melpucca Melly Tango
V(๑癶▿癶๑)V Way to go, @kylieminogue ♫ Congrats on your #ARIAs Hall of Fame induction.
melpucca Melly Tango
melpucca Melly Tango
melpucca Melly Tango
Sampling it now RT @TechCrunch: 4sqwifi Uses Foursquare To Show You Nearby WiFi Locations And Their Passwordstcrn.ch/rDsKYQ by @eldon
melpucca Melly Tango
Ka Pow RT @TechCrunch: Photojojo's iPhone Lens Dial Ups Your Mobile Photography Game tcrn.ch/sfOfap by @chrisvelazco
verge The Verge
"StarCraft heaven turned out to be across the street from a faux-European salad bar in Midtown" bit.ly/vVOoBj #longreads
Retweeted by melpucca
melpucca Melly Tango
Good to hear. This is progress. RT @techreview: An Ultrathin Brain Implant Monitors Seizures techre.vu/rMqVUi
melpucca Melly Tango
I ❤ Nippon. Highlights of #Nagasaki twitpic.com/7gy0bytwitpic.com/7gy0du twitpic.com/7gy0fh twitpic.com/7gy0gptwitpic.com/7gy0ht
melpucca Melly Tango
So missing The Mavis's music since 1998. I still own their Pink Pills album. Nothing like a tangible item to remind you of the past.
melpucca Melly Tango
I ❤ Nippon.Highlights of #Tokushima twitpic.com/7gxzvhtwitpic.com/7gxzzc twitpic.com/7gy01f twitpic.com/7gy032twitpic.com/7gy04l
melpucca Melly Tango
I ❤ Nippon. Highlights of #Kyoto twitpic.com/7gxz2ftwitpic.com/7gxze1 twitpic.com/7gxzgg twitpic.com/7gxzk4twitpic.com/7gxzlg
melpucca Melly Tango
I ❤ Nippon. Highlights of #Osaka twitpic.com/7gxzeqtwitpic.com/7gxzg3 twitpic.com/7gxzhe twitpic.com/7gxzjqtwitpic.com/7gxzl6
melpucca Melly Tango
I ❤ Nippon. Highlights of #Tokyo twitpic.com/7gxwo7twitpic.com/7gxwpb twitpic.com/7gxwqq twitpic.com/7gxws2twitpic.com/7gxwtp
melpucca Melly Tango
Fanta Playzone game app looks pretty & simple to play. Encourages scavenger hunt for (Ltd time) billboards. No badges. ★★★
melpucca Melly Tango
Looks easy to use RT @verge: Sony Ericsson's Vscreens app for Android allows photo sharing to any device with a browserbit.ly/sez1eN
melpucca Melly Tango
Indoor rock climbing was a great challenge. I gotta work on my hamstring & forearm muscles tho'. [‘_‘]
melpucca Melly Tango
Helpful type of hack RT @TechCrunch: Students Hack The Kinect To Allow Blind To Navigate tcrn.ch/v2kChO by @johnbiggs
melpucca Melly Tango
The other day, pondering if any1 had made music out of static noise. Repairs [band] offers sumfn similar. #FutureMusicrepairs.bandcamp.com/album/high-ris…
melpucca Melly Tango
This cat can sure do the hula hoops. Amazing. Source: Herald (Melb.) newspaper. April 1960. pic.twitter.com/UBGGISZ8
melpucca Melly Tango
Foursquare' expertise badge is a wicked idea. I've scored 3 so far. Bookworm, baker's dozen, and bento. See pic.pic.twitter.com/kGQUCPRy
Rove Rove McManus
Anything for you guys and Steve RT @AustraliaZoo It's Steve Irwin Day! Can we get a RT for wildlife, conservation and Steve! #SteveIrwinDay
Retweeted by melpucca
melpucca Melly Tango
Social or consumable content maybe hot topic. Yet accessibility, portability, device friendly, and ownership remains a problem. #DigitalAge
melpucca Melly Tango
Arrival of gesture controlled tv is wonderful. Also means a departure of fighting over the remote, find remote, and cuts to battery budget.
ALA_TechSource ALA_TechSource
QR Codes Rock the Library on Your Phone slidesha.re/ru8qDZ
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melpucca Melly Tango
A public library has installed a 3D printer in its makers Fab Lab. New technology now made accessible. Yay! twitter.com/brainpicker/st…
melpucca Melly Tango
melpucca Melly Tango
where was I at 11:11 on 11th Nov 2011? Duh? at work. 頑張って #111111 pic.twitter.com/CtC6l3hI
melpucca Melly Tango
Woot! Soon carpet can replace IR counters RT @newscientist: At last! Comfy T-shirts that work like computers bit.ly/vzg7lU
melpucca Melly Tango
Vote for change and show some support against inhuman acts atChange.org website change.org
melpucca Melly Tango
It is not when #ClimateChange affect us. The humid weather & flash flood already affects us in both hemisphere regardless of season.
melpucca Melly Tango
melpucca Melly Tango
AppleSyncNotifier has stopped working. Go to Apple Application Support folder, copy Libmxl2.dll & SQLite3.dll to Mobile Device Support.
melpucca Melly Tango
A suggestion to @QantasAirways don't sell seats that has no cabin space for carry on bag. eg. seat number 29 A/B/C/D/E/F. #FAIL
melpucca Melly Tango
melpucca Melly Tango
If your staff can't handle working 10-7pm. Leaving order unfulfilled for 30mins. Plz shut off upstairs & shop. #KoKoBlack #MelbourneArcade
melpucca Melly Tango
〜(¬..¬)〜 in case software based buttons had gone AWOL,@IntoMobile , buttons on devices are a means of manual override.
melpucca Melly Tango
\(╬Ծ⸑Ծ)/ #7Billion ppl only increases poverty, food hunger, unemployment, and so on. pic.twitter.com/YyczS32Q
melpucca Melly Tango
My iPhone 4 has the iOS5 bug ☠ SOS only ☠ more info atsocialmedianews.com.au/ios5-bug-sos-o…
melpucca Melly Tango
1st Dunaden (no.3) winner; 2nd Red Cadeaux (no.12); 3rd Lucas Cranach (no.9) my horse didn't win but it was close! Woot! #MelbourneCup
melpucca Melly Tango
This is GREED RT @goodiebag breaks down how the PROTECT IP Act is [sic] destroying UR Internet RIGHTS j.mp/rshCDn #occupywallstreet
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