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August 02, 2006

Highlights of 2006

January 2006

I had expected a busy time ahead, calls at work comes hammering in, as many new client bought adsl over christmas and only connecting up now. Late January was my turn to take annual leave. My brother and i went to Sydney to visit friends and relatives. One of my relative, Mr KT, is engaged to his girlfriend, who he had a relationship with for four years. To me that is wonderful news.

The trip was mostly spent in the rain. We saw most of the tourist spots. Overall a splendid four day trip. When i got back to Melbourne i had cleaned up my desk, my wardrobe, school notes, and updated my CV. I did my best to get enough regular sleep. Also attended a dinner for library graduates organised by graduates.

Febraury 2006

Love was no where in the air. My brother had relationship difficulty with his girlfriend who lives oversea [her home country is Thailand]. His girlfriend has no plans to come back to Australia, even for a visit and it has been 2 years. Oh well. My sister's depression has lighten but not alleviated. Now she is thinking of taking up a course in "make up". Which gives us hope that she feeling better about herself. While i am back at work and the routine of things.
No love for me either. Life is good though. I'm healthy and happy, what more can i ask?

March 2006

My sister bought two RPG games called, [1]Phantom blade and [2]Atelier Iris: external mana. I am so HOOKED onto Atelier Iris, i played it everyday before and after work. lol. I even wake up early to play the game. The storyline is interesting and the side quests are puzzling but cute. Oh i love it so much. I have gone pale because i am indoors so much.

Then one day I decided to clean the mould on the bath room ceiling and by Sunday morning my upper left backside felt extreme pain. I couldn't move my left side properly that Sunday morning. I had to call in sick. Mom took me to see a Chinese medicine specialist to examine my physical pain. They said a few muscles was strained. I can't sleep on my left side for long periods of time and was advised occasionally the pain acts up. Sweet. Both the specialist and my mom laughed at my cleaning ceiling skills and that i'm to avoid cleaning ceilings for this year. Ha ha

April 2006

Doing lots of overtime to earn some $$$ for mid year sales. We really want to buy those PS2 stuff soon. Ms FHS, Mr SR and I spent a lot of time together during overtime in building 565. We have gotten to know each other much more now. There is something about email that can't replace human social interaction. The warmth perhaps? We realised we need to synchronise our day off to hang out and chill.

May 2006

24th of May we (Ms FHS and Mr SR including my sister) indeed hung out. However, there were hitches and it all nearly went haywire. Very laughable. Involved a great deal of patience from all parties.

At 12 noon my sister and i arrived at Mr SR suburb and sussed out the local shops except the mall, by then Mr SR sms me steps to head over to wait at his place for Ms FHS to arrive. We spent four hours waiting for Ms FHS. Funny enough Ms FHS was in another eastern suburb around 2pm she woke up but as she boarded the train she left Mr SR mobile phone number behind, so she headed off to the city to our work place and fetch the number from work email records. She then took the train to Mr SR suburb after a few directions given via email. Four hours later she arrived and we altogether left for Knox city to watch the movie "Over the hedge", which was very cute by the way. We had pizza for dinner, the first waiteress forgot our eating utensils, so i asked for them and head waiter joked about eating it with our hands and then gave them to us. After dinner we headed back to Mr SR place to meet his significant other who just came home after work. A wonderful day spent with friends. We now advise Ms FHS to carry a mobile phone from now on. lol.

June 2006

This month was quiet, continued overtime work, played PS2 Sim2, GTA: Vice City and San Andreas, and Tomb raider: legend. My computer crashed and was reformatted. We now back up everything to usb mass storage. I attended Ms DL her 21st birthday party at Suede. Australia lost to Italy and they didn't make it to the semi finals, at least Socceros did better this time round in the World Cup.

July 2006

Ah, this is more of a social month, it kicks off with me having another annual leave this time it is three weeks.

Week 1: I went to see an acupuncturist about my shoulder and dentist about my extra teeth growing behind my wisdom tooth. Dentist found three holes in my teeth required fillings. The extra tooth will be getting x-ray in August due to dentist appointment is booked out. While the local community health centre has 3 years waiting list. My friend Ms KL and I watched a movie, "the break up".

