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August 23, 2009

Thank you to free code suppliers

I want to thank for the "share" button on the bottom of all my posts. I hope the button makes it easy for all to share my mundane blog posts :D

Another thanks to for sharing code for my tag cloud sphere. It is very awesome looking. ^_^

I'm sure there is more people to thank for offering all these tid bits and code to enhance our blogs on Blogger. Cheers.

------------------------------------iPhone App----------------------------------------------

Another game which I play over bluetooth on iPhone but this time I challenge my sister and my brother. It is a totally laughable yet interesting way to play with your iPhone. It uses the accelerometer within the iPhone to recognise moves. Great FUN!

August 16, 2009

More cute face using symbols

> 3< (kiss?)

= = # (angry?)

|(-_-)| (not listening?)

*\(^_^)/* (cheers?)

b(^_^)d (thumbs up?)

Tell me if they do look like their description or not?

--------------------------iPhone App --------------------------

I totally adore this eliminate zombie game called Alive4Ever by Merdian Co.
My brother and I play it over bluetooth almost everyday (after work of course). Stuck at level 25: Atonement.

August 13, 2009

Findings #25: COLOUR

light blue水色mizuiro
light green黄緑kimidori
orange橙色 daidaiiro

Findings #24: SEASONS

Four Seasons 四季 shiki


SunnyはれやかいますHareyaka imasu.
RainingあめがふっていますAme ga futte imasu.
SnowingゆきがふっていますYuki ga futte imasu.
WindyかぜがつよいですKaze ga tsuyoi desu.

Findings #23: MONTH


Findings #22: TIME

one o'clock一時ichi ji
two o'clock二時ni ji
three o'clock三時san ji
four o'clock四時yo ji
five o'clock五時go ji
six o'clock六時roku ji
seven o'clock七時shichi ji
eight o'clock八時hachi ji
nine o'clock九時ku ji
ten o'clock十時juu ji
eleven o'clock十一時juuichi ji
twelve o'clock十二時juuni ji

minutes分fun, pun
It's 9 a.m.午前九時です。Gozen ku ji desu.
It's 3:30 p.m.午後三時半です。Gogo san ji han desu.

Oosaka wo shuppatsu ni gozen shichi ji juusan pun.

Toukyo wo shuppatsu ni gogo juukyuu ji sanjuusan pun.

Findings #21: DAY


Findings #20: NUMBER

01 ichi 
02 ni 
03 san
04 yon/shi
05 go
06 roku
07 nana/shichi
08 hachi
09 kyuu/ku
10 juu
100 hyaku
1000 sen
10000 ichiman
100000 juuman
1000000 hyakuman
10000000 senman
100000000 ichioku
11 juuichi
12 juuni
13 juusan
14 juushi
15 juugo
150 hyakugojuu
1500 sengohyaku
16 juuroku
17 juushichi
18 juuhachi
19 juuku
20 nijuu
200 nihyaku
2000 nisen
21 nijuuichi
30 sanjuu
300 sanbyaku
3000 sanzen
40 yonjuu
44 yonjuuyon ???
50 gojuu
60 rokujuu
600 roppyaku
70 nanajuu
77 nanajuunana ???
80 hachijuu
800 happyaku
8000 hassen
90 kyuujuu
99 kyuujuukyuu ???
999 kyuuhyaku-kyuujuu-kyuu

Findings #19: KSAD pattern

K-S-A-D [1]

Kore = this one
Sore = that one
Are = that one over there
Dore = which one?

K-S-A-D [2]

Koko = here
Soko = there
Asoko = over there
Doko = where?

K-S-A-D [3]

Kono = this X
Sono = that X
Ano = that X over there
Dono = which X?

K-S-A-D [4]

Konna = this kind of X
Sonna = that kind of X
Anna = that (over there) kind of X
Donna = which kind of X

K-S-A-D [5]

Kochira = this way
Sochira = that way
Achira = that way over there
Dochira = which way?

