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February 25, 2010

Trip to Japan: January to February 2010

31 January 2010.

Our plan finally landed in Narita. We exchanged money from AUD550 into JPY35,235. Which is not the best rate but oh well. Here on we went to claim our JR pass. Head off to Ueno but only to find JR pass is no longer allowed to cover overnight train base fare rate. Many of the window staff recommend we take Shinkansen. The free option was to use JR pass and we accepted. We had three transfers in between the 10 hour train trip. I have emailed my hotel to arrange an early room arrangment & extra charge if possible at this last notice. Luckily the emailed back with a yes. Instead of semi double we are moved double room. Still reasonable price for 10 nights.

The snow in north of Kyushu and Hokkaido was more than about a metre high, more than 40 cm which I was informed by civil worker in Abashiri in January. My sister and I will waddle through snow as well complete darkness that occurs at 6pm. Indeed the sun sets at 4pm around here.

For dinner we ate pork pieces and sandwiches on the Shinkansen as well as Limited Express trains. One of them was potato salad in a sandwich. Sis laughed. Footprints in unshovelled snow is about a 30cm or more deep. Um.

The rain makes it tough to see at night. The snow fall is by the far the highlight of our night walks. Soft petals. So in need of googles yet lazy to carry anymore accessories. Ha.

1 February 2010

Snow on the streets are more than a metre high and some areas are so deep we find ourselves up in snow to our upper thighs. Gosh. Did we laugh each time it catches unguarded, same goes for near slips at crossing points.

We embark on journey to take a local train to Chikabumi and check to out Aeon a supermarket. When at the train station the attendant let's know the next local train comes at 10:24am yet it is 8:30am, isn't that a wee bit late? OMG. Therefore we walked around Heiwa Dori Mall and found a few okay places to buy our lunches.

Chikabumi's Aeon supermarket was very comfortable and offered a lot of variety from meat to drinks. Though the space is shared with Jusco, restaurants, food court, and lots of small shops. Aeon supermarket is actually a mix of IGA & Big W & Harris Scarf style. Sis got obessed with the arcade section of the mall due to collectible items in this coin cannister. For 300 yen you turn the knob and out comes a key ring toy. A regular commodity in Japan. So we hunted for change machines and to no avail she didn't get the Hello Kitty she wanted to own.

Asahikawa Supermkt
住所 〒070-0823 北海道旭川市緑町23丁目2161-3

A snow powdered ball feels like a softball or tennis ball hitting you, whereas a ice block is equvalent [?] to a cricket. It hurts. itai!

Back in Asahikawa we had snack at Mos Burger. We were unable to catch a bus to the Snowball museum. Oh well. By 3pm we headed off to Tokikawa Park and had seen the sneak peaks of sculptures used in the up coming Winter Sculpture Competition. Awesome. We decided to try out hands on making a snow angel and a snowman. Only sis was brave to do the snow angel. I helped her build a snowman 3 tiers compared local made which is 2 tiers. It was fun. The most challenging part was making the snow stay still and form the shape you wanted out of it. The snow was powdery. Hard to hold onto properly. Overall a good experience.

Chikabumi 近文站
Local Train = plat 2
should go to chikabumi, facing iwamizawa and opp. when coming back.
Name: Local Train Takikawa

2 February 2010

Sue and I now headed for the far east part of Hokkaido Island. The train ride is 5 hours on Limited Express Okhotsk. The mountains are of great height here and the snow is even higher. Instead if just covering backyard and cars, the snow here reachs the second floor and scaling up to the roof in height. Wow.

After siting in these trains for a while you learn to pack your lunches, where the switch is located to flip the direction of the seats (not that's important -- sis and I are use to sitting backwards in Melbourne), and where the toilet is located near our carriage. The food served from the cart on the train is cold dishes, bento or not bento. The heater underneath the train kept us warm.

Abashiri lake had people out there to order do bit of fishing at frozen lake. It was georgous. The Auroa drift ice boat ride was good despite there was no huge ice floating about in the ocean today. There small layers of ice floating on the ocean surface and snow falling us. It was super cold -10 degrees. My hands froze rather quick on deck. Note: frozen fingers doesn't work on iPhone. It just doesn't pick it up. Dang! I took video shots instead of photographs. I left that for Sue to do it. lol.

After the chilling boat ride. We headed up the Mountain Tento's drift ice museum. Where we entered the ultra display of frozen drift ice, not quite the actual sizes but 90cm in height and -22 degrees. Oh ah was that deeply chilly cold. Actual size they said in a video may range from 1 metre to 8 metre deep. Which to me looked like an ice berg. Ouch. However, the unique marine life in Abashiri was spectacular. Especially the creature called clione. It sort of look like an angel.

Luckily we caught the last bus from Mt. Tento to Abashiri Station at 16:47 and last train back from Abashiri to Asahikawa 17:18. Thank god.

