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March 16, 2010

March 2010

I had managed to get back into the groove, watched a few movies, attended drink meet ups, and going on sweet dates. Really could not ask more out of life.

• Alice in wonderland (quirky and dreamy);
• Greenzone (war is not what it seems);
• Nine (temptation is always around us, but do you know how to enjoy it morally without wasting your youth and time?).

I'M ΔLRΣΔDΨ PLΔΠΠIΠG ҒΩR MΨ ΠΣXT βIG TRIP. Although I feel I should book guided tour packages to save on transport costs in bigger countries and higher currencies. What I don't understand is why my colleagues were fearful of taking up manuscript photocopying orders. In addition, why it takes a professional scanner person two weeks to scan 100 pages? I can scan 500 pages done in 1 day. Weird Wednesday. lol. I boil it down to bad habit or practice either that or it is very discerning and not satisfactory work ethics. Sigh. Hindsight: many documents were not marked up correctly and my team mates were a lost as to what to do besides Mrs. MS but she was absent due to illness. Next time I say knock back requests that cannot be fulfilled, quite frankly.

My sim3 lastest ride on iPhone.

I have been watching this anime title, Time of Eve イヴの時間, funny and insightful in behaviour studies of machine versus human.

Too bad my family doesn't see the need to pay off bills yet they use services like water. They have money but they rather spend on luxury items (accessories, dvd, shoes, perfume, etc etc) and NOT repair the house or pay bills when they are DUE. These are not children okay, 54, 31, & 28. As if bills are new things in their life. Currently the phone and ADSL are directly debited from my account and bloodly hell it is sucking my savings as no one wants to replenish the account. JAN - MAR 2010: $473 home insurance and three months worth of phone bills $254. You can just imagine how much it costs by end of the year $1000! Not including excess call usage. March is full of INjustice.

Comedy festival sure has a line up of talented and not to mention brave people to do stand up comedy. My friend and I attended Mark Trenwith's fun gig. It was hilarious. Reminded of Hamish & Andy stunts. hee hee. I might back for more next year.

*****iPhone Apps used this month*****.
Line2 app sounds exciting and it will bring VOIP into the mainstream market. Once the app is more embraced by telco and mobile operating systems. Although hacker bots already have taken a liking to it, by creating false accounts which overloads the server and just for measure throws in DoS. Aww man. That sucks! Zosh app also experienced that too in the same week. Indeed malicious. I have finished playing Dungeon Hunter iPhone game. It has light comedy, well designed map, beautiful graphics, and bloody good controls. Ahh... what a delightful engaging hero game.

Zenonia2. Only magic item can get refined but by what I have no idea. Also only for things you are not wearing at the moment. Odd. Some areas only opened by story line. No free roaming unless in hell mode (not yet implemented - coming soon). There is a delete option for unwanted scrolls.The dragon boss is hard to defeat as there is little to move and heal but I did manage to defeat it anyway..


