showed a sml section of 'Kungfu Panda' & not full movie. Um. I wonder of any kids were disappointed as I was?
  23. Hello my new followers. I hope ya having better #follow Friday than I. 通報をたのしみにしています。
  24. Finished writing up keywords about Japanese grammar basics on my blog. Ready to see if I can formulate my own sentences. Ha.#fb
  25. A silence of peace in rememberance. Happy Anzac day.
  26. I still have my #Geocities website & I redirected traffic to my blog. Oh well, time to migrate else where. Nice knowing ya, Geo. Mwah.
  27. My throat is coughing up phelm. A yucky feeling indeed. #fb
  28. My throat is no better. Very coarse. Runny nose down to a few drip. Hanged wif ma & pa today at home.
  29. Rolling in my sleep. Constantly sneezing. This hayfever has really got a hold over me. ugh. T_T #fb
  30. Feeling dizzy. unable to shake off this runny nose & fever.
  31. @maxcelcat sequence is call Telstra give ur imei, Telstra send info to Apple, 10 days l8r ur fone unlocked. U can now insert any sim.
  32. So true! RT @maxcelcat This could exp a lot: RT @774melbourne: ABS says Melb grew by 75K ppl last financial year.
  33. Seriously it is hard work to deflect negative energy from my family everday. So tiring.#fb
  34. Eating banana. Sad to see ppl still bully. Human like repeat wrong doing way too then to make a difference.
  35. Crust keep building up in my eyes. Watery eyes doesn't help.#fb
  36. Tending to my desk shift. I need stronger arms. #fb
  37. Like blogs, social ntw has it pros & cons. How you use it that matters. If it dents ur moral then u neva had much of a back bone anyway.
  38. Had a flu injection. Attended a desk shift. Had a nap. Had dinner. reading up on stuff.#fb
  39. Not fan of beauty pageant but isn't #Miss USA suppose to represent the whole country & not ur family? Hence family prejudice views.
  40. @perezhilton ppl r weak 2 hate on their own due to political correctness, so they use god to hate ppl. Deflective shield. Indeed cowards.
  41. Cosy on da couch. Winding down for the day.
  42. Government tax rain on property as unregulated water mgt fee. Http://
  43. @maxcelcat um for better results link #twitterdating to#followfriday. For efficiency u provide username of the lady ur promoting :D
  44. Just had my flu vaccination this arvo. Ha Ha. hate it when some site try to dictate wot u like, when u don't. Eg. "We are Hunted"
  45. G'morn. Got a new universal laptop ac/dc adaptor & why must they be expensive? $129. I wish pwr came via mini USB ac/dc adaptor instead..
  46. Nufn like apps to cheer ya up. Lovin' Hero of Sparta. Just gone beyond lvl 1 not that I spend enuf time playing iphone games.#fb
  47. I find it odd MX'd dedicated a column to celeb twitter msgs. Um. Defeats the pt of twitter, nah? is this wot old medium reduce to?
  48. Gearing for a cold wet day.
  49. Inkheart the movie. Loved the story idea altho' plot was not that strong but it's leafy green locations visually wins u over.
  50. Doing a mad to get from one suburb to another for cheap laptop ac/dc adaptor and movie tickets. Ugh. Wish me luck it is already arvo
  51. Is an interior decorator qualified to give expert advice on problems a tiler/plumber/builder usually fixed? #fb
  52. "HI" to @countingThe8 @zenmarketing @fitzroychedda@zorroTango @DHughesy @mitchellwiggs @fenweihen @bender@maxcelcat @vezzah @sngo1982
  53. I'm roaming about in Melb's HIA Home show 2009. Lots if cool innovation. Many opions to consider.
  54. ppl need to be brave & face the world of house repair. it is our duty as home dwellers to care for the roof above our head.#fb
  55. @aplusk heard the news CoNgRaTuLaTiOn dude! woot!
  56. inflammed & swollen tonsil can give u fever & dizzy spells. #fb
  57. it'd be interesting. fol by twitpics of his daily getups? RT Probably time I just started a twitter account for my cat :-) (via @maxcelcat)
  58. oh, I luv to get 1 of those starlight foundation star keyrings, esp multi glitter clear 1 or pink 1. can't wait.
  59. amazing ppl need to fake tweets, if only they were witty n' entertaining. tsk tsk.
  60. got the cold, runni nose; so not cool. #fb
  61. The first "product" the Octo-Mom is gonna come out with after getting her name trademarked is Baby Formula from China. (via @perezhilton)
  62. which is better "Discover" or "Air Sharing" app? I like reading PDF & UTF8 kind if file on fone. #fb
  63. tho' we aren't keen to reinvent the wheel, it doesn't hurt to evaluate & be innovative.#fb
  64. morale comes from many angles, ur family & frens, owning a pet, religion, books, articles, and most of all, life experience.
  65. Place ur 2 cents on Swanston Street here b4 8th May 2009
  66. windy today, gale winds
  67. 17 again! School Rumble! oh yeah! visual entertainment is a nice way to wind down the day.