Since the train ride was 5 hours long we had dinner on the train. Sue had Maukunouchi bento while I had Hotate bento.

3 February 2010

The reserved seats on limited express train in these parts of Japan are sold out like hot cakes. You cannot buy them 15mins or 30mins or 1 hour earlier. Twice now my sister and I have to endure unreserved seat carriages.

The town was small and not much to do for tourist. Hence no bus tour in these parts. The local sure thought we were brave to battle snow winds and walk to the reindeer farm, as the bus only comes by every 1 hour and sometimes doesn't even come by at all. Awfully longtime & risky. They cheered us on yet no offered us a ride, not that we asked them. lol. We walked in the end.

The reindeer farm was 3.2km far away from the town. Took us an hour to get there and the reindeer were all cowering in corners near hay stack banded together to keep warm. Negative 20 degrees. I'm guessing theses are show and tell versions of the reindeers, as acrosss from the farm was big factory warehouses. Um. I'm sure it can't be a movie studio. Ha ha.

There were two local supermarkets with fresh meat and vegetables. We purchased packed lunch sets and drinks from one called "Timely". How funny! The further out you were to the coast the colder it gets from Abashiri's minus 15 to Horonobe minus 20. After 5 seconds your fingers go numb and reddish, after ten it doesn't respond normally. Sis' drink turned into slurped after 3km walking up that hill. lol.

At the station, the station master was kind to us and pointed us to platform two for the local train to Wakkanai where we can catch the Limited Express Soya back to Ashikawa. Also he handed us images of a train slow plower and stamps this region would have offered if we had come during summer. Last limited express train was 16:51. We missed it! The last local train was 17:10. We boarded that one just in the nick of time. Sue hit her shoulder against a beam due to her sloppy running skills. We didn't look around due to it been pitch black at 17:00 hours. All that time on the local train back from Wakkanai, we are back at Horonobe where the trouble all started in the first place. Gosh. Oh duh. Trying to catch a connecting train from Nayoro 名寄 to Ashikawa; half a day wasted "waiting". Unknown reason circling Horonobe. I don't care if the local laugh at us. Truth is transport should still work even after shops had closed at 4pm. Rather than to close off service when shops closes; that's nuts. How does those shop keepers go home then? We finally made to Nayoro at 21:00 and caught the very last train to Asahikawa at 21:51. Cutting it close I'll say. To kill time I kicked snow all around the train station. Take that and that.

Note: Once beyond major cities like Asahikawa and Sapporo in Hokkaido, you need to bring your own toilet roll. Trust me not all toilet here in Japan is a super toilet with toilet paper provided already. Like Malaysia always bring your own.

4 February 2010

City exploration time since the last three days was checking local towns and snow towns. While taking pictures outside South exit of Sapporo, 50 pigeons flew over to me, frightened & shocked. People snapped shots of me scared out of my wits. I thought pigeon of this crowd would be found in London not Sapporo. I guess sky-rats are everywhere. lol.

We planned to visit the two shrines in Sapporo but Fushimi Inari Shrine was way up a steep hill on black ice covered foot path and road. Making it unsafe to travel to it on foot. So we only ended up visiting Hokkaido Shrine. Which had a snowy path to entrance non slippery and with these stone lanterns upon entry it looks awesome. Oozes history and culture all over. Not much omamori on good health for aunty, only purchased protection ones for mom & me.

Mount Moiwa's ropeway was wicked, not only did we go way way up high, half way they offered us a sleigh ride that was powered by a tracker! Wicked. Great views on roof top too! There is also a snow walk option but heck the sleigh ride was much more fun. The Tanuki-koji shopping arcade resembles Sennichmae shopping strip in Namba but not so bright and varied in store type. Okay I guess. The Odori Park was filled with snow sculptures already and to get a great view of it all at night is on TV station observatory floor. *Drools* Looks so sparkly and shiny overall good viewing point. So good that every 5 mins is another twenty people trying to get through to it. We queue for quite a while mind you. ¥100 Hyakuen shoppu - Daiso Sapporo Chuo (South 2 West 2, Odori Station). It was okay but slightly disappointing in something something, I can't quite put my finger on it, Namba's ¥100 Hyakuen shoppu left an impact in my mind & nothing compares to it. Must have been the lack of Hello Kitty stationary. lol.

5 February 2010

Our Limited Express Super Kamui 09:01 was delayed and all the other trains that normally go through Asahikawa. There was a long queue of people awaiting and quietly look unimpressed. Only a few people were upset by the delay, they hopped on their mobile and started blasting besphelmy. Oh well. What can anyone do in such circumstances? We went for a snow walk around outside as nothing was open till 10:00. We had breakfast while waiting. We came back and around 10:05 did they let people onto the platforms and the trains arrived an hour or more late. Ah. Perhaps heavy snow go in the way some where along the tracks.

