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December 24, 2020

December 2020

What did we learn this month?

People are picky and it is their right to choose who they wish to associate with. Then why can't people respect such a simple fact in the player community and online dating pool?

Pokemon Go

At the beginning of the month, I had a player bagger me to come back to their chat group. He messaged me profusely and rang me a few times too, even while I was a resort during my staycation. Pokemon Go app is a game, why must you urgently need to form a group during the lockdown, and especially when it is so close to the end of the year? When people are winding down for the end and started planning events around family members. 

On Saturday after the community day hours had ended, I bid my goodbye to this particular individual as I am off to see another friend, and he threw a tantrum in Southbank. Declaring he feels rejected, ostracized, and discriminated against. I explained there is no such thing taking place, my other friend is just not comfortable with a busking individual singing in her face and she would like to have a personal chat with me alone. In-person, he pretended to accept my statement. When I repeated it in a text message to him, he called "toxic" and talking "shit" for saying, you cannot demand instant friends from just befriending one person in the community of players. 

Online dating

In the world of online dating, I have come to accept that I was never going to fit everyone's version of a dream babe. So, when people stop messaging me back, I am guessing people have found someone else to chat with and therefore I would delete them. Only a handful accepted and respected my choice to not continue with the chat, but some would get grouchy and start blurting mean statements. Whether I reply or not. 

Then there are guys who say they are keen as mustard, schedules a time to meet up, then declines a day before and doesn't re-schedule or promise to schedule until days later. Highly suspicious if you ask me. It seems they were waiting for another chick to say yes, and if she says no, then I am some sort of fall back choice. I have deleted them. If I am not your priority now, then I will never be in the future. 


Cape Schanck is a car-based location. No public transportation nearby. No biking path either. The trails nearby are beautiful. Also, the RACV Cape Schanck  resort was delightful, comfortable, and the staff were professional. I loved the vitality pool. 

Day one

Bro and mom joined us for lunch. We proceeded to drive to the lighthouse but you cannot reach it from the resort. The gates are locked. We drove back to the main street and found another road that leads to the lighthouse. Unfortunately, the place was closed until the 19th December. It rained a fair bit and the wind was fierce. We still went to the look out point. Ahh. The salty air. Whiffing that stuff in. The sun comes out for a moment to caresses you ever so gently and then back to the wind whipping your hair around while you are trying to take a family photograph. 

We then drove to the Cape Schanck board walk. There we walked down to the pebble beach and the sun came out. Boo. No much creatures to be seen, but the waves were wild from the Bass Strait. One beach had jagged rocks and the other pebble beach had smooth rounded rocks. I wonder why. As we walked back the carpark the sky went grey and the wind started blowing fiercely at us. Oof. Was it hard to breathe. Mom had to stop a few times. We acted as shields so she get her breath back. 

We wanted to see the rock pool but there is road to drive it. It was blocked by private property. Bro drove to the entrance to one of the many trail in Mornington Penisula National Park. From there my sister and I went on a trek and a very long one. We could not see the rock pool from this height. Instead we saw kangaroos, fox, and lorikeets. Which was delightful. When we got to the end of the trail there was a sign post stating is another long walk to get to the beach. By then my sister was tired. Surprised bro followed us and ask, so what we find. I said a hill top at the moment, but I believe the rock pool is at the other tail end of the beach. My sister doesn't think so, and requested we go back to the car. Bro was getting tired too and dropped us back the resort, while he drove mom back home.
My sister and I had two pizzas that night. We sussed out the recreation areas of the resort. Tiny but it will suffice.

Day two
The weather was better today. We had a big breakfast and we had to move the spa session one hour later as we had digest our brekkie. The spa was magnificent. My feet and skin enjoyed it very much. It feels like my feet got exfoliated without being scrubbed. I found it to be relaxing. After the spa we took a nap and woke up to a cheese platter lunch. It was delicious. Then I went out to play a round of golf driving range and we played table tennis in the recreation room. For dinner we had the $8 harsh brown which was very shredded and tiny on a decorative gold plate. Ouchie! What an experience. 

Day three

Bro and dad dropped by to take us to Bushranger's Bay to look at the beach and rock pool area. It was pretty steep to go down the stairs to reach the beach. The rock pool had lots of shells everywhere. Not exactly safe to swim it. After the long walk back, we decided to have lunch in Rosebud and ice cream in Sorrento. We went for a short walk at London Bridge. Overall, a nice short get away.



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