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April 20, 2024

April 2024

Overall, the cruise was an okay experience.

The boarding pass was a problem on embarkation day. Thankfully, the security staff at Civitaveechia was kind enough and allowed us to proceed through with printed paper booking from travel agent as proof. The check-in staff wrote down our room number on paper. There were no team leaders to guide anyone. Most people loitered around the centre of ship looking dazed. We guided ourselves to our state room haphazardly.

The double days at sea was some what fun on the cruise. The food was salty and bland. The Sun Princess seem to be inexperience at food experiences. 99% of the activities were listening to cover songs being performed by talented musicians or singers. A few times there were trivia nights. One magic show. One puppet show. The mediterranean sea was rough. Pretty much every night the pool deck was closed up and activities were cancelled due to wild winds. Ha Ha.

My brother and I got the stomach flu on the 7th day. I was ill but I was able to walk to shore to see a chemist in Genova. Overall, the cruise was okay. So-so shore excursions, and several add-on cost shuttle bus services. 


Day 11 - 01 April 2024 at Gibraltar.

We gathered in Horizon dining hall deck 7. We were allocated a number and colour sticker upon entry and waited until our bus has arrived. Bro and I had silver 9 sticker. We were aligned to a small coach with the sign silver 9 and a tour guide, Linne. A retired grandmother.

The bus tour took us through rough rugged built looking tunnel roads. Arriving at a port with a playground, a cafe, toilets, and a soccer field. By the light house were cannons facing the Mediterranean Sea. Here you can see cannons on cliff tops. Across from Gibraltar was Morocco. Wow. 7 miles apart. Then the bus went up the steep roads to St Michael’s Cave. Note: I didn’t book cable car or sky walk. Not that bro was keen to do it. 

The St. Michael’s cave had a dazzling array of light shows and music. It enhance the lime stones formation with the way it hugged the lines. We took as much pics as we could. Certainly wet inside. Both on the ground and from the ceiling. You needed a rain coat with a hoodie Apparently, there are over 200 caves in this area. We are only shown one on this tour. When we exited the cave. Bro purchased a can of coke. I saw a monkey by the bin and took pics of it.  Next thing everyone took a pic of it too. lol. The monkey was willing to pose for pics. 

While the bus was heading to the Under the Siege tunnels, we stopped by the Apes Den area and I got the chance to film several monkeys interacting with each other. The little ones were by far the cutest. The monkeys were playful and showed off for a good 5 minutes. It was a great stop by. I was able to take many photographs of them. 

The military tunnel had strategic view of the airport and neighbouring bays. The walk way was a narrow slope. Walk slowly okay. The tunnel goes deeper, but our host was only hired for 3 hours and was expected to only cover the gist of main attractions. 

The bus drove us through small narrow streets to show us what life was once like from behind the sea wall. Mainly, schools and hospitals were relocated to reclaimed land. More flat and ease of access. Meanwhile, the churches remained in the same location. 

They dropped us off at Castmate Square. We went in search of a supermarket and looked at the souvenirs. Bro bought several packs of smoke and toothpaste. I found a store selling UK’s Hotel Chocolate bars and bon bons. Okay looking. I went with the smallest pack for 4 euros. It tasted bland. We purchased a plush monkey pencil case for 8 euro. The coin souvenir machine asked for 2 euro and 5 cents. I had no 5 cents. Oh well. Another loss. No monkey coin then. 

Bro came back to the shop at 3pm. He didn’t want to explore the city. When you don’t set an agenda the man just wants to return to his room. No one gets fit by sleeping all day. 

The cruise ship deck 18 and 19 has a few bird poo. It seems if you stay still birds will shit on you. 


Day 12 - 2 April 2024 at Cartagena.

We took a morning stroll through the shopping street. Too early. Everything was closed. Walked to the round about to do a dragon raid. HaHa. Way to go Pokemon Go. The suburbia streets begin here. Local shops and restaurants. Schools even!

Bro and I headed to Muram art gallery and it was pretty cool. Some of Salvador Dali bronze work is kept here. Wow. Scary staircase. Made of recycle plastics and transparent. Shook too.

There were some local police blocking a small section of a street. Searching for someone as it more police cars came by. After taking another route, we found the electronic elevator to the up parts of the castle.

We went up Ascensor panorámico. View is lovely up here. Teatro Romano de Cartagena (roman theatre) was amazing. Barco Turístico ship ride was worth it. #SPAIN

Roman theatre

Boat tour of the bay


Day 13 - 3/4/2024 in #Palma (#Mallorca) #SPAIN beautiful food, sculptures, and many narrow streets. No time to go in the palace or cathedral. 600 yo olive tree by the town hall. Whoa. 