    1. Tho' I'm listening my mp3 doesn't mean I can't see a shadow over my shoulder at an ATM mach. ☹ #NotThatDumb
    2. Watching: Cop out (the movie) w/ my family after dinner at Pancake Parlour. Wicked. #MovieTimeOut
    3. Now that's news. Bring it on. Yay! RT 'Alive 4-Ever RETURNS' – An Upcoming Sequel to 'Alive 4-Ever': via @toucharcade
    4. #NowPlaying: Déjà Vu by 張敬軒#musicmonday
    5. @Pogue U did a gr8 job in keeping us informed. There could be conspiracy to the DoS. I'll wait till all is stable b4 trying it too.
    6. Watching: P2P File sharing of music and copyright law: via academic_earth [Insightful vidz & indeed an ongoing debate]
    7. Effective 30sec ad. An amazing fan that's 4 sure RT @mashableFan Made Pre Ad is Better Than Most Official Pre Ads
    8. Watching: School Days スクールデイズ/ 在校時光 anime on#CrunchyRoll. Skol ❤ crush r so fun. Miz that feeln.
    9. #sometimesiwonder if ⓣⓞⓞⓣⓗⓟⓐⓢⓣⓔ dries up pimples. ✎Testing: so far it works on some, the little 1s did dry up though. ❀
    10. Playing: #DungeonHunter [game] on iPhone. Even a rogue thief can use magic (borrowed from fairies), now that's cool. Bring on the expansion.
    11. Wicked. Note: only applies to paid apps RT @mashable You Can Now Gift iPhone Apps
    12. Ever seen a person read newspaper while still walking on a narrow train platform? #Asking4Trouble #Crazies
    13. It is a pain to carry more devices +have recharge another battery too RT @mashable Sprint Makes Your iPhone 4G [VIDEO]
    14. TIP: #DearFutureWife of USA, you can sue the mistress for $10m. "alienation of affection" legal jargon for #adultery. LoL
    15. #thankstwitter4 delivering lots msgs & ppl recommended information. These days I read 3-5 blog posts / news articles per a day ∴ very edu ☮
    16. ☃Loving iPhone's Feathers app. My Tweets & SMS never looked better. In email some show as squares. Mind you it is easily to overcome.❄
    17. Chopstick snap attack. Funny this pic found online a few years back. I think a magazine had published it. LoL.
    18. Finish watching 6 episodes of Time of Eve (イヴの時間) & hunger for more. It rocks! Here is a pic of the characters:
    19. #Skydrive is gr8. Just embedded an image from Skydrive onto a blog post. Will test if it can embed an album & update auto in real time. ☺
    20. it is True RT… don't realize the weaknesses of #FB photo upload - photos not stored at full resolution via @timoreilly
    21. @TheSMESpace thanks for the video but I'm using your iPhone app & testing if things are saved to Skydrive at this stage. Yes, I'll email ya
    22. #SMEstorage app is Not easy as #Dropbox app to use. Such as I tried to upload image via it to Skydrive but it didn't sync.#KeepTryingIGuess
    23. Watching: Nine (the movie) starring Penelope Cruz, Fergie, etc etc @AstorTheatre. ♚ Let dance! ♪ giggles
    24. How can I modify excel sheet when another staff has it opened, huh? Excel is Not Google Docs where stimutaneous changes are possible. #FAIL
    25. Avision A3 bk scanner is not bad. #SLV #DSS
    26. Need photocopy of chpt/book/plans? ask Ur library for an interlibrary photocopy request. Up to 50 pages = AUD$13.20#Library #St Patrick day
    27. RT @DailyDilbert: The daily Dilbert: Comic for March 16, 2010 #comic
    28. DOING: O/T cuz ppl #FAIL to complete 2-3 wks worth of work! They fall ill & say U do it. such behaviour doesn't cease ever. Ugh.
    29. Wicked RT No more static templates… customize the look/layout of your blog with Blogger Template Designer /via @google
    30. Checking out: #KoKoBlack at #BlockArcade have 10 finalist art work on display.
  1. a Dude came from behind, pat my butt, & asked Y am I readn gossip mags. I stared & he said he mistaken me 4 GF. WTF? lol.#BordersBkStore
  2. Unfair RT Rejected By Apple, Grooveshark Releases App For Jailbroken iPhones - by @robinwauters via @TechCrunch
  3. Watching: #TimeOfEve イヴの時間. Episode 3: Koji & Rina. Andriods are capable of falling in luvv. How adorable! #CrunchyRoll
  4. #TimeOfEve イヴの時間 by #StudioRikka is interestn. Thx U#CrunchyRollApp for introducing us. I'd like to cozy up in that cafe & wifi/read mags.
  5. Malware (XP I.S.10) ate 1 of HDD, mged to stopped it but registry files corrupted & no app can open. Half way through doing HDD swap.
  6. Ha. Now that's 4D: smell RT Having a kid throw up behind us during Alice In Wonderland only enhanced the whole 3D experience. /via @Rove1974
  7. RT @timoreilly: Good riddance: A print designer reflects on why the iPad is good for books via @nickbilton in http: ...
  8. @RedHourBen You looked great in that make up as a Nav'i from Avatar. #Oscars
  9. Watching: The storm warriors II 風雲2 (郭富城、鄭伊健). Whoa…
  10. #BanPeopleSmokingWalkingBurningOtherPeople as ppl arms & hands can get hurt from burning butts. Where is justice?
  11. Cory showed us this YouTube clip of Lil' Bourke river. OMG. #MelbourneFlashFloodMarch2010
  12. iTunes ver 9.0.3 is slow at backing up iPhone & darn it, i'm stuck here waiting...
  13. It is raining #HAIL outside in Melbourne. my poor roof is taking the pain. Aww. There goes G'weekend potential.
  14. Assassin Creed multi player takes a while to connect. The game is simple. The roof is no safe haven. Direct attack best!#iPhoneMultiPlayer
  15. I wanna try 1 RT #MobileBoardingPasses Take Off, See 1200% Usage Increase In 2009 - by @gregkumparakvia @TechCrunch
  16. #nowplaying SleepWalker by Alice Nine アリス九号.
  17. Gr8 movie! Funny & insightful RT … that tells you everything you need to know about Chat Roulette: /via @Pogue
  18. Call should be esc to complaints team RT old cell-company customer-service call is still hilarious via @Pogue
  19. Why must young ppl insist on walking against corners instead of the middle? #ThatsSoAnnoying
  20. #Filtering4ScrapPaper today: touching a dead person's ex-notes for scrap paper is odd.
  21. MEMORIES: I survived walking 6.4km in snowy winds & neg 20 degrees in temperature. #Horonobe #Good2BeBack
  22. READING: Fob key to car puzzle. MX, 2 Mar 2010, p.7 [rofl. ppl w/ electronic car keys plz don't park near cafes using pda]. #FUNNY
  23. From #Engadget: Crystal discovery co...
  24. Wot would be gr8 is public transport fare was charged to our mobile sim card using BT technology.#SmartCardVersusSmartMobileSimCard

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