Social Networking

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June 04, 2012

June 2012

Making real connections with people takes a great deal of confidence. To test myself, this month I have decided to put my myself out there in the real world by chatting with library staff across the ocean all the way in America. Another test was to met up with people in person within my state and talk about social media. Oddly enough I find the common ground that staff faced was stagnate business models from their work place. This itself ain't grim. Change is not easy or meant to be easy. A challenge alright. To get the ball rolling, one must be willing to be the initiator. There is nothing wrong with that ideology. Yes, it can be frustrating at times. However, people initial resistance is slowly melting away and they are beginning to grasp sharing content and live collaboration. Now the shining light is coming through. I'm blessed to be part of this "social media growth" in Enterprise.

“I’m going to improvise. Listen there’s something you should know about me. About inception. An idea is like a virus. Resiliant. Highly contagious. The smallest seed of an idea can grow. It can grow to define or destroy you." -- Cobb (Inception, 2010)


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