Weeks 2: Visited Ms FHS and Mr SR at work then we went out for drinks at Taxi (Fed SQ). My friend Ms KL and I watch DVD "family stone" and "kiss kiss bang bang" and cooked home made pizza.

Week3: Visited my referees and catched up with them. My first library job interview, of all things it was for RMIT. I couldn't believe i was short listed. Too bad i didn't get the job even though they contacted my referees. Usually when new employer calls your referees it means 90% you will get the job. However, it is okay, as the experience was something i will keep forever. It is proof that i am indeed a valid candidate after all.

My RMIT library assistant interview memo [as i did not get the job - July 2006].

*Learn to tailor your interview around the job description and also bring that one with with you too!

*Effective communication demo eg. working as a team on a project.

*Automated system use = Question, which areas of software have you used and in which job?

*Relationship = Question, how do you deal with difficult/rude staff?

*Do not ask about "on-the-job training", as you must show you can do it on your own, and besides they don't want to know what you cannot do for them.

Same week my sister and i hanged out with Mr SR watching American shows, lent him PS2 Sim 2 game, and chatted about selling items on Ebay. Then in the evening i went off to Alia NewGrad seminar about working in different library sectors.

August 2006

Hee hee. My family have been watching Big Brother 2006 and Jamie was the winner. My sister and i watched the movies "the lake house" and "pirate of the carribean: dead man's chest". Both very moving and spectacular performances. I enjoyed them both.

Tooth are the most vulnerable of all bones, as they are easy pulled out, so i advise you maintain and look after them. I just can't believe at the age of 25 that i will be growing another extra tooth yet it is one i cannot reach to clean. A pain in the butt. Now i'm free at the age of 26. Yay. 7 August 2006 i had my extra growing wisdom tooth taken out; overall quick and painless. My dentist used "the wand plus" technique to provide pain free anaesthetic and just numbed the tooth in question. Neato.

September 2006

I had resigned my job of 18 months at TeleTech P/L. It feels sad but I have always wanted a library related job and to nab one after 8 months of searching and applying is wonderful. Civica won me over with a full time job. On my 2nd week at the new job I played host to 2 Taiwan clients of ours for 2 weeks. The Taiwan clients came for training on our LMS product. This helpdesk job is more than just sitting by the phone. There is plenty to learn and do that's for sure. Such as learning to claim dinner and travel fare as business expense as I have never done that before, and now i understand the role of receipts in the world of conducting business. Oh...we have cab vouchers too. Oh gosh. So cool. This job opens a new world for me.

October 2006

We have our own mailing list called SPUN. This month we have a very special once a year SPUN conference. At the office we held a cocktail party for it. Here I met many of our wonderful clients and got the chance to hear their thoughts on our LMS product. Super cool. I totally enjoyed the experience and I do look forward to getting to know our clients and working together to make our LMS product even better.

2 more Taiwan clients arrived for training. This time they focused on how to customise the LMS product. However, i am not playing host instead i'm expected to focus on looking at SR cases instead.

My sister and I watched the movie "The devil wears Prada". It skips a couple of scenes from the book, shows Andy being hired by Miranda too early on, even added a love scene here and there, which is cool; overall the movie was funny, glamorous, and realistic in the way some bosses are bullies especially in the world of fashion. I too have endured some insult like Andy and it does hurt me personally when people attack my sense of taste in clothing items and weight.

My brother has got a new job as Front Office manager with Homes @ Flinders (service apartments) at end of September but he quit mid-October due to lack of support and disorganised in staffing. Oh well.

November 2006

Mimi (the cat) is 15 years old now.

My horse 'Pop rock' number 12 in the Melbourne Cup came 2nd place. Not bad huh? Delta Blues won 1st place.

