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August 05, 2009

August 2009 - Just handy and dandy tools

Wolfram Alpha (homework helper)
Cooliris (image & videos fetching tool or as an add-on to browser)

Yet to test out:_
Google motion chart from

--------------------------------------Twitter Post-----------------------------------

  1. @TweetLibrary the last time I picked a book up was on 31/8/2009 around 5pm; last time I fully read a non/fiction was 2007. lol.
  2. peak traffic be cars or ppl in food courts, not enuf rm 4 all, tho' biz luv the overflow. I dunno how Earth feels about it all. #Landfill
  3. Watched: #District 9. A wickedly good story of accidental hero, bio weapon war fare, racism, fear, and never give up hope.
  4. for security of all network system, I highly recommend each 1 should be different, by being the same we are sitting ducks for you-know-who.
  5. Mimi had a dental procedure done today appt was 8:30am & pick up was 4pm. She had tar rmv'd & a broken. Overall she is fine! Yay!
  6. Those who are in2 #Salvador Dali art work should see this mini animation which demonstrates his style.
  7. Cool! Defn 4 art luvr RT Ukraine's Got Talent (Not kidding): woman tells a story w/ sand on a light table. (via @Pogue)
  8. Awesome clip RT @gagadailycom Her soundboard breaks & she sings acapella. true live performer! :bow: (via @PerezHilton)
  9. Indeed mk sense, copyn online is ever more so RT#Ignite Show: Jeff Veen on Gr8 Designers "cargo cults" (via @timoreilly)
  10. I know Acrobat Standard can edit PDF but ppl prefer Photoshop which both belongs to Adobe yet Acrobat Standard is the cheapest 1. ha.
  11. U bet it works try TAC vidz RT Text While Driving Video: Will Graphic Imagery Chg People’s Behavior? - (via @mashable)
  12. WOOT! RT Wow: 1500 hours of hand-animating Legos for this intriguing video (thanks, @Damsteegt)... (via @Pogue)
  13. if 1 or 2 days by tiredness or campn & save water = ok RT J. Timberlake's grooming secret! Ew! (via @PerezHilton) #water
  14. Yeah! Apple plz accept Facebook as it is the official ver. from Facebook & not a fake one, ok. (via @mashable)#Apple
  15. Just had lunch with Gurav and Graham Neal. yummy pizza. good ol' pizza can't go wrong.
  16. Now this is a concept umbrella all students and business ppl would love to own 1 day.
  17. Not bad & very impressive advert RT Nokia Enters the Laptop Game With Booklet 3G - (via @mashable)
  18. paint smells like 'liquid paper' markers. not as strong as nail polish remover. what does paint smell like to you?
  19. got some edu out of many cool slides on & also dload as vidz.
  20. #hilarious #cute #song #on #facebook #Vince dyer #check #it#out.
  21. Interesting. ppl wif G-voice acc outta be smart RT Apple's FCC reply absolves AT&T of...App Store prac: (via @macworld)
  22. Mimi is okay to go home today. how awesome. she has a lot more energy too.
  23. Mimi is doing just that much better. Here is a pic of us visiting her this evening.
  24. lookn fwd 2 Mimi's health rpt this arvo. *cross my fingers* i say, when it comes to aging animals should get to live to 100, yeah?
  25. Mimi is staying over night at animal hospital so that the vet could do more tests. *cross my fingers*
  26. Question: is it me or does iPhone have a problem in keeping wi-fi symbol on after connected? #apple #iPhone #wifi
  27. Question: what kind of medicine do you feed a cat who vomits a lot? any vets out there. #cat #ill #vet #animal
  28. so damn dang tired while waiting for ride home 啦.
  29. magic show b4 attending exhibition plus free live jazz. woot!
  30. @sngo1982 check out Star Craft vidz teaser. Wow. Http:// #Games #RPG #StarCraft II
  31. @learnkanji may i ask what is the difference between: shichaku ga dekimasu ka? Vs. tameshitemo ii desu ka?
  32. Freakish but possible. Phone turns on oven! um, I might stay away from automatic/elec ovens for now. Http://
  33. - avatar vs art work. which is better?
  34. - my new bling. i so adore the art used by Swatch in their fall winter collection 2009. they makes life more be...
  35. RT Share the love: 50 Chrome Experiments show the power of HTML5 and Javascript (via @google) MN: gr8 visual & fun too
  36. RT OECD report says mobile phone rates lowest in some European countries. (via @timoreilly) MN: intriguing rpt.
  37. High choc tea at Lindt Cafe on Collins. So sweet! & I mean everyfn. Matching decor though.
  38. RT That's me rescuing my cat teddy from the roof for the 2nd time tonight. (via @DHughesy). M: Sally use do that.
  39. I now have a vid ch on YouTube like every1 else, so far 1 fave vid & 5 of my own fr travel/animal collection. Accessible via my blog.
  40. Listening: to cool music - Jrock via online radio stn fr dir
  41. Watching: Highly educational & interactive. #GFC#climate change #animal cruelty #fur #leather
  42. This is what I'm taking about cute mouse icon with mask. lol.
  43. Mouse peripherial device as icons are so cute! / as seen on my Totally luv da 1 wif mask.
  44. Stuck in traffic jam. Oh ppl should check out free & cool icons I'll be using some in my blog alright. Cool.
  45. u wonder as u get old who be lookn after u. now is how 2 tame ppl who fail 2 use a shoppn list, eh? yet call u on mob 2 buy indiv_ product!
  46. RT My cat snores. Is that normal? (via @Rove1974) MN says: Yup. And they're sweet sounds of cuteness.
  47. Man, sum ppl r such dope in readn their fone's addy, claim I del their "beepn" precious digits. OMG! princesses now dead bcuz of that, as if
  48. Ahh...nice sunny Sunday. I ought to go out & roam the city streets but I rather watch the clouds & read mail/tweets. winter sun can be rare.
  49. We humans need easier facility 2 harvest rain water > 2 depend on storm water. Instead std crap apartmts mk Eco ok bldg.#climate change
  50. Bad egg any1? RT Spacelocker, A Social Network You’ll Want To Avoid Like The Plague by @robinwauters (via @TechCrunch)
  51. - emoji r built-in iPhone/iPod by Apple & r not PC compatible, so don't insert 'em in sms/email directly; turn ...
  52. Claws of a bear RT@JacksonLP: @Pogue, using iphone? 2 typos...[DP sez: Gimme a brk.I just signed 768 bks! My hands r like claws!](via@Pogue)
  53. Jamie Oliver has a knack 4 showin' reality of pig rearing & how we cook meat wif lil' conscious thinkn on tv. I salute him for bravery
  54. Wake up Apple reconsider ur rejection of app, as AT&T doesn't apply 2 da world, perhaps u can allow some thru pls? Think abt it. Ok. #apple
  55. Reading tweets but I will view the links L8r. Yet to get home 1st. Hee hee. Nicobate chewing gum Co. sponsored a mini concert at MC.
  56. Photographed: Check out my latest cu-out board pic of myself. Giddy fun!

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