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June 25, 2009

JUNE 2009

ALTHOUGH half a year has past I feel I have not achived all that I listed for this year.

[1] Improve my Japanese
[2] Exercise more!
[3] Fix up my Bench jacket
[4] Fix up bathroom creaky floor.
[5] Buy Wii or Playstation 3
[6] Take mom on Puffing Billy ride
[7] Install solar panels.

Despite the long list on incomplete goals by next year some of goals would be no longer relevant. I still have a great deal of relaxation skill to apply at work. So what I've been doing is suggest change of procedure where accountability is much clearer then a person's brain. See the following:

[1] Created a team wiki with two other work colleagues.
[2] Wrote up heaps of checklist and only take two minutes to fill out.
[3] Created autofilled forms that goes to cataloguing, processing,
collection managers.

My doctor reckons my chronic fatigue had reduced 20% since year 2007 but he reckons I'm doing too much still and should do fun stuff to stimulate the brain to stay awake. True. I find myself doing more than I am rostered for each day. lol. Multi tasking, while doing 7 scanning copy jobs I'd be filing overdue notices as well as I'd be answering incoming phone calls on I.L.L desk then in between scans call foyer desk if there are new I.L.L requests.

That usually eat up my arvo. Mornings varies from doing opening to clearing CI boxes to filing loose leaf. At times it smooth running until someone points out you failed to scarifice time to do something their way but I'm doing stuff according to the way my team taught me during training! Douche! Consistency keeps everything straight on target!

After work I throw away daily problems and cases. I now focus my energy on Sim3, music, movies, iPhone, day trip or outings, jump & run in backyard in the cold. Then maybe some family errands. Totally loving Copy and Paste function in iPhone 3.0. I rock to The Black Eye Peas - Boom boom pow and their album "The E.N.D".

The lack of knowledge can really dent your prospects. For example, my folks prefers terra cotta tiles over colourbond steel, according to them tiles don't rust so they last longer. However, over the last 9 years we spent over $2000 trying to fix every leaky spot on the roof. Now that is a waste if money and the leaks just don't seem to stop. Bias thoughts is not knowledge. For example, my siblings calling a telephone number once but notable get through to a person, doesn't mean the person you have tried to called doesn't want your business. They are simply unavailable at the time. As I say try voicemail or send them an email. There are more ways than one to be heard. High expectation versus did you try all the possible means is the required knowledge here. Wearing thinly in 7 degrees will have a high chance of getting the flu. I don't believe in making yourself sick to get out of situations. I prefer to healthy and say "no". As it much more braver.

-------------------------------------Twitter Post---------------------------------------