I had a dental appointment to have a check up. I have discovered that i'm a 'mouth breather' by default, meaning when i fall asleep i would find myself sleeping with my mouth open. Dentist said this habit stems from my mouth's formation. My uper teeth protrudes and causing the mouth to open by default. Well, i do have a shit nose; half the time it is runny or not working yet it can pick up the scent of a smoker nearby with disgust. With this discovery we do believe due to this open mouth business my front teeth pores are left exposed and unable to receive moisture and protective coating from my saliva. Also with the teeth pores open it allows food stain to enter my teeth enamel hence brown stains. The dentist recommends i undergo cleansing treatment, polish, and new fillings be made to the teeth.

Apparently, i'm missing two bottom front teeth that never grew when i was a child. Dentist said you never know they might erupt in the future. What a scary thought. Oh, i'll be needing my back teeth's cavity cleaned and filled, x-ray screening of all my teeth for decay. I'm gonna be broke but i'll have my healthy teeth.

My cousin Mr KT and his financee finally got married this month. My new job doesn't allow me to take leave during probabtionary period. However, their wedding reception was beautiful, well judging from the photos anyway. Ms VT another cousin of mine is pregnant. Blessed news this month.

December 2006

After 2 months my friend KL and me manage to arrange a dinner to catch up and celebrate her birthday. We ate at "Stone grill" located in China town. We had 2 mocktails; pink fantasia and green tea shake. For entree grillled calamari with rocket salad and another dish Gyu ingemaki. The main meal was chicken-pork-beef on skewers cooked on a stone that is 400 celsius HOT with entree sashmi. All was very Nice and Yummy!

My birthday was on the same day Civ [my new work place] had held luncheon with Victorian customers and xmas party with Civ staff, whom some of them had come over from USA and Singapore to join us in the celebration. It was al good fun.

Then on the weekend i had yum cha in Prahran with my sister, mom, and dad; my brother had to work that day. Mid December had dinner at SOS
with Doh.boy and SweetSadist77. We even hanged out in the cold in New Quay only to find Gremlin II shown on bad yet large screen TV, mucked/posed with fluro lighted street sculptures, and every cool bar was booked out for xmas party. Oh well we had fun alright.

Civ [my new work place] had internal staff re-structuring [dumping middle managers] and reporting levels. We as an organisation are still going through our growing pains/motions [new workflow for every team] and a whole heap is a work in progress [change in work process and service delivery direction].

Happy New Year

L1 HD -> L2 T.S/T.A -> DT;Only L2 can communicate with DT about cases. My duties were changed yet badly informed/delivered - it took two
meetings [28/DEC/2006 and 22/JAN/2007] and many disputes to arrive to the right conculsion and concensus about which cases goes where based
on what conditions in greater/full detail, all pushed by my request painfully. I can accept changes but some people like being damn vague
than being meticulous on details.

April 01, 2006

March 2006 entry

Hello, everyone online.
I'm a person with little or no profound opinions. March so far has been a challenging for me. I had headaches was due to bad headphone microphone adjustment. I had constant kidney pain due to lack of fluid and sit too much from my job. There was driving lessons [i'm a slow thinker still], facial treatments, PC updgrades, my brother PC game troubles [ SpellForce + FEAR not working], PDA battery malfunction, and cleaning injuries. Life wasn't meant to fair but i was hoping to ease off this year so that i can concentrate on writing up my examples for KSC = Key Selection Criteria. However, i have writer's block. Commonwealth games was a spectacular event in Melbourne, especially the many famous road blocks and the logo being all over the town. I took St kilda photographs while on my 3hr break during work. I'm not online much as i intended, as i am easily tired and found asleep. Life has a small rountine in March:

Monday - pay bills, run errands & make calls to who ever
Tuesday - facial treatment with AVANA's Max 7 rejuvenating facial.
Wednesday - driving lesson with RACV or my brother or dad, and discuss house matters with the family
Thu, Fri, and Sun work 9-1 4-8 includes a 3hrs break.
Saturday - shopping, play games, exercise, and watch movies

i hate people who i have told and made plans with a few months back only to find they have forgotten and only to be met with "oh really" or "you never said that" responses. Geez. Some people are at the age of 20-30 are already senile beings. i don't know why people plan things with others only to cancel it on the actual day. time is precious and can't be replaced. if people are selective of who they wish to cohort with then learn to say "NO". i thank the heavens for PlayStation and Internet. Or we could be bored out of our minds from just sitting and waiting in our youth.