The Sky-J buffet place at JR Tower was opulence and classy joint, with a bar at entrance. Every window had views of Sapporo. The food was full on flavour and freshness. Even rolls were crunchy toasted. Hee hee. Melts butter well. We didn't get window seats because it was all taken by 11am. Oh well. I like how they make green vegetables taste so yummy.

We found a post office amongst the mall. It costs ¥70 to send a postcard. Neat. Forgot airmail label but heck I'm sure it will reach it's destination. !(^_^)¡ Basement level 2 of ESTA is ¥100 shop. FTW! Apparently this applies to all ESTA in the country. Oh yeah! Norbesa building has the ferris wheel on the 8F. I wouldn't say it can be compared to HEP ferris wheel which was easy to find and warmer. This one is in the area Susukino but way off main street. The view covers the TV station tower, Mt Moiwa ropeway, and a few neo lights on hotel buildings. Romantic for love birds, dull for non-drunks like us, but I'm sure other people would find it alluring on a non-misty day.

Sue was on mad ear muff hunt craze, she was unable to buy the one she liked twice it was sold out. That is what you get for lingering too long. However, around Norbesa building she found a free ear muff and she has come to accept it. So I thought she was done, nope she still vouches to get one of her own. Sigh. I found a cute Anna Sui dark pink leather side bag in Daimaru. Not available in Oz. Neat. To end the night I ate Hori confectionary's Pure (yubari melon) jelly and it was delicious. Yum.

6 February 2010

Shops don't open till 10am here and it is only fair to start late as they open till 7pm here in Asahikawa. However, none of the local stores has an ideal ear muff of her type. Sigh. From Asahikawa we caught a local train to Biei here we waited 45mins for next train to get to Furano.
Apparently there was no bus going to ski area on Saturday. We didn't ski and we didn't get on the ropeway in Furano. Our feet got sore halfway and couldn't take the hilly winding streets anymore but you can see the ski slope crystal clear at the foot of the hill. There were only 15 people skiing at Kitamone area.

The rest of the locals were found in this huge CD/DVD rental store on Asahimachi main street in Furano. Here you can rent Audio CD, even the latest album. Wow. ¥80 each. Splendid. *Drools* Sis wants to buy most of these stuff. lol. Especially titles not held in Australia. Too bad she can't, well not at this rental store. Ha ha. Now we know what the locals prefer to do than skiing. Factor at play could be the entry fee was ¥650 per person at the ski slope not including ride up the big hill. Um. Again we were stuck for two hours waiting for the next local train. It seems Hokkaido local train system was slower compared to the main land. Trying to catch a local train to Takikawa then to Sapporo then to Otaru. Argh!

This whole week it has been overall fun, once you see the positive side, while waiting for buses and trains to our next destinations we played with snow. For days now Sis and I had kicked snow when mad or when making our own foot path. At every corner we made snowman from the mountain of snow. Scribbled "Mel was here" on long winding roads wall of snow. Roll down on semi snow hills. Waddle through 1m high snow. We had lots of mini snowball fights.

Otaru was one busy area, lots of incoming and outgoing trains plus people came in droves to see the Canal light festival. The glass factory was interesting and has a mini snow slide which both of us took turn hopping on with a tabogan. It was fun! Lots of ice sculptures and each of them had candles providing light from within them. Amazingly enough the ice did not melt. Ooh. Very pretty. The canal sure looks romantic for a stroll or boat ride. Soft candle light and heart sculptures captured many couples' attention alright. Giggles. We didn't have enough time to roam around this lovely town which has many hand craft stores from candles to stained glass and more.

7 February 2010

The people from next door is smoking in their room. Annoying! PooWee. Some people are too cheap to book a down town room to smoke in whenever. Douche bag!

We had crab claws for brekkie at Daimaru. Sis purchased her autumn look ear muff (finally) at Marui Imari. At Odori park we watched people challenge for "park air". Then we hopped on JR Limited Express Super Ozora to Tomamu.

Here at the JR train we were greeted by Tomamu ski resort staff and a courtesy shuttle bus to take you to the ski resort. There were internal free courtesy buses from one area of the ski resort to the other parts. *Drools with glee*. Note: you don't have to be a hotel guest to ride it. Yay! Totally the best place to ski, it has 9 ski chair lifts but only three were working today due lack of skiers. No night skiing allowed.

There was this sky walk from tower 1 to tower 2. Basically a human built enclosure walk way to these various cafe and restaurants. The rain on the window would crystalize into snow flakes. Quite unique to see along the way. There seating rooms allowing you to admire the forest around it. Georgeous. It has several hotels for all sorts of budgets except backpackers, a few restaurants and cafes. Heaps and heaps of snow. The restaurant I wanted to have a buffet lunch was closed. Every window was surrounded by trees covered on snow. It would have been quite a nice view to go with the meal. Oh well. We will have eat at Ice Village instead. Hee hee. The Viz Spa has a swimming pool which mimicks ocean waves. Wicked.

