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October 06, 2010

October 2010

Those behind the controls of modern technology or web space are creating headaches. Great start to the month. The thunders and spotty rain was tough on my wardrobe, as it is fighting to decide between putting away winter gear and wear summer fabrics. Mixing layers for now.


Latest Facebook fiasco is to do with their app. Apparently people's mobile phone numbers were appearing in Facebook and search engines because of Facebook app contacts sync feature. If switched on, it gobbles your mobile phone's address book and thrust them online. MacWorld states there is a warning message. Which I never came across while using the app. Whereas blog argues, pfft, people mobile phone numbers are already in public sphere.

Of course, mostly Americans but friends of mine in HK and Malaysia have stated their telephone numbers were in Facebook and the Internet, when they had never entered it online in the first place. Therefore it is a global issue. But why would a normal person care, right? Well, until the law can hold that Facebook user accountable, such action is not criminal. Everyone who is remotely associated with that user will have to endure suffering whenever information meant to be offline ends up online. Also this put silent numbers or internal work numbers in danger. When will Facebook learn to respect data and people's emotions?


Work wise organisation's website was snazzly looking and semi mobile internet friendly. However, a few flaws had let to angry customers. A superseded email was linked to new email address on one of the pages. Another is no clear wording or signage on website for non-affiliated library wanting our services. Well,  I am informed it will be corrected by end of this month for both scenarios. For now, I just apologise and try to appease to the best of my abilities.

Web designers sure forget that users like a few clicks to get to where they want most on a website. No one likes to waffle through aisles and aisles of products (in this case) text t get to a login page. It is even worse on a smart phone, when the website has no equivalent mobile version. Since users do not complain the website remains as it is stalemate. However, we get the brunt of crap as FOH. Enjoy.

Watched: Afterlife (feat. Justin Long) , Easy A (feat. Emma Stone), Resident Evil 4: afterlife, The Loved Ones (feat. Xavier Samuel).