my sister hops online everyday from morning till dusk. it is hard to get time to hop online as she hogs the internet. we are still on unlimited dialup as it is cheaper plus the fact my other family members and i rarely hop online. even so that doesn't mean we have to put with her attitude of being territorial over internet time. well when we get a chance to look up stuff online, i shove my sister offline yet she insist we keep her yahoo messnger open as her friends might buzz her. i agreed, what a bad idea, and when i ignored a few of her mates messages, she got mad and labelled me 'rude'. what?! i'm reading stuff online, i can't be bothered to interact; how ridiculous. i yelled at her. "i'm not paying for something i can't use or ever use". after that i went to the backyard and kicked everything. i was mad as fire.

a brand new PDA i-mate Jamin broke down on me. i was testing it after first battery recharge and the battery depletes like water on a hot day. i went online to check out if this is normal, from many reviews this is common among PDAs and smartphones. oh. i went to official site and they pointed only if u ran programs but not right after battery full recharge. therefore contacted i-mate's tech support, i must say they sounded sleepy and was no help either. i contacted the shop which i bought it from and they said it could be DOA = Dead On Arrival. they sent my PDA to the manufacturer to run tests and see what can be done about it. wow. in my life time only one mobile phone totally died on me, that's the Nokia 7280, battery works but software malfunctioned and because my brother bought it from Thailand it can't be fixed here. oh well. electronic goods are fickle.

i woke up unable to move the left side of my body. i had injured my neck-back-left arm from cleaning the bath room ceiling. mom took me to a Chinese massage therapist nearby. it hurt more after therapy. i put lots of chinese medicine patches on the pain spots. This continued to hurt until Thursday. lesson from this is never do heavy cleaning around work days. i work on Thu, Fri and Sundays. so Saturday is off limits to intense work outs.

maybe i have out grown clubbing. Heist was okay. dancing and fraternising is overrated. a skill i don't possess. i have different taste in entertainment. besides i want a simply life with minor element of flamboyance. i miss Salt, QBH, and Chevon hey days. at least they had cloak room can hold everyone's items, entertainment and had correct queues for stranger, ticket holders, guests, and members. Sydney's Orbit beats Melbourne Observation deck bar in the sky as it rotates. Honky Tonk and Red silk has a lovely environment. Revolver and Prince hotel has wicked crowds and live music. as you can pretty guess i'm not much of a drinker. but i ain't no spectator. i like to dance to techno or anime tracks. my jacket stinks like smoke.

February 25, 2006

Heels can kill

It's been a while since i wore high heels and i must say i got a lot of practice to do. Hurts like hell. My feet feel the strain and my calf muscle were so tense. I ended up getting muscle ache in the upper right thigh. sigh. i can never be a hot chick in heels. lol. Overall high heels look great but they require lots of skill and patience. Definitely not for the fainted hearted or chicken.

February 06, 2006


Sometime it is hard to let go of a good thing. For example, Centrelink.

We all must grow up and support ourselves. I have been on Centrelink support since i was a child under my mom's account (she was a single mother). Then by the time i was 16, i was on Austudy (hence before renamed to Youth Allowance). After unsuccessful attempts at finding work i sought help from Centrelink and was allocation to job network, AMES. After 6 month of unemployment i was sent to Lady Growie Childcare, who has a wonderful support team and has great training facilities. Robinson Reserve Neighbourhood House was a wonderful environment for new staff and community helpers, playgroups, and childcare. Job Co is another work for the dole organisation who provide various activities in Brunswick. Skill West Link is another work for the dole organisation who does its best despite distance in location (Broadmeadows) to assist work for the dole particpants. Thank you all. However, i'm ready for a serious career action plan and apply for real HELP DESK or LIBRARY jobs.