Findings #18: EXISTS

imasu (animate obj)
arimasu (inanimate obj)
arimasen deshita

Findings #17: ADJ ENDS い

i (pres)
katta (past)
kunai (pres neg)
katta kunai (past neg)

Findings #16: VERB +MASU ます

masu (pres)
mashita (past)
masen (pres neg)
masen deshita (past neg)

Findings #15: DESU です

formal (polite).
desu (pres)
deshita (past)
dewa arimasen (pres neg)
dewa arimasen deshita (past neg)

dewa nai.
ja nai.
kunai katta.

Findings #14: PARTICLES

De で

E へ
Ga が
Ka か
Mo も
Ne ね
Ni に
No の
Sou そう

To と
Wa は
Wo を
Ya や
Yo よ

August 05, 2009

August 2009 - Just handy and dandy tools

Wolfram Alpha (homework helper)
Cooliris (image & videos fetching tool or as an add-on to browser)

Yet to test out:_
Google motion chart from

--------------------------------------Twitter Post-----------------------------------

  1. @TweetLibrary the last time I picked a book up was on 31/8/2009 around 5pm; last time I fully read a non/fiction was 2007. lol.
  2. peak traffic be cars or ppl in food courts, not enuf rm 4 all, tho' biz luv the overflow. I dunno how Earth feels about it all. #Landfill
  3. Watched: #District 9. A wickedly good story of accidental hero, bio weapon war fare, racism, fear, and never give up hope.
  4. for security of all network system, I highly recommend each 1 should be different, by being the same we are sitting ducks for you-know-who.
  5. Mimi had a dental procedure done today appt was 8:30am & pick up was 4pm. She had tar rmv'd & a broken. Overall she is fine! Yay!
  6. Those who are in2 #Salvador Dali art work should see this mini animation which demonstrates his style.
  7. Cool! Defn 4 art luvr RT Ukraine's Got Talent (Not kidding): woman tells a story w/ sand on a light table. (via @Pogue)
  8. Awesome clip RT @gagadailycom Her soundboard breaks & she sings acapella. true live performer! :bow: (via @PerezHilton)
  9. Indeed mk sense, copyn online is ever more so RT#Ignite Show: Jeff Veen on Gr8 Designers "cargo cults" (via @timoreilly)
  10. I know Acrobat Standard can edit PDF but ppl prefer Photoshop which both belongs to Adobe yet Acrobat Standard is the cheapest 1. ha.
  11. U bet it works try TAC vidz RT Text While Driving Video: Will Graphic Imagery Chg People’s Behavior? - (via @mashable)
  12. WOOT! RT Wow: 1500 hours of hand-animating Legos for this intriguing video (thanks, @Damsteegt)... (via @Pogue)
  13. if 1 or 2 days by tiredness or campn & save water = ok RT J. Timberlake's grooming secret! Ew! (via @PerezHilton) #water
  14. Yeah! Apple plz accept Facebook as it is the official ver. from Facebook & not a fake one, ok. (via @mashable)#Apple
  15. Just had lunch with Gurav and Graham Neal. yummy pizza. good ol' pizza can't go wrong.
  16. Now this is a concept umbrella all students and business ppl would love to own 1 day.
  17. Not bad & very impressive advert RT Nokia Enters the Laptop Game With Booklet 3G - (via @mashable)
  18. paint smells like 'liquid paper' markers. not as strong as nail polish remover. what does paint smell like to you?
  19. got some edu out of many cool slides on & also dload as vidz.
  20. #hilarious #cute #song #on #facebook #Vince dyer #check #it#out.
  21. Interesting. ppl wif G-voice acc outta be smart RT Apple's FCC reply absolves AT&T of...App Store prac: (via @macworld)
  22. Mimi is okay to go home today. how awesome. she has a lot more energy too.
  23. Mimi is doing just that much better. Here is a pic of us visiting her this evening.
  24. lookn fwd 2 Mimi's health rpt this arvo. *cross my fingers* i say, when it comes to aging animals should get to live to 100, yeah?