  1. #nowplaying: La Mer by Charles Trénet
  2. Handy & gr8 for extracting elements fr flash too RT @mashable: Adobe Demos Flash-to-HTML5 Conversion Tool [VIDEO] -
  3. Fraud & in store theft deters use RT @mashable: iPhone App Scans Product Barcodes for Self-Checkout at Stores -
  4. Watched: Whip My Hair by Willow Smith on VEVO for iPhone. Aww. Man, she is talented. Luv the dance clapping part.
  5. I'd help out but all I've is enthusiasm and no PhD but a diploma.
  6. More various products. Yay! RT @mashable: Connect Any Wi-Fi Device to Any Other Wi-Fi Device with Wi-Fi Direct -
  7. I❜ve found the bottle of Choya Umeshu plum wine in Dan Murphy alright. Yay! ❤
  8. Testing: Alō's aloe vera mix with pomelo, pink grape fruit, and lemon drink. Not bad actually. ☻
  9. Visted an Apple store today. The new 11" Mac Air looked fine. Very slim & light. The touch pad can perform pinches like iPhone. Fun!
  10. Flash is incapable of working on spotty 3G connection, if it did, it would be widely used on mobiles.
  11. ☹ some ppl U ask them to help out by giving directions but apparently it is too hard. Really? Sheesh. Thx a lot, whimp!
  12. #now playing: 大笨鐘 (Big Ben) by Ivana Wong.Http://
  13. #now playing: 快樂不快樂 by Sammi Cheung. Sad melody matched by a beautiful voice. Ahh...I luv the [Video] tropical backgnd
  14. Dinner: Pizzera at Lil' Bourke. Busy place. Very gourmet pizza. Ranges from $16~$33. It's okay-ish.
  15. Checked out free rock climbing public space in Richmond area. Closed for renovation of Monash West gate?! Dang.
  16. Watched: Resident Evil 4: afterlife [movie] in 3D. ✌Pow Wow. Now where's the multiplayer game of same title, eh? #Wicked
  17. People loitering in rush hour around escalators is a #badcomboand looks like a "final destination" scene waiting to happen.
  18. Cheddar cheese and guacamole equals a #badcombo in your stomach but not in your mouth. lol.
  19. Yeah. Web app shouldn't just be dedicated to 1 kind of handset. It should also work on PC, consoles & TV browsers. RT
  20. Cash register revision time. lol. It has sure been a long time since I last worked with one. Yay! I get to play shop. ⊂((・⊥・))⊃
  21. ☠ Family no longer does dinner. Fridge contains junk. Buy any ingredient & some1 turns in2 their lunch. FYI: eat b4 going home.#F'OCT10
  22. Give UR thoughts on train, tram, bus & taxi or myki on this website. Ongoing survey & open forum. Http://
  23. Like: MS Word ver.2008 font named Neuropol. It looks so futurist & console game like kind of font. Now all my work doco too. *Evil laugh*
  24. Plain consumers might like it too RT @CNETNews: Making sense of Microsoft's subscription Office plan
  25. Paris "Spring" Fashion Week was well covered by [app]. I have been watching the videos. Tom boyish looks & shiny fabrics. Nice.
  26. Now playing: Doodle Jump Halloween version after downloading today's update. Wicked. I've a frankenstein on hand. Ah ha ha.
  27. @eviltofu yes, you can switch off compression but then you have a very large file. Many office emails can't handle over 5MB files.
  28. Did anyone at #laf2010 talk about visa payWave technology or QR codes in mobile handsets to replace photocopying cards in library?
  29. @Kaffles I concur. Doc delivery in libraries need more marketing. The public are missing out on access to many I.L.L resources.#laf2010
  30. @eviltofu it will be a compressed version of multipage TIFF when turned into PDF. Bad on A2 maps with fine lines & varied grey tones.
  31. Fact: ppl prefer PDF over multipage TIFF, but TIFF has higher pixel count, depth, & clarity. While PDF has portability & wide spread use.
  32. Sunny today. Feels like I'm at Hogwarts with this many students outside my work place. Who's enrolling you all, huh? An edu event is on. Oh.
  33. @Hootsuite I luv that I can schedule my tweets, so therefore I want to do the same to my posts for Yammer. #SuggestionHintHint
  34. Aww. That's adorable. Go Android. RT @IntoMobile: Quicky: Androski Android action figures available in Korea
  35. Google plz add confetti in Gmail on my b'day RT Google's special logo
  36. I can't wait to make my own custom SMS ringtones on iOS 4.2. Finally!  ψ(`∇´)ψ *cross my fingers*
  37. 梅酒 Umeshu is delicious. It's body possess similarities with Brown Brother's muscato. '(*゚▽゚*)'
  38. Inotia 2: a wanderer of luone. Can't access save game. This version of the application been detected as unofficial. #WTF
  39. Testing: SnapSolve app. 1 problem. It takes forever to fetch data, eg. local council's email. Not cool 4 on the go.
  40. Testing: Epic Win app. By far most exciting ❛to do list❜ app. ❃ I hope 4 more avatars, like a elf / druid. @epicwinapp
  41. 羅家英[演員]扮得好似Mr Jobs又信得過添. 笑 RT @IntoMobile: Chinese 'Steve Jobs' shows off iPhone app
  42. Vevo app [iPhone] is gr8 for American music scene. Looking for Asian/Europe music videos equivalent app. No luck so far.
  43. Listening: Loca by Shakira ft. Dizzee Rascal
  44. Watched: To wake up by Mariachi band is hilarious. Seth Green's baby ControlTV is fun online. Http:// @YouControlTV
  45. ✎For those who use #Hackacad tag, unfortunately it seems people have found ☛ #HackLibSchool tag to be more appealing. Good ideas people.
  46. We had something that like b4 but #fail RT @IntoMobile: Vodafone releases Chargebox iPhone App [No more dead battery!]
  47. "Group buying" is ok. I prefer "GPS deals" on spot 4 food, drink, items on sale. Hence I ❤ 4SQ. Retailers slow in offering "deals" in both.
  48. @Hootsuite Any plans to add FB notifications into the stream? Will the iPhone app be supporting in the near future? *curious*