Day 14 - 4/4/2024 Barcelona 

Day 14 - 4/4/2024 #Barcelona #SPAIN We scrambled to Mirador torre Glòries and was there upon opening. No queue. What a view. Then hopped on bus V25 to Parc del Laberint d'Horta. A white cat entertained us on the way out. Then late seafood lunch. Big oysters at Boqueria market. Back to shuttle after that. 


Day 15 - 5/4/2024 #Marseille has a pretty bay and highly elaborate Cathedral de ja major (good diorama) and Notre dame de garde (best view of the city and bay). We went on a walking tour then took a choo choo train up the hill. Lavender ice cream has a unique flavour here. #FRANCE

The cafe bar by the bay was rude and did not take our order despite we knew what we wanted. the waitress was busy serving the big American family. Oh wells. 

Off to the cathedral we go. The diorama inside were very vivid. It would be even better if the blind was allowed to touch them. Unfortunately, they were hung high up.  You are lucky to be able to take a photograph of it. 

In the back ground, they have an audio tape playing in the background. Those attending the church can repeat after it without staff attendance. 

We left the cathedral la major to find outlet shuttle bus. We found a way down to it. Bro wanted to find snack food. Nothing but bars here. He was disappointed. 

When we got back to the ship and we ate some sweets from the International Cafe. After having the small piece of brownie I fell asleep. I woke up and felt like vomiting. I continued to do so during dinner and after dinner and after watching a movie. Strange. I haven’t vomit so much in years. Odd is when this vomit makes you have diarrhea at the same time.

Pissed off bro. All he could think of was cancelling the visit to the next port. Shame. As I am in need of medicine. Something he is incapable of asking for. Hence why females call him man-child. 

I had to replenished my own water bottle in my weaken condition. I had to turn off the light as he was lazy to get up and turn off the lights. I had to take my medication in the dark. 

Each time the vomit made me poo, I had no choice but to change my pads. Which I’m running low on now. I washed my underpants and pants as the diaoherra has overloaded the sanitary pad. Geez. In my weaken state, I was able to use the shower head to blast hot water on them. Lucky, I kept spare shorts and undies and panty liners. 

I do feel I am on my own sometimes. I book everything, I use Google map to find everything, I fill out every paper work. I feel my travel companions are not the most dependable individuals even if we are edging closer to old age. 


Day 16 - 6/4/2024 Genoa

Day 16 - 6/4/2024 #Genoa #Italy
in my weaken state, I will continue to get out there. Despite I’ve lost my appetite. The Monumental Cemetery of Staglieno had huge sculptures for time stones. Wow. Cathedral San Lorenzo was pretty inside and outside. The mariner was quite lively today. 

Sore throat just got real. I have tried to prevent it but the amount of cruise passengers coughing has worsen my condition. 

You have to repeat yourself when you sit by yourself in Horizon dining hall. Not once, not twice, but four times. Staff have poor memory here. 


Day 17 - 7/4/2024 La Spezia Italy

Last day on the ship and we are off on a shore excursion. 

Day 17 - 7/4/2024 ship docked at #LaSpezia #Italy Bro and I went on a half day tour of #PISA and we only hung around the field of miracle. We got to pose with the leaning tower of Pisa. 

I feel too ill to walk along a port where all the shops are closed on Sunday. 

Bro and I remained on the ship sun baking and surfing the Internet on our mobile phones. While Harry styles music was played on the giant screen on the ship’s pool deck. 

We watched movie: The Guardians of the Galaxy III. Plus Saltburn. 

Most of the production were talented musicians doing cover songs for the American crowd. Which appealed to many but it bored the pants of some travellers. 


Day 18 - 8/4/2024 Fiumicino 

Woke up at 5am. Visited the loo x3 times. Stomach flu still around. 

Bro wanted to leave the room at 7:30am instead of 7:55. Sigh. Then he didn’t want to stick around deck 9 and sit down and get some sun. Heads straight down to deck 7 when our roll call is not until 9:15am. Geez. We arrived here 7:50am too early. Boring. 

Disembarking the Sun Princess while feeling semi sick and heading to Fiumicino. Hope to find a pharmacy soon. 

Day 18 - 8/4/2024 disembarked ship and hopped on transfer coach (USD 80) to #Fiumicino.. After a late lunch at Fish Take Away shop.  Off to Spiaggia Libera (free beach). Sand wise looks polluted. Water has life: crab, sea cucumber, and fishes. We detoured to Todis (grocery store) to buy some water.

I purchased yogurt drink, carrot juice, bananas, and red bull for bro. 