  1. Just following a few ppl on twitter but by golly is there a lot of post to read if u skip readn 'em on the weekend. *gurls* *drowning*
  2. 套戲"The Proposal"令你一邊哭一邊笑. 兩個主角好配合也導演拍得好好. 不過Betty White 是最可笑的. The film jerks wif ur emotion but its charming bkdrop leave u in aww...
  3. A Big Tree house restaurant! Only in NZ. Can u find another one?
  4. Watched #"Evan Almighty" as rental movie on iPhone via dwnld fr iTunes. Awesome! Hilarious film. (Dwnld took 75% of 1 day on 512k Adsl2+)
  5. My nose finally slowed down in it's running course. I dislike falling ill on Sunday I got things to do that can't be done during weekdays.
  6. @maxcelcat There goes the good old days where ID wasn't necessary. I thx the terrorist fault. lol.
  7. Waves @maxcelcat. So you got a Swiss Sim card. Did u need to give ID?
  8. Music has a way of transporting us from our world of worries. nice, oh, very nice.
  9. Mom hates da microwave, it failed to heat the centre of her lumpy cold item, cuz she failed to evenly distribute the food b4 placing it in!
  10. Lots of ppl lined up to watch movies at Jam Factory, every1 musta wanna "crack the code". So off to shopping for a good sale.
  11. You'll be dearly missed, oh talented one, Michael Jackson. RIP. sigh.
  12. We the little people shouldn't be overlooked, as we run tasks that oil the coil of organisations. Evil ha ha.
  13. Human population at times lack quality produce. Ha!
  14. So far so good only 2 ppl didn't know better & 1 person failed to have an appt during my desk shift. not bad at all.
  15. I luv Springrolls! RT having spring rolls & lemon ice tea does kinda help, i guess... (via @sngo1982)
  16. the new acropolis museum looking "OMG". It is so nicely designed in and out. even i thought it was in NY.
  17. Not enuf time. June is nearly over, half a yr gone but I've not played all the games I wanted or fixed up parts of my hse yet. I feel slow.
  18. Bro's birthday gift b4 unwrapped. "FEAR 2". oohh.
  19. Not yet. Oz lotto doesn't appeal to me. RT has anyone gone bezerk buying lotto tickets to win the 50 mill on offer tomorrow? (via @DHughesy)
  20. Try mash potato or baked potato? RT don't know about lunch... maybe i should skip it. -_-? (via @sngo1982)
  21. "Hi" to my new followers! /(^^)/ Yoo Hoo over here. laughs. I hope cold conditions doesn't hamper your summer in north due to GCC.
  22. Thoughts: is snow just 2b ski-ed on / m-nature's way of giving us supply of water yet we fail to havest it? #Italy #father's day #topgear
  23. Watchn Rove on TV. Just begun. Is human meant to bottle things up within us? no. Cheer cheer.
  24. Watchn my bro obessed with Mafia Wars on Facebook. LoL. My sis has MySims on PC whereas I am playing Sim3 on iPhone. Game arena here.
  25. I noticed doing backup iPhone after 3.0 is ultra slow than b4 when it was 2.2.1, um? #iPhone 3.0
  26. FUNNY FUNNY song! RT Got My Mac On With iPhone 3G S [Music Video] - (via @mashable)
  27. Congrats! RT A million!!! I just passed 1,000,000 followers on Twitter!!!! Wow. Wow. Wow. You're all Perezcious! xoxo (via @PerezHilton)
  28. Listening: "Generation NOW" by The Black Eye Peas. Very funny. Very true! Total encapsulates GEN-Y & ppl of year 2008 plus.
  29. iPhone 3.0 f/w is good. Luv copy & paste, tethering worked instantly, voice memo captured my voice well yet 2 try rent movie via iTunes app.
  30. I highly recommend order 1 item when served by an inexperience waiting staff. Less stress for them, less stuff up of your order.
  31. To the girl with 56 tattoo on your face. Who sleeps thru the exp of getting pierce. Nutter! Also ever heard of temporary tattoo?
  32. Oh, iPhone 3.0 firmware is out? Um. Gotta go to work ^_- ha ha
  33. Lemon tart can't beat Chocolate cake. Ha ha. Everyone knew that one. Oh duh! #masterchef #food #life
  34. @Rove1974 congratulations on ur secret. We are so happy for you and her. 祝你們愛情豐富.
  35. Watched "I love ya, man". I prefer 'ya' than 'you' it is much lower cool and friendly, ya? Ha ha. Oh, funny film and gr8 chemistry there.
  36. Sorry abt the loss of a loved one. Wear a black band on ur right arm RT Will have to do something symbolic here in Berlin. (via @maxcelcat)