I rolled down a pretty sturdy snow hill. Woot! Walked under a tunnel made out of ice. I skated on a frozen pond with my snow boots, as the shop to rent skates was not open till 5pm. It does feel different compared to skating on plastic man made version. I haven't skated since I last hit my head back in the high school days. It ain't as slippery and ice reforms itself covering lines as quick as you make them. Thank you snow blowing wind.

We made more snowman. At 5pm the place lights up everywhere. Looks so pretty. Today we chipped our own ice cups out of ice blocks. Sis embedded images of fish, rose, lady, and sun into her ice cup. While I just made jaggered shapes on the outside and a square inside. Then we went off to dine in an igloo, we had cheese fondue with orange juice and grape juice in our ice cups. lol. What a surreal experience! We roamed around ice hotel and bar. Then taboggan on a steep ice slide. It could do with some snow to soften the landing like Otaru's mini snow slide. I would recommend people to Tomamu ski resort to truly relax in winter snow or summer hiking. b(^_^)d

8 February 2010

Today we slept in a bit. Feeling really tired. Last night we came home 12:15 midnight.

Asahiyama Zoo is huge! Lots of hill. You can even see the city from here. The penguin parade was spectacular. Seeing red panda up close and being interactive with each other was like watching live documentary. Lots of people here too. It costs ¥400 by bus number 42 (one way) to this zoo.

The ice sculptures in Heiwa Dori Mall seem to centre on sea mythical creatures and fairies. The snow sculptures in Tokiwa Park varied and more interactive. Some come built witha slide for kids. We missed out on horse sleigh ride and medium snow slide, they close at 4pm, Sis needed to charge her camera at our hotel room around 3-4pm.

When we reached the main stage area on the roof was a giant dragon ice sculpture. Also there was a boy band called B*Luck performing live and we stood there watching them do several J-pop songs and 1 magic trick with plastic plates. FTW! For evening snack we had takoyaki and fries.

9 February 2010

We had fried crab claws for brekkie and sandwich. Yum. We reserved our tickets for Hokutosei overnight train for tommorow evening at Sapporo Tourist Information Centre - JR section. The JR pass only covers base fare and surcharge was paid in cash ¥24,300.

Sapporo's clock tower was originally owned by Americans. It housed different organisation over the years and had various purposes over the years. Regular repairs are still made to it hence they close often to do maintenance work on it. Amongst all the concrete building it sticks out like a flower. So elegant and classic.

The Hancook tyre tube slide ride (free) was totally the best. Speed and comfort. Also not to mention snow falling your face. The best feeling. There was also two other smaller slides (free) and a raft ride (¥500) as well. The snow wind kicked up a speed, everyone flooded inside of Tsudome to rest up and eat food. Oddly, the food outlets were outside facing tough snow winds. Tsudome dome toilets were weird. Instead of green to show if a toilet is vacant, instead they use blue. Whack! Universally always kids go female toilet instead of male toilet. Somebody better make male toilet more user friendly for young males.

Back to snapping more shots of snow sculptures in Odori Park as we only completed two blocks worth, three more to go. Ka pow! Lots of children out and about today. Indeed there were huge snow sculptures on deck. In addition, it was 12 blocks of Odori Park with snow sculptures. The snow festival was well organized just the citizens can be a bit rude in crossing roads and getting in the way of people taking photographs.

10 February 2010

Stupid luggage handle cut my thumb. Bleeding through bandaid. Asahikawa Terminal Hotel maybe clean and neat but it has no facilities for big lugguages to be brought down such as a ramp or elevator except traditional stairs. Great start to the day. The lockers around Sapporo were popular, we fought with other people to secure a locker for our luggage. Manage to nab one inside and one outside the station gates.

Sapporo's Daimaru has a buffet on the 8F and gosh, is everything delicious here, so stuffed myself till I had a stitch. ¥1,490 pp and ¥210 for soft drink pp.

Denium and snow don't mix. Brr. Very chilly even with thermal underlay. So we stayed in the mall to kill time and waited for our connecting train to Ueno to arrive at platform 5. Stellar Place mall is not too bad it connects you to Daimaru and JR Tower observatory floor. Paseo mall is more hip for younger generation but we didn't have enough time to explore it though.

We aboarded our Limited Express Hokutosei (overnight) train and found our private compartment. Tiny as can be, cosy and something. Not long later we started to unpack our bag of food and drink onto the small table by the window. The train does a few stops before reaching Ueno station. A few nutters were smoking on our carriage. Man, did I spray the aeroso can like MAD. The tiny dining car lacks space for us all. I can see why it requires reservation. Curious to see it but my sister and I were not hungry, as we had buffet earlier today and remain full way into the evening.

