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February 05, 2017

February 2017

It is amazing how people have time to troll other people everyday. Do they not have anything else better to do? Too much luxury time I say. They should be forced to clean the ocean and preserve our rain forest.

I wish I could get out there and make a difference, but I have no money and no influence. A few people have stated until I start publishing something, I am not going to be respected, irrespective of the field. Surely, that is ignorant thinking. When so many publishing material have embargo and are locked behind a paywall. People on the field have extensive experiences with issues at hand than that theorist loving publishing monger.

The gap between reality and research is only going to grow wider. Some of the general public have stopped reading research papers and stopped respect scientists. Probability poor access attributed to the gap. The status quo form of communication is stagnant and lack awareness campaign. Which I believe open access supporters have argued many times and over in their blogs and conference talks. Also, members of the general public would like to provide feedback to these research papers, but there is never a wiki page or feed back form for it. If we want people who are experiencing hardship or rather the one dealing with the researched "issue" to speak up and add value to what has already been research, we need to provide a proper communication channel.

It breaks my heart when publishers and researchers place embargo that goes for 7 to 9 years. And lack email address.

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