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August 22, 2016

August 2016

Trying to motivate people to get things done is a challenge, especially when they have no ambition or consideration for the task at hand. So what was suppose to be distributed at the beginning of August end up at the end of August, and that is just hoping. If I was the manager of these people, they would have been fired for their incompetence and lack of responsibility. In this digital age, quality and speed is a must. Any slower, you are lagging behind your competitor by a mile.

I have been attending a few Pokemon meet ups. The first meet up was at Moonee Pond and the rain come down on us and dampening most of the evening. 20 or so of us got ourselves a Arbok and a Ivysaur that night. The second meet up was unannounced one, we as in 100+ people scattered around the infamous Glen Waverley golf course, and boy, did Charmanders show up. It was definitely a nest alright. The third meet up was at Oakleigh, run by another group, and it had 100+ people attending, despite the heavy rain that took up two hours worth, indeed some rare pokemon such as Kanagaskhan, Seadra, Scyther, and Gloom did come out and we ran like athletes to get them. The fourth meet up was at Sidney Myer Bowl and it had 12 people show up. Interesting, how people prefer the non-official meet ups...

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