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August 04, 2019

August 2019

Life has been bubbling away at such a rapid pace, that I nearly forgot to print out the paper work for my holiday. Luckily, I decided to spare a Sunday morning to sort out the little details. I am smart to have booked everything in advance. Phew. April was the worst and the lowest month for me. Psychologically damaging, but I am slowly healing, and I am ready to embark on more projects. ^_^

PoGo world wise, I find that I am poor at initiating conversation with players, who really don't want to have a conversation in the first place. Yet I'm having a blast with players who do want to chat. So much laughter to be had. A random hottie on a tram asked if he could add me to his PoGo friend list and so I show him how to use QR code camera in the add friend section. He laughed and smiled. Nice.

Recently, I have watched the movie, The Public, and it puts the issue of homeless people and public library on the big screen. A reality for most public libraries. It raised quite a few questions:
Will I lose my job if I was to ask the stinky patron to leave the premise?
What management and board support is being offered to front line staff when dealing such issue?
Will future library design include emergency shelters?
What policies have public libraries have place for dealing with the homeless and mentally challenged individuals?

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