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March 18, 2021

March 2021

Autumn has sure come fast. Time for staycation! I am off to Ballarat for the first time in my life. Hooray! What an adventure. I could not choose a better time to visit the city. As there is a Begona festival on. Talk about good timing.


I still have a long way to finding reference websites with art information. Such as the last price of a piece of art. A few of my colleague challenge me to find resources for them. I gladly accepted it and I hope to hone this set of skills soon enough. Proving to be challenging, as art can be sold privately. Ouch.


I have reached level 50. However, I feel a bit inadequate in using my time effectively. I will set my next goal is to catch more than 200 pokemon per hour.


I had four potential candidates at the start of February, but at the end of the month, none of them has asked me out on a date. They kept twiddling their thumbs by never saying hello or ask me personal questions. They just request we move the conversation from the prying eyes of the dating app platform to WhatsApp - only to do nothing. Four weeks of nothing. No conversation whatsoever! Whenever I had asked a question or made suggested an activity they guys would shut down the conversation. Bewildering. Some would even get darkly when I asked why. Spaz. So, I deleted them all.

I need to learn to do the following at a much quicker pace:
  • drop guys that ghost me.
  • drop guys who show no interest in me as a person.
  • drop guys who persist on Netflix date for date zero.
  • drop guys who refuse to meet in a public place for date zero.

Overall, I learned in all areas of life you can apply the scaffolding method for developing skills.

Just as I ditched two guys, another guy messages me from CMB, and we started to talk about food and day trips. Next thing you know we went on dates, hung around beaches and botanical gardens, and talking about going steady. This one is serious about forming a relationship. It is quite a refreshing change alright. 


Near the visitor information centre was an old organ and it plays music every hour. How rad.

The Sovereign Hill (living museum) was very interactive and informative. We learned to make ropes. Look for gold. Feel the intense heat from melting gold demonstration and touching the gold block after it was cooled down. What an experience. We hung around noon to watch a short parade and salute shoot. 

The begonia festival was placid but interesting, as we have never seen such flowers before. There were so many types ad shades. It was gorgeous. We were lucky to blessed with such warm weather.

The animal sanctuary was fun. We got to pat numerous kangaroos without a time limit. I highly recommend it.  

Ballarat has an old town section and a newer town section followed by a shopping centre past the botanic garden. Quite a big suburb. Lots of wide streets. Not a whole lot of ice cream shops to choose from but a fair few bakeries you can check out. The main attractions were in a walking distance for us.

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