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September 13, 2009

September 2009

These are classic tales I have read or seen through movies but a few I have not come across personally yet they were mentioned in movies which brings me much intrigue to read them on stanza app later on.
  • The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
  • Aesop's Fables
  • Alexander the Great [seen the movie]
  • Alice's Adventures in Wonderland [seen the movie]
  • All Things Considered
  • The Art of War
  • Beowulf [seen the movie]
  • Beyond Good and Evil [seen the movie]
  • The Count of Monte Cristo [seen the movie]
  • The Curious Case of Benjamin Button [read the book] [seen the movie]
  • Edgar Allan Poe Poems
  • Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions
  • Grimms' Fairy Tales [seen the movie]
  • The Jungle Book [seen the movie]
  • Moby Dick, or the Whale [read the book] [seen the movie]
  • Myths and Legends of All Nations
  • Notes from the Underground
  • Robinson Crusoe
  • A Tale of Two Cities
  • The Wonderful Wizard of Oz [seen the movie]
  • Through the Looking-Glass
  • The Odyssey
  • The Illiad
  • Frankenstein [seen the movie]
  • Dracula [seen the movie]
  • Treasure Island
  • Pride & Prejudice [read the book] [seen the movie]
  • A Christmas Carol
  • Gulliver's Travels [seen the movie]
  • The Time Machine [seen the movie]
  • The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn [seen the movie]
  • The Call of the Wild
  • Flatland (illustrated)
  • 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
  • The Metamorphosis
  • Paradise Lost
  • Hound of the Baskervilles
I really think ebooks are complimentary to actual books are they are more portable and easy to carry around but books are like gifts, that are tangible and keeps giving after being read by one person.

Lately I have been obsessed with collecting the best web sites with decent feeds that would engage my interest and be of use to the current stage of my life. Oh, looking forward to tweaking my blog and stream more content to my smartphone without syncing to a PC instead have them sent over the air. So far I have found one decent and simple to use iPhone app called MobileRSS for Google Reader feeds. I have tried a few other RSS readers but they do not display all that well and failed to fetch my folders and tags. Roaming the WWW for iPhone apps that can highlight parts of PDF for note taking but I have not had such luck.

