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May 09, 2009

May 2009

Our family's outing is full indecisive pool of people and these are the same people who also despise spontaneous activity as well. Sigh. Therefore I give up in making plans and bookings. I prefer go off on solo walks around shopping strips and pamper myself. Where the money is spent well.


I looking at social networking sites that has twitter widget or apps on them, no reason other than wanting to know that they can sync. My results so far these social networking site do or don't twitter app/widget:_

bebo [Y]
hi5 [TBC]
myspace [Y]
friendster [N/A]
ning [N/A]
voki [Facebook] [N/A] [N/A]
digg [N/A]
reddit [N/A]
stumble [N/A]
technorati [TBC]


VOKI is actually quite fun to play with and whatever is updated on it get streamed to wherever you embedded the object, say this blog, a wiki, and even on facebook. Yet on facebook it seems to experience problems in being viewed on your profile. Probably a fix is on its way.


Tried attaching PDF to "Evernote app" (free of cost) and whether it can view in iPhone? Answer is Yes. Disappointing when I had uploaded text / doc / xls files, but it cannot view doc, xls, txt file. Oh well. Using "Photogene app" ($3.99) I was able to add talking cloud caption on my screen dump photographs from the iphone. As well freshly taken photographs or uploaded ones. It is so useful beyond my wildest dreams. YES. YES YOU CAN!!! I cannot say the same about "Air sharing app" ($5.99) whom stalls more than it performs pluscannot email doc to ppl. Totally a bummer waste of $5.99. I can so buy a sandwich with that.


Definitely tinnitus has affected the quality of my nightly sleeps, however, I am finding myself adjusting to it. Letting it be as it is and just live with it. On the waiting list to get an appointment in Ear and Eye Hospital.

