Upon reaching home I and having had dinner. Mom treated my bruises above the hip bone, knees, face, and shoulders. My hands would curly up and shaking. They were in great pain. I felt dizzy and soon tired, and I slept instantly.
The very next day I went to RMH trauma unit to perform a CT scan. The doctor was shocked that I didn't call the ambulance. I said I was not thinking straight. I was in a daze and feeling cold. Apparently, I had no broken bones, the spine was intact, just soft tissue damages at various spots. I have inflamed blood vessels. I was discharged with mild concussion and advised to stay off my feet for 24 hours, to avoid the chance of another fall.
My acupuncturist said he would perform any treatment on me until the inflamed blood vessels have resolved itself. To avoid infection and causing problem for injured area. While my chiropractor found my spine to be off alignment. She stated the injuries were profound for such a fall. I am thankful I alive. But who would ever think, we can die from sports activity.
The first two weeks was painful whenever I change the bandages on my hand. Salt water, saline, alcohol, and spray bandage all burn my open wounds. I decided to buy various band aids to help my wound heal but not stick to the bandaid, and for extra coverage, I used sport tape bandage cover the brown bandaids. It worked a treat and I can put my hands in my jacket pockets once more. Also, I could not hold my chopsticks and wrap my hands around forks or spoons. I felt lost. I need to re-train myself. I still cannot properly open bottle lids with my right hand. I drink from flip lid water bottles. When people try to hand me their photocopy cards, I would somehow drop them.
A challenged indeed.
On top of that I have a root canal treatment done at the same time. Trying not to depend on pain killers. Instead I turn to Pokemon Go app. The ability to have friends and trade pokemon was upon us.
A new challenge indeed.
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I don’t know why every business insists on sending sensitive documents to my home, when my whole letter box was stolen recently. ID my ass. Use the mailing address as directed ppl. #firstworldproblem— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 25 June 2018
Technology is a tool. Our motivation should be on our people. Support sustainable systems and practices. - Katie H@VALAlib 40th #Anniversary— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 21 June 2018
We need to connect with patrons where they are and devices they prefer. - David F @VALAlib 40th #Anniversary— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 21 June 2018
1988 to 2008 saw the growth in digital repository at academic libraries. Which saw collections of research data and new ways to engage with communities. - Tom D@VALAlib 40th #Anniversary— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 21 June 2018
In the library industry the adoption of technology started with “why me” to “me too!!!” attitudes, even in 1988. - Anne B @VALAlib 40th #Anniversary— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 21 June 2018
1984 economics and “information for good” was a topic of its time. A few people could do with a reminder. It is not all about $$$. - Alyson K. @VALAlib 40th #Anniversary— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 21 June 2018
Equity access to information was a contentious topic in 1980 and still the case today. - Alyson K @VALAlib 40th #Anniversary— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 21 June 2018
5 speakers panel time. They will be sharing their stories and anecdotal evidence of @VALAlib history and library technology. 40th #Anniversary pic.twitter.com/Rc90MOQj4e— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 21 June 2018
Attending: @VALAlib Events 2018: AGM & 40th #Anniversary (@ William Angliss Institute Of TAFE in Melbourne, VIC) https://t.co/EXr3fyUTI3 pic.twitter.com/lwea8FVNBV— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 21 June 2018
Dinner with @sngo1982 tomato tartare with taro chips. #nomnomnom #celebrating #winter (@ Transformer in Melbourne, VIC, VIC) https://t.co/CqXhbiTrnV pic.twitter.com/dxemMsfi6Y— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 19 June 2018
Sad that bike riders don’t stop for people boarding and alight a tram. #Melbourne #firstworldproblem— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 17 June 2018
"If we lose the insects, then everything is going to collapse.” https://t.co/3OLgVq9nee— Julian Oliver (@julian0liver) 17 June 2018
Watching: Incredibles 2 [movie] with @sngo1982 #family #superheroes #animation (at @IMAXMelbourne in Melbourne, VIC, VIC) https://t.co/kKYQTtmnXu— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 14 June 2018
Please get on board folks. We had legsl observers there on this night. Share like solidarity means something. https://t.co/9L9pbzhWin— Melb Activist Legal (@ActivistLegal) 12 June 2018
