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August 03, 2020

August 2020

The climate to date is more or less the same, just with additional movement restrictions, where activities cannot be conducted beyond 5km and a curfew between 8pm-5am. I have informed my friends and family members that Stage 4 lockdown will take effect as of Sunday 2nd August, 6pm. Many didn't take it well. Sad as it is, the reality is the number of new cases are sitting in the 600s and not really going down like the first Stage 3 lockdown. Majority of it stems from Aged care facilities staff, low wage casual staff who come to work unwell, and large social gatherings (e.g. house parties). Apparently, those who were infected and waiting on test results failed to remain home and get well. This lead to more community transmission.


Besides lots of Zoom meetings, the librarians and I have being working on a video series with stories that was once an Ask-a-Librarian inquiry. I am learning to create stories to be shared on YouTube. I have sourced a fair few resources such as sound effect. Adjust the sound to background level was a bit of a learning curve. I did not know iMovie does not have a sound equaliser. 


We all do remote raids these days. The most popular one is Gible T1 raids. I am learning to create multiple lobbies. Where you invite 5 players to the lobby and once they are in, I leave and wait 200 seconds, then create another lobby and invite another 5 players. One gotta skill up during these times and be more resourceful.

Remote raid is not so bad. I learned to created multiple lobbies for people. With the current state of affairs and the rate of egg hatches, one hour is not enough to find your ideal raid boss, let alone defeat it. This is the new norm. 

There needs to be status to give people an indicator you are busy in another raid or catching the raid boss.

I have started to cull the list of players who do not send gifts or send raid invites. Exception of trading is not possible these days due to restriction to movement.

Professional networking

Falling to the wayside. I need to get back on the horse.

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