-----------------------------------Twitter Post------------------------------

Finally a YES! Ha! RT Dropbox Meets The iPhone; Access Files On The Go by @danielbru (via @TechCrunch)
  1. TIP: ppl U gotta learn to use curiosity as a key to learning anyfn. 想學甚麼人都要有個好奇心嘛 #simple blogging #iPhone #Web 2.0
  2. peaceful protest abt soldiers in AGN. The video:
  3. protest against our soldiers in AGN. I'll upload video to YouTube l8r showing how these got to the flr.
  4. Fact: Kamco pwn "Myki" while MTR Co. will operate Melb PT in 2010 the "Octopus" card is not coming with it despite ppl clearly misread news.
  5. Lazy Sunday arvo. Congrats to Geelong Cats. I feel St Kilda Saints have done a gr8 job in climbing the ladder to Grand Final this year. 
  6. #Alive4ever App is soon to have upgrade 1.1 with surviour and horde mode yet I wonder if multiplayer is in both modes? Http://
  7. Yay! Encore Jack Johnson Download a Free Mp3 from the new Jack Johnson Album En Concert from @brushfire records here
  8. Wow. for real? issue around Google Books not done yet. RT LIFE Magazine (1936-1972) now on Google Books: @google)
  9. Sounds like the UN meetup was a party than a formal meeting w/ ppl walking out on speeches & ppl OTT 1 issue. Environmt dying by minute.
  10. what is going on at RMIT? why the huge crowd?
  11. is it true Xbox has dev'p "Natal Xbox 3" & looks like a promo vidz 2 me, nice. not sure if cat proof. lol.
  1. me 2 RT Apple is investigatn rpts of poor battery life probs fr iPhone 3GS users after upgrad to 3.1 OS (via @macworld)
  2. #VicRoads created an iPhone app CityGT (free) test if UR distracted by UR phone while driving. a cool way 2 get msg out. Http://
  3. It does feel gr8 to have lots of apace after you neatly stack up other ppl junk. Ah. Wardrobe done. Now just need to do window & tbl area.
  4. spending chill time at IKEA with papa and sis.
  5. pls pretty pls can we have an update or upgrade on #Alive4ever it is by the best action game for mutliplayer over Bluetooth.
  6. my left eye has physically healed to its normal state but I feel the nerves haven't, as it looks at things differently than it use to...
  7. man, who does crime & Internet at the same time. that's totally nuts. might as well add squrriel to ur pic while ur at it. #burglar arrested
  8. Wow. it must be an honour to be called a jackass by your president. how does that boost your career? #obama #kanye west
  9. ppl 've no manners. a review is open ended RT Oh nice: "u suck! u reviewed Zune HD but dun even use it" Dude--I gave it a rave! (via @Pogue)
  10. Has any1 played the fol. app on FB: #Paradise paintball 3D? or#SmallWorlds?
  11. We tested an app over bluetooth as multiplayer and it was awesome fun, felt like my iPhone become #Wii it is called #isamurai. Ka Pow!
  12. #Patrick Swayze you were a wonderful actor to watch in the movies & may rest in peace. /_\
  13. FYI 2 tweeps #Taylor Swift's songs r sentimental, applicable 2 life stages. Awards nite ppl = leave 'a-hole' @ home. Hint 2 Kanye D-list. 
  14. lol. Try biz conf plenty Blkberry RT Of the 5 people standing around me, 3 are using #iPhones. Wait, that includes me... (via @maxcelcat)
  15. I have HIT the maximum level for my character in #Alive4ever. Aww... see pic
  16. You'd think in this 'real time' world I'd be able watch it live online or digital tv despite time difference. Not! #VMA #MTV #Lady Gaga
  17. 廣告真係好可愛但不會令我走出去買呢。Visita够煩啦。再來過吧。RT Windows 7 Ad Kills With Cuteness [Video] - @mashable)
  18. RT ebooks on phones: will they boost/democratise ebook market? would U read books on mobile? Guardian article:
  19. just voted "Totally loved it" on "What do you think about New New Moon Trailer?" vote too ➔
  20. Wow. Totally shows too much RT most retweeted post right now: "New New Moon Trailer Leaks to the Web" - (via @mashable)
  21. yeah RT Can't believe how freaking warm it still is in Melbourne [Sic: Today >= 28]. wtf? (via @brooke_m)

  1. きょうの活動: aroma therapy party. CM can drive & bake cheese cake. SR mixed ginger & grapefruit in a roll on 4 me. 天氣又熱又大風. We had a blast.
  2. swollen eye is becoming more normal again. Woot! Gonna test out iTunes 9 this week.
  3. testing Thursday. I hope I don't bo into walls. lol.
  4. I think my left eye is making progress. Back 2 work. woot! #Gov 2.0 has gr8 potential. #iPogue now that's like #Pink's app in a way.#Apple
  5. Left eye remains swollen despite having applied and taken various medicines. *sigh*
  6. Yes RT POLL: Do You Still Use a Dictionary? - @mashable)
  7. I will let you decide. Is it a s/he? Is it giving me the eye? ingredients: street markings & cars.
  8. oops! mixed up the dates. nix wk is the concert Sunday, today is hand craft mkt. hee hee.
  9. Just my luck I can't buy Sunday Saver tik as lady at counter took 30mins to serve an old man. Now using 2hr tik to catch arriving train.
  10. Level 19 in #Alive4ever & proud of it. Waddling 2 complete all in stage 11 tho' but I'll get there.
  11. having yum cha with dad. also more driving sessions. zoom zoom. need to work on my estimates and judgement. #car #labour day#AT&T #Jay-Z
  12. Just add fake pic to bubbles RT Another Developer Lays Smack Dwn On Apple's App Store by @jasonkincaid(via @TechCrunch)
  13. internal conspiracy? sabotage by employee? RT Warning Dev: Apple TradeM Chat Bubbles by @jasonkincaid(via @TechCrunch)
  14. RT lightning struck at Ivanhoe Stn after 3pm, which brought down some cables. meant trains couldn't stop at Ivanhoe. (via @ConnexMelbourne)
  15. totally cool RT It's cool to tweet once a week, right? (via @RedHourBen)
  16. Today my favourite game is #Alive4ever. Why? (a) Shoot out game. (b) Multi-player (c) Uses Bluetooth to pair up four players. Wicked!
  17. Eh? Gmail was down? I musta been asleep when this all occured.  なんてこった真大件事囉. #Gmail
  18. #Bruce Wills is hot. I gotta keep myself fit too.

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