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May 06, 2020

May 2020

Cabin fever anyone?

Working from home has become my new norm. Most mornings the draft wafts in through the house and causing me to feel sick, but by the afternoon I am fine. Strange. At the same, it has taken my body a while to get into the routine of waking early again and attend meetings on time. You can get a bit lazy when working in your pyjamas.

Meanwhile, I have been doing an online course on genealogy: researching your family history through University of Strathclyde. I have discovered professional practices in the field of family history research.

It starts with thinking about why records were created and by whom, and who existed depended on time period you are seeking, and what was documented and for how long. After that who does take over the ownership? Lots of questions. However, once you got that thinking style down pat, you perform better when researching records, that may or may not exist. I tend to seeking indexes before going to specialise databases. Not everything is online, but you can access staff and get help from them.

GPS is not about navigation in family history research, instead it stands for Genealogical Proof Standard, and there is a 200 page book on it too. Which I will pouring over it for next few weeks since I have finished the course. The homework were reasonable and the quizzes were good challenges. I feel my foundation knowledge of family research is developing quite nicely now.

Onto leisure, I have ventured out to parks that are new to me, and they are beautiful. Of course, the playground and gym areas have been cordon off. I would visit these parks on weekends and after medical appointments to give myself a bit of green therapy. I would play a round of Pokemon Go.

Many of the players in my community asks, "how can you go outside and not get fined?" Yes, we are advised to only go out under 4 main activities and I do go out on my own to medical appointments, exercise, and supplies (mostly medicine due to recent accidents). Pokemon Go is not my main activity, it is more or less a subsidiary activity that runs parallel to the four main activities. I only go out if I am 100% fit or 90% fit with a stubbed toe/hyper-sensitive teeth. I make sure I have nothing contagious that could harm anyone.

It is interesting to hear people thought the government would fine them for stepping outside of their house just to get to letter box. That is absurd and I don't think we have such a intense surveillance at this point in time. At parks, I see people jog, ride bike, play footy, and have picnics together. Um? No one has gone up to them to give a spot fine. So, ... where did this fear stem from? This is Australia, not Asia or Europe. Every city have different lockdown measures and we need to adhere to them accordingly. There must be a spread of misinformation going on within society. As for I, I only read official documents.

Onto mobile gaming, Niantic has does a splendid job of adding features for Pokemon Go housebound players. Your buddy will now fetch you gifts to give to friends and fetch poke balls on community day. Incense will now last an hour and has increase spawns. Allowing you catch more pokemon while at home. Also, you can remote raid from home, if you reside near gym. However, you will need to coordinate T5 raids as that requires 4 to 5 people at the very least.

When people reach old age they are consumed with regrets. Instead of regret it once, it is habitually becoming a daily occurence for some people. They are so unsatisfied with their current state of affairs. Me? No regrets. I did what I set out to do. It is called achieveable goals. I don’t like chasing unattainable goals. Why do people torture themselves?

The lockdown has made people stir crazy. They break traffic laws, ill mannered, and spreading lots of accusations. No you got the virus, no you got the virus. Ugh. When are self testing kit going to be made available?

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