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January 07, 2014

January 2014

It is now mid summer time. Upon arriving back in Australia my body was still suffering chesty cough. The chesty cough originated from the 5th December in Los Angeles when my friend infected me with her cold. She refuses to sleep with the window closed and always complaining of feeling hot - she had fever but was in denial. This continued in Las Vegas and New York. Both friends refused to use the heater and constantly slept with the window open. Also they do not own a winter coat. Failed to see a doctor. Refused to take medication. Refused house keeping from cleaning our room. The constant retching ruined my vacation. I would like to thank all those Chinese medicine doctors in USA for treating me. I couldn't have survive without Chinese medicine peppermint oil, plaster strips, and medicinal soup. By the time I got back to Australia the first local doctor said a new batch of antibiotics will suffice. The second local doctor said it was a bad cold and I would need more rest. The phlegm keep wanting to come out but nothing shows up. What a pain. Thank god, my clean room, healthy family members and work colleagues enabled me to heal within two weeks. By the third week back, I no longer cough badly and I can eat food without fear of coughing it back out. The chest doesn't hurt as much as more. My family and work colleagues are relieved I did not have a ruptured hernia from excessive coughing. Me too.

The team and I are planning a farewell morning for a work colleague. Sad as it is, we are doing our best to cover all grounds to ensure it is smooth sailing for our work colleague and we hope that we have notified everyone.

Chinese New Year celebrations fell on Australia Day in Springvale, so I had the best of both worlds. Fire crackers here and fireworks there. Hee hee. The actual Chinese New Year day was 31st January 2014. It is the year of the horse.

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