---------------------------Twitter Post-----------------------------------

  1. I say move harper island to 10pm slot. 1am is way late. #harperIsland #channel ten
  2. Having a tuff time digging info on bus route in Sapporo.
  3. Sewn polar fleece to blanket for extra warmth. Much better than electric blanket. Ta. Now gonna combine two beanie in 1. Evil oh ha ha.
  4. Got myself an electric blanket, but it doesn't warm up very much yet most ppl's home go on fire bcuz of it. Um.
  5. ppl wif superiority syndrome r parasites in our lives & deserve 2 b taken dn. #GTA #religion #personality
  6. Some sort of art installation?
  7. tingles all over. I wonder wot is this #google wave thingy magiggi most tech sites are qivering abt. I'll read 'em articles L8r.
  8. Woot! June is few days away, then BAM! Sim3, iphone 3.0, the proposal (movie), I love ya man (movie), Harry Potter nix film not a far too.
  9. Is it me or the iPhone at times fails to show up the wifi signal symbol though connected... um #_#
  10. Why do ppl broadcast the month of May is warm when it is cold as per usual. Duh.
  11. Searching thru stacks of binders for a booklet on statutory act. No luck so far. Darn it.
  12. 9 degrees this morning. Brrr!!!
  13. As much many things remain same in all places, I still like to put up a fight for "my right to fight". Totally getting up ppl backside. lol.
  14. RT In London, or the outskirts thereof. All is well after the journey of...(via @maxcelcat) MN: already. Wow.
  15. Productive is 2 communi8 a pt / Q w/out item going "to & fro" & prints of doc. Waste of time & paper. 1 email wif pic = good enuf.
  16. RT A New Yorker magazine cover, finger-painted on the iPhone. Really impressive. (via @Pogue) M: Amazing.
  17. Enjoying Dilbert & pics of mach perfm 2 in 1 action. There should be a heater-hair dryer combo, so ya dun 've 2 hold it. Oh la.
  18. My dreams of tmr. sigh.
  19. Should I take a solo trip? Like my bro did earlier this year.#towelday #musicmonday
  20. Italian pasta always need some kind of sauce beside oil; taste bland! yeah, yeah?
  21. Got quizzed n video taped by few skol kids about sport spectactor violence. Neat. If ya see me on tv, I've my headphones so wasn't pay attn
  22. Windy but sunny today. Reminds me. Maybe I should visit the beach more b4 the ocean is gone. #rpo #susan boyle #mo
  23. Windy but sunny today. #rpo #susan
  24. Got the runny nose but end of the mth is collect data for report kind of week. Can't relax just yet. Ugh. My agony.
  25. Sunday, eh? Weekends should really be 3 days. 1: sleep in, 2: shopping, 3: prepare material for Monday. So I wish.
  26. Trying to snap shots of scenery in low light cloudy day with my iphone. Squinting bad.
  27. A wave of art made out of bamboo. Very cool. Found at NGV back garden.
  28. I've got mucles. Grrr. Funny. You can do it too at Art Centre Gallery 1.
  29. Lots of stinkin' smokers all over Swanston, prams in narrow alley ways, I can see immigration getting out of hand (eg. racial bickers).
  30. Here's the pic
  31. A big Creme brûlée with pistachio ice cream for snack. Yum.
  32. Dreams of Shou from アリス九號. I wonder what's their next video clip. Um.
  33. Making my sims2 char sea sid home even more glam. lol. Oh. Having trouble wif iframe code for google calendar, can't add event w/out login.
  34. Ha ha. The cat tried hog the heater but I beat her two it. As i have longer arms. Ah ha ha. #budgetbond #twares #terminatorsalvation
  35. Is human crap at listening? ppl deaf 2 “NO”. no paper doc trail, no i will not rec, it is not FEB, no I can't beam a librarian on spot!
  36. 5:07pm today. The #city circle tram failed to stop at Central pier. Making me walk all the way back from Victoria Harbour. S.O.B u know.
  37. Tomato and beet root taste yummy. Bumped into my old classmate today during my lunch break. What a coincidence.
  38. ‘Hi’ to my new followers. /^^/
  39. A much better sleep. Nothing lots of shawls & scraf. 哈哈.
  40. Wish ppl get on with modern times and learn to communicate better via Internet. Wot's the pt of online chat/forms for?
  41. when taking dog into supermarket do I have to keep him on leash? (via @DHughesy) MN: dogs always stay outside & usu by a pole.
  42. Whew. Half way, I'm beat on circ desk. So much ref enq, irrate patron, copy forms to fill. I dunno how u attend to it everyday, Scott.
  43. When is #latitude loopt be available in AUD? makes harassing frens & prank calls more fun? I can see you. Not. lol.
  44. Nando 4 dinner. Yum. Warning to those who fail to search through a website b4 calling 4 help is lame. #gossip girl #star trek #flock
  45. Yawn. Rise n Shine ppl. XD 4 degrees? Yikes! Ugh. Need to fix up bed to be more warm in coming weeks.
  46. A few more mths & iPhone 3.0 firmware is open to the public. Awesome. I could sure do wif those features. Mms. Copy/Paste. Audio memo.
  47. Is me or the latest update for #Quick voice app has rendered the app unable to send file via email? Eh? Bummer.
  48. Enjoying #iemoji app too bad it cannot extend itself to emails & twitter entries. See below just squares, no icon of mask. For example, 
  49. Played 30mins of badminton in the park but the wind kept interferring and making us run left to return a serve which utmost tough. Fun.
  50. Delicious treat found in ALDI. Ginger cookies. Very fluffy. Nutty and zing flavour.
  51. Bang bang shhhh. Clang. Bing. Bung. Ah. The noise you hear while trying to sleep in a bit. Failed. #Kobe had good food.#angels&demons um
  52. Okies. I've linked my hols video 2 my blog. Mind u it is in 3GPP qty as they were captured via SE K770 mobile. Enjoy.
  53. I'm on the waiting list of eye and ear hospital for the ringing noise in my ear. Cool. Btw congrats @sockington on 500K followers.
  54. my 1st Alannah Hill's "miss stress" clutch. title suits me. Since '06 life is go, go, go. (Rose pattern)
  55. Lunch wif sis at Nando. Table number 23. Also free wifi access. Awesome lunch!
  56. Off 2 c Doc abt tinnitus in my ear. I'll be in town L8r. Shopping. Window shopping. LOL.