I discontinue to dabble in job search training, applying for jobs only because it has the FULL TIME title written on its advertisement, and work for the dole. When Lady Growie arranged an appointment for me with Yola from RRNH and Yola asked me, "do you have passion for childcare?" I couldn't lie. I said, "no but i can try". She that won't do. She can see clearly i'm uninterested in such role. She is right about that one. In the end I did my best to handle other people's children as they are precious future beings. In addition, I did office administration and computer maintenance for RRNH with cheerfulness. However, i keep her words fresh in my mind, to continue a job you don't care about is a waste of life. That made me realise i should pursue work that supports my interest.

Also i found it very difficult to attend morning appointments with AMES as i work at nights and i don't get home until 11 or 12 midnight. I cannot wake up for 9:30am appointments or work for the dole programs, and be expected to juggle my part time job. Even if my part time job is mediocre to many people because my job is classified under CALL CENTRE. My job entails THINKING and lots of it mind you, we think on spot, we apply our latest knowledge (updated every two months) and experience, we tailor our language to clients level, and we use various programs to troubleshoot each call. My job title is ADSL BROADBAND TECHNICAL SUPPORT. Hence the name then you know this job is NOT TELEMARKETING. I know to many people 5 hours on the phones is nothing but my job is not selling it is a THINKING JOB! I am amazed how my teachers and fellow classmates can put up with me and i love them all very much. AMES needs to know i found that ADSL BROADBAND TECHNICAL SUPPORT JOB myself and i'm proud of myself. Sure it is part time hours but i fought very hard to impress in the telephone and face to face interviews, plus numerous job tests that comes with this ADSL BROADBAND TECHNICAL SUPPORT JOB.

I may sound angry but i'm not, AMES has being half supportive, facilities wise anyway, but not great at supporting my grand interest or courage in seeking roles in computers or library industry.

I have reported such stuff to Centrelink headquarters but i feel the easiest way to deal with this is to give up. I am gonna try my best out there on my own. That is why today i had cancelled my New Start Allowance account.

February 01, 2006



Two things affect me in inital stages of thinking if the person is my ideal partner:

I tend to like guys within range of my current age. This year i'm 26 therefore 24-26 applies. Only one or two younger guys in my life have taken my breath away. But older guys reminds me of my dad or brother. Ew. My mind can't deal with that ever.

I need to be crystal clear on this topic.
No guy or anything can persuade me. If i'm racial then i'm sorry but that's me. This is to save everyone time and effort and emotions.

January 23, 2006

Dear friends,

My annual leave was a bliss in waiting after a hectic non-break year in 2005. My four days in Sydney was half scenic and half negotiation. Reason for so being is my travel companion was my brother and he was mr negative most the time, as he hates the idea of being a tourist (but we are). We ended up only seeing major tourist spots from a far or worst from the map and no more. To make it worst he was indecisive about many things. However, i was persistent and ended up visiting: China town, Queen Victoria Building, Circular Quay, Darling Habour, Habour Side shopping centre, Haymarket + Paddy's market, The Rocks, Sydney Opera House, Hyde Park, Centrepoint, NSW state library, go on monorail, Kingsgrove, Hurstville, Orbit bar, Museum of contemporary art (saw Kienholz's "not my fault" photography that was on display), and Cremone point.

The weather for the first two days was pretty bad as it rained non stop on Wednesday 18th January and half of Thursday 19th. Friday 20th and Saturday 21st was balmy warm. I also met up with my NSW relatives and my friend, Arnold. We all had a splendid time hanging out. Indeed Sydney is bigger than Melbourne but the insides of their buildings is smaller than Melbourne and not very grand looking either. Streets of Melbourne offer more seating and trash cans. My leg got cramps by Friday afternoon. We walked more than we took local transport. The habour reminds me of Hong Kong's Kowloon port looking over to Hong Kong Island.

I miss Melbourne, Highpoint City Shopping centre, Collingwood, and Prahran very much. Home sweet home.

January 11, 2006

Yahoo's Avatar

Look @ this cute avatar from yahoo. Better yet it is mine. Well any1 can make 1 too really, to d same look as well. sigh. But hey it was fun in designing 1. oh yes! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERY1.