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March 25, 2020

March 2020 - Corona Virus peak

The accused

Corona virus fear has taken over Victoria. My work place was fearful I have it because my sister and I had came back from Auckland (New Zealand) on the 13th March 2020. Two managers advised that I go self-isolate, otherwise the organisation will be fine and I will be fined for not following the newly issued government mandate. I understand employers have the right to exercise caution, but sending one staff home when several patrons and staff had come back from Europe between December 2019 to March 2020 is a bit rich.

I rang my local doctor, he said do not come in since I was heathy, he recommended I stay away from the work place using statutory declaration form if that makes the employer feel at ease. So, I have decided to take stress leave and I had a Victorian police officer sig off on my statutory declaration form. I also rang the Corona virus hotline and they said I will not be fined, as my return date falls outside of 15th March midnight. So, I am allowed to go wherever I please. Phew.

Note: no employer have no right or clause to force you to see your local doctor for whatever reason.

During my weekend away in Sydney, one of ex-colleague thinks I have corona virus as well. The ex-work colleague thought I was in Tasmania when news broke out state border lock down was coming into place. I said over and over, I was in Sydney for the weekend and not Hobart. Last I checked, Sydney is in New South Wales and not Tasmania.  I have not visited or met up with this ex-work colleague for well over two months now. Fearing for nothing when we don't even catch up is stupid. Hysteria has hit all time high alright.

Reality of an ill prepared society

What most people are unaware of is the lack of border control or temperature checks at airports. My sister and I went through both Australian and New Zealand airports and we could not see any tools used to detect corona virus. There were no officer to screen people disembarking the aircrafts either. Where are the preventative measures?

People who has the corona virus were told to voluntary self-isolate themselves without medicine. Whatthe? Why is there no self-testing kits? No pre-packaged medicine handed to the infected. Just told to practice social distancing! How does that get rid of the virus?

At present, there is still no vaccine, and in the meantime, no one is fighting to get the flu vaccination.

Leisure gone down by the wayside

Hotels, bars, casinos, theatres, cafes, cinemas, gyms, and swimming pools were told to close up shop. This is reduce the spread of corona virus. People are urged to stay home and to work from home. However, many businesses do not have an online presence or produce online wares, so instead they let go hundreds of staff. People were made unemployed within 24 hours. Now many people cannot pay their rent or mortgage. Possibly homeless too. Centrelink is overwhelmed by this point. Also, there is no universal wage in Australia, so many people are stuffed by the government's mandate to close all non-essential businesses.

Game is work in itself

Pokemon Go game world was rocked when the first ever community day was cancelled, as WHO organisation recommended that there be no gathering or events with 500+ people during this pandemic. Then it was down to 100. Now even small gatherings of any sort is not encouraged. Then Ex-raids were cancelled. However, Go Battle League does not have the same feel as raids or community day, that social element. You could not use your free raid pass in Go Battle League. Moreover, players started to run of poke balls from being stuck at home. I was so tired after each day trip while in NZ, that I didn't write any suggestions to Niantic, not until I came back from Sydney that I managed to write up a convincing argument asking for discount priced poke balls and more items to drop from gifts. Phew. Niantic fulfilled my request. I may not be working in my actual job, I am working furiously to get players that support they needed in PoGo.

My friends and family are safe and fine. - - -

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