  49. Surfing online: medium solar powered electric fans not available in retail stores, unless it is tiny handheld ones. Sigh.
  50. Yeah. I'd like to use TwitPic independent of at times RT HootSuite Update: Tweet and Track Photos and Files.
  51. Anything you say or do online will be used against you (eventually). Reality bites. #omgfact
  52. Watched: Afterlife [rented movie on PS3]. $6.99. Quite the mind trickster yet frustrating to watch too. 48hrs is ok, 72hrs is better. ★★★
  53. Ugh question: why must mochi made from China & Taiwan always include cream? #SoNotKyotoStyle
  54. Aww man, did I laugh hard. Funny ads #WP7 (^人^) RT @mashable: iPhone App Turns Photos into Social Works of Art -
  55. Looks potential RT @mobireview: Engadget have grabbed themselves some one on one time with the new Win Phone 7 devices
  56. Handy app RT @TechCrunch: Google Launches Two New Android Apps To Help The Blind Navigate Around Town by @jasonkincaid
  57. The cupcake family @QV had peanut butter chocolate flavour. It is okay, so so la. Back to Almond Orange. #FourSquareISServerBusy
  58. For every Brazil nut kernel I eat is followed by a uncrystallised ginger. Brazil nut kernel on it's own is bitter. #Whodoesthat
  59. Like: Fujitsu dual-touchscreen concept phone hands-on [video] RT @TechCrunch on CEATEC 2010 In Japan
  60. Watched: Eben Bayer: Are mushrooms the new plastic? [video] [M: oh. I'd like polymer products be made of this type too]
  61. Reading rumours. So the next iPhone (5) will be 4G focused? Gr8. Expectn Gbit/s? Awesome. But LTE is not avail in many countries. Bummer.
  62. Watched: 錢ゲバ [tv series] on weekend. U question where was the health centre or Dept of family services? Society can be cruel to poor ppl. ☠
  63. Gr8 campaign. It's a worthy badge 2 have ppl @mashable: Conan O’Brien Gets His Own Foursquare Badge (and a Blimp) -
  64. Downloaded: Trippo VoiceMagix app. I've found shorter ways of giving answers yet remaining polite. #NoobieOrderFNBinJPY
  65. K@osmos by Grupo Puja! Gr8 ariel stunts in park. ψ(`∇´)ψ
  66. ☢ 1 last thing on FB app fiasco. I H⑧ 2C ppl slug w/ premium txt crgs bcuz idiots sync their mobile ph addy bk 2 Facebook 4 convenient pics.
  67. Pretty but bad layout on website can lead to puzzled customers. Though overwhelmed, we managed to solve misdirected queries. Whew _φ(・_・
  68. Old/Unchecked email = blackholes. Fine unless work related. I warned others. Deaf ears. This week it lead to a frustrated customer. (♯`∧´)
  69. ☛Watched☚ How Mr. Condom made Thailand a better place [video] by Mechai Viravaidya. Http:// [M: awesome community efforts]
  70. Uni of Washington & Uni of Utah library website section tweeted previously [images].
  71. ♬ Listening: 求愛 Shopping Mall / 求愛瞎拼摸 [song] by Jordan Chan 陳小春 #HKRnBClassic #Nowplaying
  72. @mel_pucca fyi. few days now, my FB news feed has ppl posting about their telephone numbers showing up when it was nvr entered in 1st pl. ♠
  73. @macworld Fine. The last tweet was over reaction. I've not come across that warning msg. I don't like phone info be made online w/out a say.
  74. *Drools* at Quick Links icons used in University of Utah library website. Http://
  75. Liking the simple "Ask Us!" found in the top banner of University of Washington library website. Http://
  76. ☠ FB app is now exiled from my iPhone. I H8 unauthorise data mining apps! RT @macworld blog post
  77. @IKEA_Oz_East Thanks. It is good to know IKEA has solar and eco friendly products. I will visit the nearest store & try my luck.
  78. いらいらしそうです -- Tarepanda (sticker) ( ̄(工) ̄)
  79. Plz can I install it on old tv? RT @TechCrunch: Google TV's Minisite Launches, Finally Sheds Some Light...
  80. @support will the Twitter team who took over Tweetie plan to fix app: "Error.The operation couldn't be completed.(kCLErrorDomain error 1)"?
  81. @Duracell_Power Q 4 U: any plans to roll out solar skinned AA batteries w/ mini USB socket 2 power my digital camera?#EcoPortableBattery
  82. Indeed. d(^_^o) RT @ckcoburn: Excellent time waster:
  83. @IKEA_Oz_East will there be any solar outdoor lights this summer? Toys or furniture using wind or solar power?#EcoFurniture
  84. ☠ Yup. My preset alarms now go off 1 hour earlier. RT iOS daylight saving bug ready to strike by MacWorld. (fix in 4.2?)Http://
  85. If Facebook monopolise anymore products, won't some1 take it 2 court to disband them? Allow competition? *coughs*#MicrosoftWindowsMonopoly
  86. Listening: ♬ The only exception by Paramore. ♪ It was used on#GLEE tv show. Way to go Paramore. ☺
  87. Attended: Titanic: the artefact exhibit @MoV Entrance & grand staircase #LostTreasures
  88. Oh Yeah. I can't wait to see it on furniture & accessories RT @newscientist: Charge your phone with a beach towel
  89. Watched: John Werner's Learning out of a box Http://[M: I agree, citizen teachers & fresh curriculum would push student forward]
  90. Watched: Mary Gunn's 1 solution for 2 significant social problems: how bringing older and younger generations together...Http://
  91. Watched: Frank Reynolds' Changing the Face of Neuroscience: Are stem cells really required to heal spinal cord injury?Http://
  92. ψ(`∇´)ψ Sportsgirl photo booth was a reminiscent of 80-90s & nostalgic fun. Luv'd it.
  93. Chilax at General Pants Co. on Bourke. Groovy retail therapy time w/ bathtub & comfy arm chair #FridayNightOut
  94. Testing: Sekai [AR game] camera app. It already look so cute! Gosh.  Http://
  95. Gr8 talk & good pts. ppl do amplify false dilemma alright. ☆〜(ゝ。∂) Web 2.0 Expo NY: Apple and the Open web by J. Gruber.Http://