Watching: Ocean’s 8 [movie] with @sngo1982 #fun night out. Using a gift card. (@ Hoyts Lux in Melbourne, VIC) https://t.co/Wr91aMhqzw pic.twitter.com/XXXTLdnmDL— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 13 June 2018
A cool feature that Apple forgot to mention: In iOS 12, you can use your iPhone as a remote microphone, and listen on AirPods. Great for noisy restaurants or lecture halls, or anyone who has trouble hearing! This video shows the idea: https://t.co/EUm9huRE4a— David Pogue (@Pogue) 5 June 2018
— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 8 June 2018
Closing keynote. When blockchain becomes infrastructure instead of innovation, we may see more #GLAMR institutions might consider using it more.#library2018 #LibraryBlockchain #webinar— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 7 June 2018
Oops. I have not being using the listed hash tag for throughout #webinar. #library2018 #LibraryBlockchain 5am. Sigh.— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 7 June 2018
Link recommends setting up account and start experimenting. For novices there is a free book on @github called "Mastering Bitcoin" for beginners at https://t.co/mEiDMZjMjy Note: not PDF and must be viewed in a web browser. #library #Blockchain #webinar— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 7 June 2018
Up next: Strategies for libraries to provide blockchain education, tools, and training [session] #library #Blockchain #webinar— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 7 June 2018
The potential uses of blockchain in #GLAMR industry are forming partnerships, resource sharing (interlibrary loan of ebooks, etc), permalink, and possibly badges in skill training (a way of verifying skill set to peers). #library #Blockchain #webinar— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 7 June 2018
— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 7 June 2018
Tonia shows us there are public, private, and consortium variations of blockchain. #library #Blockchain #webinar pic.twitter.com/yWssWa2Ju7— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 7 June 2018
what do we record for public view and private view, especially a person’s name and adding a co-author at a later date. Then there is compliance, are you allowed to share the information? #library #Blockchain #webinar— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 7 June 2018
— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 7 June 2018
Changed to room: BLOCKCHAIN round table PANEL: Todd, Dan, Tonia, and Michael #library #Blockchain #webinar pic.twitter.com/EV2V9tojBn— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 7 June 2018
Suggestion: Blockchain can be applied to bibliographic data. #library #Blockchain #webinar pic.twitter.com/n0OmYdCO8L— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 7 June 2018
First sale. Copyright. Situation: who owns the ebook? If it had a crypto signature no one else can own it but you. Making it an unique digital good. Thus maintaining your legal right. #library #Blockchain #webinar— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 7 June 2018
Distributed Verification Sovereign Identification (DVSI) = personal ID. A kind of login ID. A person can use the DVSI to interact with any library. e.g. setup a library card. #library #Blockchain #webinar— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 7 June 2018
An automated digital recording of provence. It has the potential to track the movement of file on the Internet. #library #Blockchain #webinar— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 7 June 2018
The systems built on top of blockchain infrastructure would be of interest in #GLAMR industry #library #Blockchain #webinar— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 7 June 2018
“no one can cook the books so to speak”. The key feature of blockchain is the independent verification. #decentralised #library #Blockchain #webinar— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 7 June 2018
Attending: Library 2.018: Blockchain Applied: Impact on the Information Profession [webinar] #library #Blockchain #webinar— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 7 June 2018
Resting my hands from scanning documents by having dinner with @sngo1982 in Chinatown. Bumped into #Rilakkuma #かわいいね #SurfsUp pic.twitter.com/IikuaAuvw4— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 7 June 2018
Did I see that correctly, #Workflow app is now incorporated with Siri and renamed as Shortcut app in iOS12? #WWDC18 cc @WorkflowHQ— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 7 June 2018
Watching: Solo: a Star Wars story [movie] with @sngo1982 #starwars #recruitingpilot time. (at @IMAXMelbourne in Melbourne, VIC, VIC) https://t.co/Plx50X50U5 pic.twitter.com/wvTNzzOLk2— Melly Tango (@melpucca) 5 June 2018
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