  57. Okies. I've now added a snippet recording of my voice to my voki on my blog. Feel free to check it out.
  58. Sleepy. Sigh.
  59. pink panther found itself in an unlikely situation. geez. it looks painful. seen in a diff dept at work.
  60. You can sample listen to my Voki avatar on my blog & you be the judge. Note: not using my actual voice as yet. Enjoy.
  61. Created my 1st Voki avatar. すごい。just turned off the light. Nite.
  62. @sngo1982 more funny cat videos. (via @Pogue)
  63. RT Back in Silver Spring after mighty fine carb cake! (via @maxcelcat) indeed cakes 've carbs. lol
  64. The plant is trying to get a better view. lol. It is sprouting towards the window at best.
  65. #Meow in bow.
  66. Don't u just hate lashes jabbing ur eye. Ouch. Also I'm no good at dancing either #dance.
  67. #ibloom app is cute & a mjr pain, plant wilted often than my real 1s. if only it looked like...this
  68. Funny PC vs MAC in South Park mini episode. Lol
  69. Cool that many social networking sites let u connect n' sync status or blog entries but is it safe? um.
  70. Reading: look-a-like twitter social networking sites online in foreign countries. also today's meeting Ning and Voki was mentioned.
  71. Munching on bread roll. Reading up on #web 3.0? But want news on #WiMax, #4G, next gen #iPhone, future of #Sony Ericsson.
  72. Running on empty & doing my best to perk up as it only mid-week. Probably should let others do the creative thinkn a bit. (>.O)
  73. So loving #Alice nine. Here's a cool pic of 'em on Neo mag.
  74. This is how and what team building should look. See twitpic.
  75. Every1 knows Verizon is better yet they're CDMA tho' RT Dear AT&T. Your 3G coverage sucks. (via @maxcelcat)
  76. cute RT... but there is something creepily human about this dancing bird... (via @Pogue)
  77. I highly recommend watching the video about #consumerism using up #earth #finite resources
  78. ringing noise in my ears doesn't seem to go away. ugh.
  79. Now ppl on twitter can tell me. How many of u like to receive p/copy of chpt of book/journal in pdf frmt? ;D
  80. Nom nom time. Ever wonder why ppl sync their watches & mobile against different clocks? *nutty*
  81. @Astro_Mike wish u a safe journey in orbit. may the force be with you _star wars.
  82. Cooliris app 4 iPhone is すごい。
  83. Napped yet slightly refreshed. Finding it difficult to re-route plan. Um. Costly to goon diy style might pick package.
  84. Home 啦
  85. Pushing a trolley about work. Not enuf pencil tho'. Darn it.
  86. Watchn tv version of #Merlin in his younger days. Fearful. Reckless. Handsome.
  87. @DHughesy Is this you Hughesy for Whirlpool? hot mama. nice rock btw.
  88. Happy mother's day all. I'm spending mine @nandos with mom. lol.
  89. Woot. 2nite I've completed the game, #Hero of Sparta. Oh yeah. It was a thrill.
  90. Waiting for my hair to lighten a few shade. 哈哈. Feel the burn.
  91. Watching avi file that are longer than 5mins on my laptop hurts my neck. 嘻嘻.
  92. nice experimt. funny if it had succeed. RT the pee off (via @aplusk)
  93. @maxcelcat Hi. Got much sleep? here's a question, how can u tweet on a plane once it has taken off? Wifi? :S
  94. @jtimberlake welcome to twitterville. ^_^V
  95. odd can't get rcption in bldgs like #Myer yet u can in #David Jones, which is just NEXT door. >_<
  96. Is it just me or sumfn, cashiers get upset when u refuse 2 accept plastic bag & that u got ur own bag. Wot gives?
  97. Nice to know Swine flu, KFC, Dollhouse, & Star Trek are having a party together. LOL. Subliminal msg is da 'make believe' conspiracy. Oh.
  98. #MYST game on #iphone sooo...need it and I gotta top up this wkend. おもしろい.
  99. RT 22 sure signs you're a geek: (via @pcworld)
  100. Nth Melb buying lge pizza 4 da family, again no one wants 2 cook. Sigh. Perhaps kitchen needs a reno/fresh paint. LOL
  101. Pogue's review of the MiFi: a portable, personal WiFi hot spot the size of a Visa card. (via @Pogue)
  102. Just dn #ibloom app fr #App store. so cute 可愛い.There's water action by tilting ur iPhone, blow in2 mic 4 air, shake 2 feed. Check it out.
  103. Just added myself to the twitter directory under:#information #technology #Mobile
  104. Watch food made by different levels of cooks on tv. Nothing like#IRON CHEF though. 哈哈.
  105. Home. Resting my foot. Yet my right hand aches. No problem on the left tho'
  106. Trends shows American #Idol topic is hot on #youth minds. Why not #water issues or local events? #TV has enuf medium focus on it.
  107. Lots of cool movies: Wolverine, Star Trek, I luv ya man, etc... not enuf dough to watch it on Sat/Sun costs AUD$17. Sad.
  108. Lots of work is required to update & maintain historical bldg. My wkpl is no exception. Two too much muffins fr staff meetn. Too tasty.
  109. G'morn 2 my new followers. I ain't no celeb but I'm an iPhone fan. LOL. Wednesday already. aw. Gotta mk plans 4 mother's day.
  110. Out n' about on Bourke yet heading 2 Nth Melb
  111. Unfortunate. No good mobile fone plan 4 'voice & data' less $30 in Aussie. Also mobile broadband doesn't allow voice calls.#fb
  112. Slightly refreshed and missed 30mins of #Supernatural. Sam & Dean always hot!
  113. Home 啦. Tired eyes.
  114. here in the cold wait 4 bro 2 finish wk 2 go home 嘛. planning day trip 4 mom's b'day, finkn' of puffing billy luncheon. =="
  115. Nite nite ppl
  116. Watch out for fake keypads inserted over ATM machines Http:// Pin numbers sent via BT to hacker#fb
  117. Back home fromhanging out with Dad at Highpoint SC. Purchased a new toilet seat yet to install it.哈哈. #fb
  118. At chaddy buying up iPhone accessories & a cable for Sis' ishuffle. 30 mind to closing time. Also getting a lot of stares. Um.#fb
  119. Gr8 sleep. Yawn. 1st S'day wer no one came running in2 abt a problem early in da morn. Now that's how it oughta be on Saturday. :D #fb
  120. Attended SR & CM hse warming party. Got the chance to see their lovely apt. Came 2nd in Mario party. An overall good evening.#fb