11 February 2010

*yawns* sleeping on a moving train on your backside ain't so bad, quite comfortable in fact, and yeah, it beats bum sore flights and jumping connecting trains all the time. Onto Hikari Shinkansen to Osaka. It has been a while since we last sat on one. Sue was still shy to order from the cart lady, as always I have to do the ordering for F&B.

Tonight we made our own Takoyaki at Happy 伍拾圓 Maru Building B2. It was delicious yet the mixture was just a tad too thin and mine was rawish. Overall good experience. This time round at EST they have spring collection clothing which doesn't really win us over. Rainy weather as well. So we were in search of winter cute tops. hee hee. More like Sis was after Japanese movie DVD. Hence we visited Tower records and Yodobashi-Akiba with no luck. Sigh.

12 February 2010

Finding it hard to wake up. Leg sore and feeling exhausted. Snooze.

Jumped straight on JR Kyoto line and bus to Nishiki market where we loaded up on wagashi. I chose 4 new ones I never eaten before and 20 extra mini ones. Oh yeah! Totally stacked on sweets tonight. Walked over to Yasaka Shrine and rang the bell after we have prayed for our wishes. Just before entering Ginkakuji I ate green tea flavoured cream puff with complimentary hot green tea. Delicious.

Ginkakuji temple was going through maintenance today and it did not ooze the usual shine. Oh well. The garden of various trees and bamboo plus the hill top views were beautiful. Small water features and zen rock garden. I can see how it could have been an emperor's guest house. Very welcoming and peaceful. We tried our luck at throwing coin onto a lucky rock in one of the various ponds but to no avail, our coins missed the rock. Dang!

Nijo Castle had vast space, many gardens and tall stone walls. Not to forget huge metal doors. You can feel the richness in the dark wood used everywhere, painted images on gold partition per each room, and shijo outer doors open to a nearby garden. Lushes rooms. A separate tea house. Stable for horses.

We had dinner at ramen vending machine restaurant housed on ground floor of Bivi a shopping centre at Next to JR Nijo station. Sue had 豚角煮ラーメンand I had original ramenラーメン. Yummy. Kyoto tower offer great views of shrines and temple a far at night. I can only imagine the view during the day. Clearer and colourful. The streets look like Christmas season. Hee hee. Which gets even more brighter and decorative when it is actually Christmas here (Kyoto 2007).

13 February 2010

In Yodabashi-Akiba building in Osaka there was a Mochi Cream store which sells mochi with ice cream filling, unfortunately it doesn't open till 11:00am. We had to get a move on as time was ticking away. Although we were sidetracked and made a pitstop at a bead store called Kiwa Seisakujo. Here I purchased a small gold ring for ¥126. Also nabbed two dark pink stones, two star key chain, and small lanyard keychain holder. Okies. We rocked off to Kobe and swapped train to get to Himeji JR station.

We walked down chuo dori to the Himeji Castle. At the castle every 15 minute s there were another load of elderly tourist group unloaded and coming through making it very squishy to get from one spot to another. Some tourist even get lost and the staff had to put reminders over the PA system. lol. It was huge, lots of stone stairs, and on each floor was peak-a-boo window for arrow shooters. This was one war focused castle. The main building was weapon storage and warrior post on upper floors.

Note: no shoes allowed except the provided slippers or feet with socks. Reason: preservation and less need to clean with harsh chemicals. Smart cookie.

We wondered off to eat Belgian waffle just outside of JR Himeji station building complex and on the inside we went into Plie department store for mochi ice cream, Raspberry flavoured. Nice way to end a stony-wooden hike through a marvelous ancient castle.

Kobe's Harbourland under going some changes and maintenance work. The trees still lined with lights. This time upon this visit they had put up Valentine stands, hearts that light up - a compatibility game for couples, and a white Christmas tree to celebrate Valentine. Kobe tower was out of bounds. The pirate and concerto cruise boats looks dazzling as usual.

Trying out sumiyaki 炭火焼きat Ryu-en restaurant but the menu isn't using any of the standard Japanese characters that I can recognize or find in my iPhone phrase books. Perhaps they re-worded things to sound funky to the locals. Local lingo is not documented online much. Oh well. We pointed at the ones I sorta do recognize and took it from there. The staff were prompt and kind to us. Nice view of Kobe port. It was fun to cook your own meat. For ¥4300 it was delicious meal.

Note: In Japan 95% of food eatery allow patron to smoke and very few have non-smoking tables and those who do you still end up chuffing smoke from smoking tables when the dividing door opens more than once.

The manager of the backpacker said they would look into the matter. Sometime in the future they would fix the wonky lock and put up a sign about toilet rule of "Knocking" before twisting door knob.

14 February 2010

Visited downtown Tennoji today. It does look like the slums but I think it has to do with all this railway and highway roads above all buildings and blocking out the beautiful sun and local scenery which lack greens. The zoo was just across the street from JR station.

