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June 04, 2015

June 2015

Very icy cold lately. The wind blows cold air down your backside, if failed to wear a scarf. Study break! Yay! Now doing some preliminary reading for the next semester.

Since late May and the whole of June, I have been writing training materials and running training sessions on iPad, inclusive of a communication app. Of course, it was not solely me, teamed up with two others on the instruction writing section, four others in the training periods. We all took turns, though I admit, I did the lion share, but that's cool. I'm happy to volunteer, as along there were sufficient staff in my department to attend to core duties. What I've found surprising was the learning process that comes with working in a project. You can have little or zero technological skills, but of course, you still need to have the IT dept to do the other half.

No mystery, that formulating the list of user needs and set criteria for assessing the technology tool originate from people who understands and take part in daily operations. The astonishing part is how time can be wasted arguing over what is needed, rather than looking at what is achievable and feasible at present. To propel this project forward, each week I would produce screen shots, draft up preliminary analysis, and possible plan of actions before each meeting So that staff at the meeting can quickly make decisions based on valued added information, and without needing too much background knowledge. Mind you, all the information offered were impartial, no bias here. Lots of tables, maybe, but for the sake of easy comparison. This taught me to adjust my terminology accordingly and offer simpler explanations.

I can safely say, we are finally progressing to the implementation stage, which was where we wanted to be in January 2015, but it was not feasible with holidays and all. Call me eager, but I have even drafted up a questionnaire for the users for evaluation stage of the project.


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