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November 09, 2019

November 2019

No life is not peachy.

Weather wreaking havoc

With the climate change and all the weather remains in winter mode in Melbourne. I am still wearing my thermals and my umbrella is getting a beating from the rain and wind. Amazingly enough just last month from a random shopping outing I scored a water-proof feather down jacket from Uniqlo. How fitting. However, the air is densely filled with pollen. so, my nose is runny and my eyes are burning. It makes attendance to outdoor events a challenge. I have burnt through several tissue packets. Crazy I tell ya.

A few more months and 2019 comes to end. Work has been a roller coaster ride with emotions strung low and high. Each month a team member of mine leaves, not by choice, but outed, as the new restructure has no role for them. All the newly created roles are for people who "design" stuff at coordinator level. We are now seeing talented staff refusing to come back after leave, many have chosen to resign or retire. Young and old. One shining light, is my new team is very welcoming and happy to accept me into their wing. That is very comforting.

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