Shitennoji shrine had a lot of services for memorials. We participated (more or less sneaky crashed) in the starting of praying service for the deceased one (of some family) but skipped the etching of a deceased person name into a plaque (wood/bronze/gold), and skipped the parade walk to express mourning all the way to the last temple in vicnity. Many people would come here to pray for longevity and wealth. While some like us come for sight seeing tour.

Tsutenkaku tower was interesting, fact is when a new season comes it would display different coloured lights. On entry to the tower the floor with souveniers they had a few space invaders pink machines labelled "30th anniversary" specially for Valentine's day. You have to smash the button quickly under a certain time limit, so far no one had gone past score of 100. Top floor feels wobbly on the inside. Scary. One floor below the observation deck was seats for resting and heart shaped one for couples. People can sit n' stare into urban landscape of building rooftops. I spotted Osaka Castle alright. Hee hee.

Takashimaya Department store was under renovation. The wagashi we once loved was no longer sold here. Sigh. Instead I purchase 1 peach shaped wagashi yokan, 1 leaf covered salty wagashi, and 1 clear yokan wagashi with a cherry inside it.

"Tokyu Hands" store still has various lovely stylious schedule books and hobby craft; I am so loving their collection of Hello Kitty schedule books. *Drools*

Kani Doraku - crab focused dishes kind of restaurant was full in all 3 locations in Namba. Dang! So we had ramen at Sennichimae's Kamukura (Namba). We ordered our dishes through a vending machine. Woot!

15 February 2010

Yodobashi-Akiba digital store sold some beauty product too. How interesting but higher priced than Youkouhin[sp?]. There was a facial cleanser device that uses ion technology. Um. Mobile and electronic gadgets does occupy most of the floor. When sis was looking at lanyard and accessories she was elbowed by a dude who was staring a mp3. To elbow someone and call it dancing is whack. lol. I couldn't help myself but to mock that action while shopping. Giggles.

Chocolate banana mochi ice cream doesn't beat Rasberry one. Which had more crunch and smooth texture to it.

Nara park area has many deers freely roaming around. Deers even cross roads and not fear cars. Only a few deers stopped traffic. Amazingly enough the locals were patient and would honk till deer take notice and moves away before continuing to drive on. LOL. One park ranger was kind to us and gave us crackers to feed a limping deer. FTW! The deer only allowed us to pet it but no hugs. Hee Hee. To the entrance of Todaji temple were groups of deers. So cute. Some napping, some looking to human for food, while many stood and stared at us humans.

Kofukuji temple was under construction. Todaiji temple was grand and majestical looking, just look at the width of the wooden columns. Then to my surprise the big budda upon entry to the main building. The dark room and bright outdoors made it difficult to snap self portraits with budda.

Susan my sister was of no help. She said this trip is not about MEL and she dislikes taking photographs of me and important historical statues and structures. How rude! Everyone who ever gone on trips know you gotta get pics of yourself and historical statues or structures, if not what is the point of the trip?! She was being a f*bitch. Just because she ain't in a mall looking for her crap DVD and ear muffs. Well f*off I told her and I stated out loud she owes me $3,000. Includes my money spent on flight, accommodation, temple entry tickets, JR pass (21 days) and souveniers.

Today was Chinese New Year day and I lingered around budda as I was in awe by it plus the adornment around it. 30 minutes is not much to ask, especially when I paid AUD $6,000 to get to Japan. Susan was rushing through the temple like rat. So disrepectful on Chinese New Year day. Mom would have scorn at her for saying such rude words in front of a deity.

There was a really cute bronze mini Japanese bell with well wishes expressions on the side. Handy for me when ever I need to recall basics for this time of the year. Hee hee.

Entry to Kasuga Taisha and Shrine made feel like you was in a forrest. Duh, it was on a mountain. Giggles. You can always see a random Deers in your walk. Many of the parts were closed off by 16:15. That's cool. Did a loop from shrine to base entry - gate number 1. Susan insisted on seeing what was up top of a mountain, um, clouds, duh. The path people free and empty. Rainy day doesn't invoke peole to walk around these parts of Nara.

We didn't get to Shin-Yakushiji temple. Since Susan took us off path, I couldn't be bothered to find Bus number 1 Nara loop. I gave her the silent treatment. Silence is golden. Instead I found Sarusawano-Ike pond and saw ducks swmming in circles. How cute. There were posh garden restaurants nearby too.

Off to Nijo to eat ramen noodles for dinner. Then head off home, out feet were sore from all the walking we did today.

16 February 2010

Today we scored awesome sweets all in maccha (green tea) flavour: wagashi, crackers, and peanuts covered in it. Except for pudding. Our stomach could not handle anymore. Oh yeah. Then Susan picked up a brochure from the sweet shop showing a tea place they run as well, which serves green tea soba noodle dishes just over the bridge and between two train station on the main road.