  25. Mimi is staying over night at animal hospital so that the vet could do more tests. *cross my fingers*
  26. Question: is it me or does iPhone have a problem in keeping wi-fi symbol on after connected? #apple #iPhone #wifi
  27. Question: what kind of medicine do you feed a cat who vomits a lot? any vets out there. #cat #ill #vet #animal
  28. so damn dang tired while waiting for ride home 啦.
  29. magic show b4 attending exhibition plus free live jazz. woot!
  30. @sngo1982 check out Star Craft vidz teaser. Wow. Http:// #Games #RPG #StarCraft II
  31. @learnkanji may i ask what is the difference between: shichaku ga dekimasu ka? Vs. tameshitemo ii desu ka?
  32. Freakish but possible. Phone turns on oven! um, I might stay away from automatic/elec ovens for now. Http://
  33. - avatar vs art work. which is better?
  34. - my new bling. i so adore the art used by Swatch in their fall winter collection 2009. they makes life more be...
  35. RT Share the love: 50 Chrome Experiments show the power of HTML5 and Javascript (via @google) MN: gr8 visual & fun too
  36. RT OECD report says mobile phone rates lowest in some European countries. (via @timoreilly) MN: intriguing rpt.
  37. High choc tea at Lindt Cafe on Collins. So sweet! & I mean everyfn. Matching decor though.
  38. RT That's me rescuing my cat teddy from the roof for the 2nd time tonight. (via @DHughesy). M: Sally use do that.
  39. I now have a vid ch on YouTube like every1 else, so far 1 fave vid & 5 of my own fr travel/animal collection. Accessible via my blog.
  40. Listening: to cool music - Jrock via online radio stn fr dir
  41. Watching: Highly educational & interactive. #GFC#climate change #animal cruelty #fur #leather
  42. This is what I'm taking about cute mouse icon with mask. lol.
  43. Mouse peripherial device as icons are so cute! / as seen on my Totally luv da 1 wif mask.
  44. Stuck in traffic jam. Oh ppl should check out free & cool icons I'll be using some in my blog alright. Cool.
  45. u wonder as u get old who be lookn after u. now is how 2 tame ppl who fail 2 use a shoppn list, eh? yet call u on mob 2 buy indiv_ product!
  46. RT My cat snores. Is that normal? (via @Rove1974) MN says: Yup. And they're sweet sounds of cuteness.
  47. Man, sum ppl r such dope in readn their fone's addy, claim I del their "beepn" precious digits. OMG! princesses now dead bcuz of that, as if
  48. Ahh...nice sunny Sunday. I ought to go out & roam the city streets but I rather watch the clouds & read mail/tweets. winter sun can be rare.
  49. We humans need easier facility 2 harvest rain water > 2 depend on storm water. Instead std crap apartmts mk Eco ok bldg.#climate change
  50. Bad egg any1? RT Spacelocker, A Social Network You’ll Want To Avoid Like The Plague by @robinwauters (via @TechCrunch)
  51. - emoji r built-in iPhone/iPod by Apple & r not PC compatible, so don't insert 'em in sms/email directly; turn ...
  52. Claws of a bear RT@JacksonLP: @Pogue, using iphone? 2 typos...[DP sez: Gimme a brk.I just signed 768 bks! My hands r like claws!](via@Pogue)
  53. Jamie Oliver has a knack 4 showin' reality of pig rearing & how we cook meat wif lil' conscious thinkn on tv. I salute him for bravery
  54. Wake up Apple reconsider ur rejection of app, as AT&T doesn't apply 2 da world, perhaps u can allow some thru pls? Think abt it. Ok. #apple
  55. Reading tweets but I will view the links L8r. Yet to get home 1st. Hee hee. Nicobate chewing gum Co. sponsored a mini concert at MC.
  56. Photographed: Check out my latest cu-out board pic of myself. Giddy fun!