We found a pharmacy nearby and I purchased medicine to heal from the illness I had caught earlier while on the cruise ship. The pharmacist said you are suppose to take 4 Imodium tablets on the first instance. Oh. 

We saw a few cute cats long on our afternoon walks. People would be fishing by the piers. Bro saw one dead fish floating back to the ocean. Ew. 

The area is very local resident based and not much tourists here. Maybe by the hotels but not on foot in the streets. 

Many of shops cover basic necessities, variety stores, and elderly fashion. 


Day 19 - 9/4/2024 Paris (arrive)

The airport shuttle bus driver drove really well and delivered us to terminal 1 smoothly. We arrived just in time for a bag drop. The staff at EasyJet were nice. 

We went through security control okay. Bro was stopped because his hands smelled of tabaco smoke. Other than that no problems. 

The CiccoloItalani served hot chocolate hazelnut drink £5.70. So delicious. 

There is so much local produce here from around the country. Truffle, olive oil, lemoncello liquor. I have no luggage space left. Aww. 

Bye Roma. You have been delightful delicious to visit. 

I had plenty of hazelnut and chocolate gelato, lots of pistachio filled sweets, locally made pasta, bread, and meat. Bro loved the markets and deli stores the most. Followed by churches with amazing ceilings, highly decorated chapels, and walkable rooftops. 

I was getting the hang of drinking my hot chocolate by the counter. Buying gelato and hot chocolate from CiccoloItalani, chocolates from Verdi, basics from Todis and Carrefour, and having porchetta panini everywhere for lunch or hot pasta for dinner. 

I would highly recommend people visit Italia and go beyond Roma to see local attractions and food. 

Now to Paris to visit Loire Valley chateau and to see Bro’s friend after 7 years. 

Day 19 - 9/4/2024 Arrivederci! #Rome the land of delicious chocolate hazelnut ice cream. Bonjour! #FRANCE and buck wheat crepes (more than 5 crepe cafes on Rue du Montparnasse). Walked around 6th ARR. 


Day 20 - 10/4/2024 Nantes

I had bloodshot eyes. None of my eye drops are working. 

Bro sure does not like these early morning train rides. He snoozed all the way to Nantes on the train. While I had to source my own water for my sore throat. With the kindness of strangers I had someone point me out to a working toilet. While I was waiting to use the (broken) toilet, the ticket inspector came by and I got them to scan my pass and advised them my brother was fast asleep in the carriage nearby. Phew. 

The station was big. We took the south exit. I managed to find Tram number 1. Which bloggers recommend to use. However, forgot to mention it was in the north exit. 

We got to see the giant elephant animatronic. What an experience to come across such a machine in person upfront. The grand elephant sprayed water at me while I was filming. Funny. To ride you have book it at the main building. Only 3 sessions a day: 10:15, 2:15, 4;30pm. Bro didn’t want to walk back to the area. Just a visit to the gallery of selective animatronic and see demonstrations. It was pretty good and fun to be part of. 

Day 20 - 10/4/2024 #Nantes #FRANCE #LoireVAlley Bro and I saw so many things here. Les Machines de l'Île, La Cigale, Passage Pommeraye, île de Versailles (mini Japanese garden), and walked along Château des ducs de Bretagne’s walls. Quite the view. 

La Cigale was a classic French bistro. The menu was filled with fishes. The potato puree I had was fluffy light as whipped cream. Not sweet but savoury. 

Passage pomme was decorative but time was limited and we have to head to a mini Japanese garden and the chateau. 

There is a great deal of history here. Inventors. Self regulated government. Female movement. Beyond the old city area is some steep hills. Bro did not want to venture too far out. There were many little shops along the cobble streets. You can walk for hours and not know where you are. Hee hee. I purchased some biscuits to eat later. 


Day 21 - 11/4/2024 Tours

Transferred at Saint Pierre Des Corps to Château de Chenonceau. Omg! It is so picturesque and the garden(s) so many and so big that they cannot be captured in 1 photo. You will need aerial view. 

To get to the kitchen and its many little spaces you walked down a narrow staircase. There were covered bridges. Stairways that lead down to the river. Quite elaborate. 

Spit roast stand with mechanism connected to turn them evenly. A wood fire oven for baking bread. Two small dining areas. 

There were several master bedroom. The upper floors had darker covered bedrooms. 

There was a labyrinth made of short hedges. Hee hee. A few of us wondered around in it. 

Day 21 - 11/4/2024 #Tours #FRANCE Château de Chenonceau was a good choice and easy one to start with in #LoireVAlley. Many rooms and gardens. Loved the maze. Easy to navigate. The elaborate rooms, views of the river, forest, and garden. Quite surreal to be standing in such a historic building. 

