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April 01, 2006

March 2006 entry

Hello, everyone online.
I'm a person with little or no profound opinions. March so far has been a challenging for me. I had headaches was due to bad headphone microphone adjustment. I had constant kidney pain due to lack of fluid and sit too much from my job. There was driving lessons [i'm a slow thinker still], facial treatments, PC updgrades, my brother PC game troubles [ SpellForce + FEAR not working], PDA battery malfunction, and cleaning injuries. Life wasn't meant to fair but i was hoping to ease off this year so that i can concentrate on writing up my examples for KSC = Key Selection Criteria. However, i have writer's block. Commonwealth games was a spectacular event in Melbourne, especially the many famous road blocks and the logo being all over the town. I took St kilda photographs while on my 3hr break during work. I'm not online much as i intended, as i am easily tired and found asleep. Life has a small rountine in March:

Monday - pay bills, run errands & make calls to who ever
Tuesday - facial treatment with AVANA's Max 7 rejuvenating facial.
Wednesday - driving lesson with RACV or my brother or dad, and discuss house matters with the family
Thu, Fri, and Sun work 9-1 4-8 includes a 3hrs break.
Saturday - shopping, play games, exercise, and watch movies

i hate people who i have told and made plans with a few months back only to find they have forgotten and only to be met with "oh really" or "you never said that" responses. Geez. Some people are at the age of 20-30 are already senile beings. i don't know why people plan things with others only to cancel it on the actual day. time is precious and can't be replaced. if people are selective of who they wish to cohort with then learn to say "NO". i thank the heavens for PlayStation and Internet. Or we could be bored out of our minds from just sitting and waiting in our youth.

my sister hops online everyday from morning till dusk. it is hard to get time to hop online as she hogs the internet. we are still on unlimited dialup as it is cheaper plus the fact my other family members and i rarely hop online. even so that doesn't mean we have to put with her attitude of being territorial over internet time. well when we get a chance to look up stuff online, i shove my sister offline yet she insist we keep her yahoo messnger open as her friends might buzz her. i agreed, what a bad idea, and when i ignored a few of her mates messages, she got mad and labelled me 'rude'. what?! i'm reading stuff online, i can't be bothered to interact; how ridiculous. i yelled at her. "i'm not paying for something i can't use or ever use". after that i went to the backyard and kicked everything. i was mad as fire.

a brand new PDA i-mate Jamin broke down on me. i was testing it after first battery recharge and the battery depletes like water on a hot day. i went online to check out if this is normal, from many reviews this is common among PDAs and smartphones. oh. i went to official site and they pointed only if u ran programs but not right after battery full recharge. therefore contacted i-mate's tech support, i must say they sounded sleepy and was no help either. i contacted the shop which i bought it from and they said it could be DOA = Dead On Arrival. they sent my PDA to the manufacturer to run tests and see what can be done about it. wow. in my life time only one mobile phone totally died on me, that's the Nokia 7280, battery works but software malfunctioned and because my brother bought it from Thailand it can't be fixed here. oh well. electronic goods are fickle.

i woke up unable to move the left side of my body. i had injured my neck-back-left arm from cleaning the bath room ceiling. mom took me to a Chinese massage therapist nearby. it hurt more after therapy. i put lots of chinese medicine patches on the pain spots. This continued to hurt until Thursday. lesson from this is never do heavy cleaning around work days. i work on Thu, Fri and Sundays. so Saturday is off limits to intense work outs.

maybe i have out grown clubbing. Heist was okay. dancing and fraternising is overrated. a skill i don't possess. i have different taste in entertainment. besides i want a simply life with minor element of flamboyance. i miss Salt, QBH, and Chevon hey days. at least they had cloak room can hold everyone's items, entertainment and had correct queues for stranger, ticket holders, guests, and members. Sydney's Orbit beats Melbourne Observation deck bar in the sky as it rotates. Honky Tonk and Red silk has a lovely environment. Revolver and Prince hotel has wicked crowds and live music. as you can pretty guess i'm not much of a drinker. but i ain't no spectator. i like to dance to techno or anime tracks. my jacket stinks like smoke.

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