  68. Sometimes u can't resist hot fried thick chips. I wish movies tickets could go down to $5, like good old days.
  69. finally got my laptop wifi to work wif my 2nd modem. sigh of relief. sure, it is old but it still got some life in it.
  70. power outage is over. Internet was down for half a hour. man, even for mobile 3G.
  71. #Preston - #Coburg - #Pascole Vale - #Brunswick is experiencing Black Out = no electrical power! Candles every1.
  72. @irieboy2 I thought so. Waiting for trades ppl to come out to have a look at it & give me a quote, which I'm dreading...
  73. @maxcelcat check out Cutest experiment ever: NYU robot relies on the kindness of strangers...! (via @Pogue)
  74. couldn't u cut them in half? & make a self portrait collage? RT "Found some old sticker photos! Binned them :-) (via @maxcelcat)"
  75. telstra's call mum promotion in the sky, well, part of it anyway. ha ha
  76. 7:37am was bright as summer morn but we had jux chg back 1 hr & rmv'd daylight saving. another ruined sleep-in. sigh.
  77. Ever tried having ur Sims lie on da gnd cuddling nix 2 waiter station? lol. Here's da pic.
  78. she is cute even if she's lazy
  79. on windy day these eyes on tge building move. scary.
  80. @maxcelcat I too have companies/online follow me on twitter. hee hee. will I be getting spam shortly.
  81. watching 'pink pather' on tv. funny here & there. Clive Owen is the hunk in this one. drool.
  82. what does it mean if ur bath rm flr boards begin to creak? um, scared to know the truth.
  83. is it bcuz there's a telethon on tv, therefore nufn else good should on tv? ic a pattern yet 2 've this conspiracy confirmed.
  84. using 'fring' while holding my breath that 1 day 'trillian' would get it's act 2gether 1 day. sigh. #fb
  85. now that I'm awake. too bad #Trillian apps is not on #Iphone. I luv using it, it hold multiple IM a/c. sigh. #fb
  86. tried to sleep in but was interrupted by someone asking if I wanted shout them to lunch...not when I'm in middle of a beauty sleep
  87. i'm liking the anime 'the girl who leap through time' & happy Easter y'all
  88. @Rove1974 advise her a good posture, change of clothing, crack wise joke/witty statements at dead air mo, 1 dance segment like Hugh. lol
  89. eating lunch at BreadTop's comfy chairs...ah
  90. RT @perezhilton: Fill In The Blank: A Twittertini is made of 'blueberry pulp with blue cucao liquer and sapphire alcohol from India'
  91. @maxcelcat depends if u purchased one wif speed action. LOL. there are fast drying in 60 secs by Rimmel
  92. @perezhilton Macaulay Culkin looks taller in the pics from that url. hee hee.
  93. @DHughesy nvr knew twitter can go quiet on u. lol. it is always a bee hive here. throw out more topics, perhaps?
  94. HATE those #premium ph no. companies who somehow get your#mobile ph no. & charge U w/out ur consent. eg. #Bargate
  95. #NBN gr8 hope! hooray! perhaps #wi-max next? giggles. #solarcrystal pwr chargers? evil grin.
  96. I like voip but I'm not a reg user. probably bcuz I'm not online often. I luv skype icons tho'. 可愛いですね.
  97. is property value inflated by people than the quality of the building? um.
  98. I wish there was an easier way to repair parts of our house. Too bad I don't have skills in roof repair. sigh.
  99. Finished part 1 of sentences that I want to memorise in Japanese.
  100. perhaps there should be a client which shows microblogging fr all ur social sites, like trillian/IM+ is to IRC a/c
  101. @dhughesy this morning 8:35am my iPhone automatically changed the clock backwards 1 hour. so there's your answer.
  102. #voicemail is not dead, still good. Gr8 4 contacting work & trades ppl. But #sms is cheaper & straight 2 da pt in 1 shot.
  103. #Easter is the best, long weekend, cute window decorations, and best of all #chocolates as gift.
  104. those who r unemployed should try making #apps for #handhelddevices, lots of $$$, fr #Nokia, #Apple, #Google, #RIM, #WindowsMobile
  105. need to sleep but both sides of my hse my neighbours are chatting very LOUD at 1:35am
  106. @DHughesy my iphone says 1:30am therefore daylight savings hasn't automatically kicked in. don't recall seeing it in clock setting
  107. Anna Faris as Sam was the fun part in "Just Friends". She gr8 in comedies.
  108. Got the cold. Luv Melbourne's weather surprises, not. Watching movie "#Just friends" on TV with a headache.
  109. @maxcelcat perhaps Rob thought it would rain that nite. ha. yet it was today not yesterday.
  110. @maxcelcat Does Robert show up to drinks? Tejas don't drink so it is understandable.
  111. @arjbarker it seems Thursday is a drinky nite without glassing, so u should 've a gr8 turn out in audiences. :)
  112. 40mins since I left The Workspace bar. Wishing my ex-civica mates still there -drinks up & cheers.
  113. people #smile, you #smile. don't ya find it infectious like #yawns?
  114. If u had been ripped off by a telco or those free SMS companies make a complaint at