The cold green tea soba noodle with wasabi onion soya sauce was delicious and oddly fulfilling my tummy. To end the meal we ate green tea ice cream with extra green tea powder on top. Bang! It was fun, artistic, and full on flavour.

Kakefuda store has fabric that wasn't what I was after or interested in once we had found it. Felt like linen than kimono fabric. Karakusaya fabric store no longer exist on Sanjo-Karasuma area. Oh what a wasted walking effort. We ended up buying a small sheet of kimono fabric at Kurochiku on Shijo-Karamachi area.

Note: The fabric quality is that of made in China and feels like arylic or linen. Not of the kimono fabric.

Visited the big Tori most tallest one yet. Not inspiring walk as perceived, curvy, apartment blocks, and smelly too. Note: Tozai Line. Higashiyama station.

Back to Shijo-Karamachi area. Browsed through a few gift shops, only two were of cuteness: both sold hand sewn miniture flower/food/animals in the lovely kimono fabric I liked so much. Problem is I don't have much space back home to properly housed them all. Sigh.

17 February 2010

Look into "Gaki Host" manga.

Lunch we ate Crab kaiseki at Kani Doraku in Shinsaibashi. Ultra delicious. Every dish was crab meat related. The table and chair layout was unique. Close or similar to the ones in Gion traditional garden restaurant. These tables even have an internal grill station built-in the them. We didn't grill anything. Sushi crab, boiled crab, fried crab leg, crab hot custard, crab gratin, crab on sticky rice, and to end it all warm green tea on vanilla ice cream.

My sister and I had a fall out when she accused me of I rushing her. She then bitched how I am not spending money on the things she wanted TODAY! I kindly offered her to walk around freely by herself (age 27). She said I was THREATENING HER. WTF! There goes my vacation. Family members can be such a pain.

18 February 2010

Osaka has lost it's gleam. Mostly to do with citizens. Bad phyiscal behaviour and smoking in shops & restaurants. Sis was elbowed in Yodobashi-Akiba mobile phone accessories section. With so much space on the street they have to run against you. Whack a doodle.

Sapporo had citizens that spoke good English - unexpected. People say further away from Tokyo, less people speak English. Um, make that anywhere in Japan. However, in Sapporo people would automatically speak English to us, once they heard that we speak English and without me asking if they can speak English first. The crab claws were bigger in Hokkaido and cheaper. Here I thought Kyoto and Tokyo connected to many shops, bang here cometh Sapporo connects to shopping malls that were multi decked, a tower on 38th floor, and heated waiting areas! Snow festival was a good way to get to know it. The snow slides in Tsudome beats any city slide. Mount Moiwa sleigh ride driven by snow track was wickedly fun way up a mountain. Other towns also rocked were Asahikawa, Abashiri, Tomamu, and Otaru.

Deers freely roaming around in Nara were a highlight and welcoming sight. Compared to the reindeer farm, the deers were fun. Ueno station has no elevator to Subway station. We saw many homeless and slot machine places in the area. The government needs to reconsider whether these slot machines create homelessness. Minamisenju was very down town (grotty).

We switched to stay at Oak Hotel because it had a elavator. Aizuya Inn was too far from subway and JR for our liking. In addition, Sis' foot was too sore to take the huge ramp per return to the place. U-turn back to Ueno change to Ginza line. I had to pay up cancellation fee of ¥9K. We arrived in Ueno. Very tired and hungry. Managed to scoff down some carbonara spagetti at Pastel (2F OICITY building). Wondered around the streets, a few small streets had seeded business, you know what I mean. Currently loving Tsutaya (book and magazine) and
Yodabashi-Akiba (electronic gadgets) stores in any given city. Overall liking parts of Ueno. Yet to get to the Park.

19 February 2010

Yesterday we were given a dormitory room and today we were suppose move to double room. Exception of luggage going into storage area as the room was not ready until 3pm. While we headed off to Mt Fuji around 12 noon. Late I know, what is a girl suppose to do?

The chuo line rapid to Takano and change local train for Ostuki. Then Fuji express line (privately run) to Mt. Fuji. Indeed you get off from the JR exit gate and walk to Fuji private line gate. From here on we took Fuji Tozandensha to Fujiyoshida station. ¥990 one way. Mt Fuji was covered head to bottom by massive grey clouds today. Trying out Kawaguchiko station and see if we get a better view before the sun sets. Nope. No better. Still covered by very thick grey clouds. Sighs. ¥4,200 worth of disappointment. Perhaps summer would be best than winter. I doubt I will return just for 1 mountain. I heard Canadian mountains are spectacular and they have a train that run around it. Um…

The local trains around Mt Fuji are similar to Wakkanai slow and come around only twice per a hour. No rapid service trains. Spent most of the day walking around smelly disel filled streets of Fujiyoshida. Ugh. Not how I imagined my Friday or Friday night, stuck on yet another slow as a turtle local train.

