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May 18, 2010

Findings #26: Japanese sentences part 1

Found this sentence on the back of seats on Shinkansen trains.

Please switch your mobile phone to silent mode.

These are from Twitter user: English_Note

How's it going?/どうよ?Dou yo?

It's nice to see you again./お久しぶり O-Hisashi buri.

What do you do for living?/仕事は何やってるの?Shigoto wa nani yatte ru no?

What've you been up to?/元気してた?Genki shiteta?

Did you have a great time?/楽しかった?Raku shikatta?

I'm very happy for you./そりゃよかった、私もうれしい。Sorya ya katta watashi mo ureshii.

You're up early./早起きだね。Hayaoki da ne.

The more the merrier./大勢の方が楽しい。Ozei no hoga tanoshi.

It's been over a year./それは1年以上経ってる。Sore wa ichi toshi ijoh tat-tero.

Same as always./相変わらずだよ。Akikawarazu da yo.


What can I getcha?/何にする?Nani nisuru.

Wanna go to the party? Sure./パーティに行かない? いいよ。Patti ni ika nai? ii yo.

I've got you something./お土産がある O-miyage ga aru.

Everything's going to be fine./全てうまくいくよ。Subete umakuiku yo.

You should try it./きみも試すといいよ。Kimimo tamesu toii yo.

There's your tea./はい、あなたのお茶。Hai, anata no o-cha.

Big's in this season./大きめが今シーズンの流行だ。Okime ga ima shizun no hayari da.

It's thanks to you./きみのおかげだ。Kimi no okage da.


Is everything all right?/特に問題はない?Tokuni ni mondai wa nai?

Is it something I've done?/僕が何かした?Shimobe ga nani ka shita?

Too much to ask?/高望みしすぎ?Takanozomi shisugi.

Any luck?/うまくいった?Umaku itta.

I had an appointment at 10:30. I'm late./10:30に予約してたのですが、遅れました。Ju pun ni yoyakushite tano desu ga, okuremashita.

It's early days yet./まだ、間もないから。Mata, mamonai kara.

I'm really worried./すごく心配. Sugoku shimpai

I'm in the same boat./僕も同じ境遇だ。Shimobe mo onji kyogu ta

I'm not entirely sure why./なぜかは全然わからない. Naze ka wa zenzen wakaranai

I'm a bit nervous about this./これについて、ちょっと心配があって。Kore ni tsuite, chotto shimpai ga atte

I'd better not./やめときます. yame tokimasu. 

~General Questions~

Is this a new one?/新しいやつ?Atarashii yatsu

Why not?/なんで?Nan de?

So what?/だから?Dakara?

Do you mind if I sit here?/ここ座ってもかまわない?Koko suwatte mo kamawanai.

Why don't you come with me?/一緒に来ない?Isshoni kiranai?

Why is that funny?/何がおかしい?Nani ga okashii?

What have you got?/何を持ってる?Nan wo motte ru?

What's goin' on?/何事だ?Nanigoto da?

How do I look?/私、どう?Watashi, dou?

Hello. Anybody home?/こんちは〜。誰かいる?Konchiwaa. Dare kai ru?

Can I tag along?/ついてっていい?Tsuitette ii?

Do you have a doctor's note?/診断書は持ってますか?Shidansho wa mottemasu ka?

Any thoughts?/何か意見は?Nani iken wa?

Could I borrow that after you?/それ、あとで貸してくれる?Sore, atode kasu kureru?

~Rash Mad Dash~

Better go./いかなきゃ。Ikana kya.

No time for that now./今はそんなことしてる時間がない。Ima hasan na kotoshi teru jikan ga nai.

That's not really important any more./もはやそれはそんなに重要じゃない。
Mohaya sore was son'nani jouyou janai.

That's a bit short notice./ちょっと急だな。Chotto kyuu danai

I don't feel like it./そんな気分じゃない Son'nai kibun janai

Get out!/出てけ!Deru ke

Skip to the end./結末へとんで。Ketsumatsu he tonde

It still hurts./まだ傷が癒えない。Mada kizu ga ire nai.


When giving an email or website address the conventions are:

@ アット・マーク [atto māku]
. ドット [dotto], dot
/ スラッシュ [surasshu], slash
- ダッシュ [dasshu], dash

Ichi-go ichi-e
one chance in a lifetime one time, one meeting by Sen no Rikyu

18がら45. 18 to 45 (of age)

When introducing anyone say:
"Kochira" watashi no tomodachi"