  37. I did 9,758 steps today using pedometer by StepTrakLite, so I'm just shy of 242 steps. lol. Not bad.
  38. Need another few hrs b4 truly awake. Sigh. Seeking revolution is never easy esp in some countries. May u prosper. #Iran
  39. Metlink app 4 iPhone & Melb is out. Access to routes plus maps were easy. Check it out. Lonely Planet apps $貴到不得了. #Metlink#iPhone
  40. Snipped my hair to short bob style like; cold as it is, somehow refreshing & I tend to think better.
  41. I'm addicted to Sim3, so bad I loss my appeitite to eat. ha ha. Also "Hi" to my followers.
  42. Slept in this Sunday. Managed to get Sim3 char on iPhone hooked up with residential NPC char. #Sim3
  43. Had pizza & managed to get my ideal FB vanity URL. Which is different from my twitter, just by a symbol. ha ha. I made it just in time.
  44. lol. True. If not wot's the pt? RT and If u are going to use me to advertise your product spell my F**king name right! (via @aplusk)
  45. Aw... but tmr I'm spendn my arvo shopping, so it looks like I've 2 forgo that facebook URL. sigh. I'm not a rat, can't
  46. Cheer cheer RT Happy 4th Birthday, TechCrunch @arrington (via @TechCrunch)
  47. Sigh. Finding ppl 2 repair in Western Suburb is trully difficult. Sucks.. I wish my hse was Sim made, much easier 2 fix.
  48. Already there are crap links and adverts flashing online stating free iPhone 3GS for idiots. Malware alert!
  49. lol. The naked man espisode on "how I met your mother" tv show.
  50. I too want 2 complain 4 fun. However, contracts by our Telcos r not out yet, so can't be mad abt nufn. lol. #iPhone #3GS #upgrade#coupons
  51. Is it me or are you meant to hear rain dripping on your ceiling?
  52. cool display Apple. RT Apple's Cool Matrix-Style App Wall by @parislemon (via @TechCrunch)
  53. And how is it a tourist spot, if its closed? RT Wondered why the Louvre looked so quiet - it's closed Thursdays! (via @maxcelcat)
  54. Cough now infrequent. IC mass news on iPhone. I welcome vidz rec & easy upload helps; can't wait 4 prepaid pkt. #cold #iphone
  55. So cold, it hails as it rains. Cough cough.
  56. Ah. Not much train from Tokyo to Sapporo after 9pm. Darn it.
  57. lol. Andy & Hamish giving $20 inthe slickest way on #Rove.
  58. Sims 3 on iphone indeed crash, on da good side auto save ur last action, but not your $$$, ha. so does any1 know cheat codes 4 it?
  59. My short review of #Star Trek latest movie, in audio via my voki avatar, on the left of the page.
  60. Sometimes things don't go according to plan, when you find cheaper options, you end up side tracked. Fun really & cheap. I like it. #life
  61. Stuck on tram wif priv skol kids & their bags. I thought was suppose 2 min amt of stuff 2 carry not da other around. boo hoo.
  62. My sim just got killed at work by a laboratory escapee monkey! Gosh talk about quick >_<>
  63. #Sim3 is awesome on iPhone. Too bad it indeed dies #CRASHESfrequently. Despite that I still adore the game. #Simfan
  64. Art on bridge b/n Myer & MC. At lunch time.
  65. \(^•^)/ aloha! To all new followers & still hang ten followers. I'm going thru a sleepy winter, but I'll read ur tweets soon.
  66. Build a twitter community. Um. Do I've the urge? Is my duty? interesting idea.
  67. Shhh...not to boost another's ego... giggle. Cashmore is cute. (via @mashable).
  68. #google I/O conference is amazing! Esp r/ship they've wif Mozilla & apple 2 promo #HTML5 - sum adv'mt. Indeed giddy. No beta word.
  69. Lost as a tourist. No more. Thx 2 #Google maps on fone. u dun 've 2 own smart fone 2 use app. I used mine on #Sony Ericsson K770. True.
  70. what an odd timing for China to block twitter, don't ya think?#China blocks twitter
  71. Semi spits of rain all day. No snow but sure feel da frost. Oh and hi to my new followers \--/
  72. last Long weekend ahead then dry spell of pub.hols. Oh well. :D keep on swimming _Doris from Finding Nemo
  73. Ah. Nufn refreshn as a nap. Has any1 heard wot's #Black Eye Peas next video clip goon be? #MTV #MV #PV
  74. How do u defend itself fr fog? When the wind blows u away. #musicMonday #new moon #bing #google wave #mtv movie awards#eninem #twlight
  75. On my way home. MTV movie awards sounds wicked. Too bad I missed it.

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