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July 22, 2023

July 2023

Cold as always. The sun's warmth does come through occasionally. When we had a staff BBQ recently it was really sunny, it made cooking for 45 minutes all the much easier. A few people peaked through to say Hi by the barbie. Which was nice.


I am on three work streams now. A co-lead in one. Hosting meeting in another. Helping to create resources for training in another. All the while doing my core duties. Next month I will have to put much of these work streams projects on pause and work on Family History month.


Not much hundo this month even though I have traded heaps of pokemon with my friends. Also, not much luck in the raids or task either. The game is pretty buggy. Freezes a lot. Pokemon that has been caught remains in the map. Odd.


I keep coming across men who have distance and travel phobia. They keep blaming city folks  and saying things are expensive. Then they say there is nothing to do in their suburb. Sheesh. Talk about sad. No creativity in their bones. These men only watch streaming service and all day too. They call that living it up while envying others. Maybe for people with mobility issues watching stuff on the screen is most ideal way of living. But I am rather fit still, and so prefer to travel instead than to sit in front of the telly all day.

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