Tours has a main road that goes a very long way. There is not much of ruins or huge attractions in Tours. Plenty of locals going about their daily rituals. Peaceful here. 


Day 22 - 12/4/2024

Slept in. Still got red eyes. Coughing fits have reduced and throat is somewhat loosen a bit. 

Sussed out the airport train and it is not speedily at all compared to Tokyo or Zurich or Sydney train to the airport which is much more direct. Quite retarded and slow. I am working out the kinks on my lonesome. My brother’s friend cannot give us any hints as she has family members drive her to the airport. She is has not been an independent traveller. Ah. I see. 

Anyways, bro want to take a stroll through a mini market and have a smoke break. I waited until he is finished then catch a train to the Battle Kart (digital go kart) centre. All the way in zone 4, Parc des Exposition metro station above ground. We only purchased a daily ticket for zone 1 and 2 that did not get us anywhere much. We had to go back to Gare du Nord and buy card board ticket one way. 

The only way to cross over is to go underground via locked gate. Strange!

What bro doesn’t understand is Asian food doesn’t mean cheap in Paris. Unless you make it yourself. He insists on hot Asian food. He insists on wearing a t-shirt because it is sunny. Ugh. The wind is cold and if you plan to hang out until 9pm you better have thermal wear in the evening.

Bro keeps thinking grocery stores will open until midnight. Ugh. In what city? And if you say convenient stores then you are wrong. Those are not grocery stores. Expect to pay more for everything. 

Day 22 - 12/4/2024 #Paris #Nord Slept in so body can heal. Heaps of bakeries in Rue Daguerre (street) near metro stn Denfert-Rochereau. Battle Kart (digital go kart) was in zone 4 and via a locked under pass. We had bento box dinner at Bonjour market (19th ARR.). 


Day 23 - 13/4/2024 #Paris the 11th ARR. has some creative food outlets and classics. We had croissant at Blé Sucre. Lunch at Le Picotin. Stared at Medici Fountain in Jardin du Luxembourg. Ice cream from Amorino Gelato - Paris Huchette (sold by cup size). Dinner at Menelik (Ethiopia cuisine). 

Croissant at Ble Sucre was buttery yum. The canele had a bit medicinal after taste. Hmm. We ate it in a park called Square Trousseau. . 

The area  had young families gathering by the playground. Parents and child would play tag tiggy game. 

Bagels and chocolate stores nearby. 

Just stroll around Paris. 
Stopped by Notre Dame. We had ice cream at Armino. Sells by the size of cup and you can put several scoops of flavours into it. 

Day 24 - 14/4/2024 #Paris we started brunch at Sain Boulangerie (Rue des Gravilliers) > Saint-Eustache Church > Galeries Lafayette “gourmet” and “dome” + glass platform walk >  Printemps Haussmann roof top. Breath taking views all day. 

Shopping mall
Dome viewing 
Glass platform
Rooftop viewing on 7th floor of Printemps Haussmann building. 

Ramen for dinner at Hakata Choten (near Opera). It was Bro’s first time having black garlic oil in his pork broth. Hee hee. 

Day 25 - 15/4/2024 

In the wee morning my brother and I proceeded to double check our documentation and luggages. We checked out of the hotel. Bro had a sore throat. I did all the talking. It was cold as can be. We dragged out bags to bus stops in search of the one that goes to La Defense metro train station. It was the only metro station that goes to the CDG. That or you take a taxi. 

Once we got to the CDG airport, we saw shuttles, long corridors, several check points, and a circular building structure. Also, we were told we were too early for check-in. I went in search of hot food and cool drink for bro's burning throat and hunger. Boy, were there many students by Maccas. They were hidden behind the check-in counters. Big and plenty of signs for toilets.

After we got past all the security, custom, and tax check points, we made it into the oval hall for our flight gate. Bro wanted a place to nap, but everywhere were people excited and chatty. There were no shaded area for those who wish to rest. Nothing but lights and noise. It felt like a casino floor. No pharmacy either. I could not buy more supplies for bro. We had to wait until we reach Singapore airport and hope for the best. I gave bro my remaining cough lollies.

Singapore airport had two pharmacy and I was able to buy stronger medicine for bro. Another cool drink and hot food to eat. While I had treats. Damn those chatty old folks on mobile phones ruining bro's nap by the napping area. The butterfly area is still warm and beautiful as always. 

On the aeroplane I watched a fair few movies:
Anyone but you
Wish (Disney cartoon)
My SHINee World (over the decades concert highlights and reflection)
Dream Scenario

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