Qpot jewels collection was in Shinkjuku's Isetan and Takashimaya. We quickly purchased some pastry to snack on as it has been a whole day since we last ate something. Not long we diverted to a DVD/CD store Tsutaya. We roamed around north east of Shinjuku Paschino and Karoke area. Settled for dinner at Ootoya. Not far from Odakuyu train station Shinjuku exit.

20 February 2010

Met up with Daniel after 10 years of being friends online. We both like Japan for its itsy bitsy unique ways. So much to talk about yet so little time. Covered food, temple, weather, technology and iPhone. Japan mobiles get unlimited 3G data on postpaid plans that are charged to a creditcard. Wifi and social networking is on the slow up take around these parts. I taught him about Andy & Hamish's ghosting technique. It made him laugh alright.

Ueno Park is wide and offer various activity for all ages. Although I have not seen eldery do tai chi here, I'm guessing visiting temple and going up THOSE stairs is some form of exercise.

  • Toshogu shrine (shut4maintenance)
  • Temple of Benten (shut4maintenance)

Asakusa has budget eatry places, plenty of street food on offer and souveiners too. The quality isn't the same as Kyoto material or craft but they somewhat resemble it.

  • Kaminarimon (popular and somewhat a big lantern)
  • Sensoji temple (shut4maintenance)

Ginza's Apple official store had four floors and one small theatre. I found a purple version of morphie juice pack but it had a plastic finish instead of metal finish I normally enjoy.

  • Royce chocolate (no luck in findn it)

We walked around Ginza and Tokyo with no success in finding any department stocking Royce dark chocolate anywhere. So disappointing! I feel guilty having had Daniel do so much walking on our first meet up. We headed our separate ways around 5pm. He had to meet other people. While Sis and I was suppose to go to Shibuya, but instead we ended up in Shinjuku. She had dvd stores that she was not finish with and wanted another go at searching for the title she obssessed by. Okies. She got it! Woot!

Takashimaya Time Square had some Q-pot jewellery and key chain, I could not resist the macaroon with gems. I had to own one. Also another Anna Sui lipgloss rose key chain and a box holding oil blotching paper. Cute! Cute! My sister and I had dinner at Takashimaya' Ocean Grill Tokyo. I ate squid ink pasta with squid and tomato. Yummy.

21 February 2010

We had found Daimaru on the opposite side of JR Tokyo station. Still a classic styled store as always. Takashimaya in Nihonbashi area was very rich in brown hues and looked great, the clothing here were best suited to the older patron. Hence no young patron as much as Shibuya or Shinjuku. Quite an eye opener. In Shibuya, we went through another Tower record and Tsutaya. Nuts I know.

Note: Trends here is CD still rocks. Cafe dessert on the rise. Lots of jewellery in the form of cupcakes.

After three temples we visited yesterday were shut for maintenance. We took a guess that there was no point in hurting our feet for Meiji Temple if it is also shut for maintenance like the other temples in Asakusa and Ueno. All them belong to Tokyo's hertiage building repair action project. Sorry cos players, perhaps another time. I'm sure the Internet has heaps of photographs of cos players.

This time round we skipped Harajuku and roamed the streets of Shibuya during the day. Unlike last time we came during the evening and it was hard to navigate our way. We saw people dressing in skin tight green and pink body suits posing with Shibuya's most iconic statue. lol.

I'm getting use to the taste of cold soba noodle. I might learn to make that dish, when I get a chance to play with the kitchen. Hee hee. Tsukino Shizuku is a nice restaurant tucked away in 2F of Ueno train station's central exit. Highly recommend it.

Hindsight: I should book a weekend in a resort which has onsen facing Mount Fuji and for skiing I should find similiar places to Tomamu ski resort where I can learn to ski. Hokkaido has a lot to offer during winter.

22 February 2010

MH 89 ,T2, Narita Dept 10:30. MH 149, TM, KL Dept 21:35. Melb, T2, Arr 08:15.

There was no time to browse slowly at Narita airport as the check-in took up 1 hour and 15 minutes. Once the check-in was over. We emptied our bowel. Quickly hopped on shuttle to gate 97 and took a quick look at duty free store for Royce chocolate. We scored two boxes (1 dry and 1 easily melted in heat required cool bag). Not sure which version my colleague Neil wanted for his aunt. Here we boarded our plane and soon we arrived at KL airport where we used the free wifi to tweet and check emails. Snacked on curry roti chanai and puff before boarding our next flight to our home country.

Hindsight: also go to Singapore's Suntec or Takashimaya or Ion Orchard road to buy it. Or go to tiny store near boarding gate at narita. Or just fly back up to Hokkaido.