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March 21, 2009

Findings #4: Shopping

RU open for business? ima, aite masu ka?
Welcome, may i help u? irasshaimase.
Have you been served? Teikyou sareru arimasu ka?
Wot ru looking 4? nani ka osagashi desu ka?

Just looking. mite iru dake desu.
I'm looking for... [seeri yoohin] O sagashite imasu.
Can I take a look? sore o mite mo ii desu ka?
Can I try it on? tameshitemo ii desu ka?
RU OK? Anata wa daijoubu desu ka?
U need help? Hitsuyou na shien wo okonau ka?
It dun fit. karada ni fitto shimasen.
My size is sml/med/lge. watashi no saizu wa esu/emu/eru desu.

How much is it? kore wa ikura desu ka?
3000 yen: sanzen en desu.
No thx. iie. kekkou desu.
I'll think about it. chotto kangae sasete o kudasai.
Expensive/cheap = takai/yasui

Fine. I'll buy this 1. ii desu ne. kore wa kaitai desu.
I'll take it. sore ni shimasu.
May I have this? kore wo morattemo iidesu ka?
Cashier? reji wa?
How much all together? zenbu de ikura desu ka?

1 bag plz. ichi kaban o +o+s.
No bag。Fukuro wa hitsuyou arimasen.
Pay together. Isshoni nishiharau.
My change plz. otsuri o +s+s.
Incorrect change amount. otsuri ga machigatte imasu.
Keep the change. O-tsuri wa iri masen.
Please give me a receipt. Ryoushuu-sho wo kudasai.

Do u've telph card? (terehonkaado) ga arimasu ka?
1000 yen card plz. sen-en kaado +o+s.

Sumimasen, kouhisutaminyaku ga arimasu ka?
How about this 1? kochira wa ikaga desho ka?

Findings #3: My travels questions and answers

What's your order? 何かご用ですか?nani goyō desu ka?

Excuse, do U need any help? もしもし、何か手伝うことがありますか。
moshimoshi, nanika tetsudau koto ga arimasu ka.

I dislike this raw one. kore wa nama kirai.

I lost my key and I am looking for it

I found my lost key


Is there anybody there? ここには誰ですか。Koko ni wa dare desu ka?

Can I use this card? のカードを使用することができますか。
kono ka-do wo shiyou suru koto ga dekimasu ka?

This is my 1st station. これが私の最初の駅です。Kore ga watashi no saisho no eki desu.

Eat together. 一緒に食べる。Isshoni taberu.

To share (food). 共有する食品。Kyouyuu suru shokuhin.

No ice/Don't need ice. こおりの必要ありません。Koori no hitsuyou arimasen.

No bag/Don't need bag. 袋は必要ありません。Fukuro wa hitsuyou arimasen.

Pls reheat. 再加熱しでください。Sai kanetsu shide kudasai.

Do you need help? 必要な支援を行うか。Hitsuyou na shien wo okonau ka?

RU OK? あなたは大丈夫ですか。Anata wa daijoubu desu ka?

Where is the dressing room? 試着室はどこですか?Shichakushitsu wa doko desu ka?


2 bottles of water. Mizu no nihon
2 cups of tea. Cha no nihai
5 sheets of stamps. Kitte go mai
10 horses. Juttou no uma
3 ppl. San nin
9 cars. Kyuudai no kuruma
2 big hses. Niken no ookii ie
7 mags. Nanasatsu no zasshi
4 snakes. Yonhiki no hebi
5 years. Gonen
2 carrots and 1 tomato. Ninjin nihon to tomato ikko


Cough medicine咳止め薬 せきどめくすりsekidome kusuri

Sore throat喉の痛みのどのいたみNodonomi

Runny nose鼻水はなみずHanamizu

Fever れつRetsu

I'm allergic to fish and prawns.
Sakana to ebi ni arerugii ga arimasu.


Please don't touch. Furenai kudasai

No entry 立入禁止. たちいりきんし tachiirikinshi

It is not mine. Sore wa watashi dewa nai.

I like Osaka. Osaka ga suki desu

I like snow. Yukī ga suki desu

She/Me does not know how to ski.

Kanojo/watashi wa sukino shikata wo wakarimasen

It is cold yeah? Samui so desu ne?

Which bonus item did you want? N/A

Do u have membership? メンバーシップ (menbāshippu)

Is this a gift? 贈り物, 贈物 [おくりもの (okurimono)/ プレゼント (purezento) /礼物 [れいもつ (reimotsu)]

No artificial flavour 不合人造香料

No added colours不加色素

Lactose free不合乳糖

Snow festival. yuki matsuri

Snowball 雪玉 [ゆきだま (yukidama)]
He is throwing snowballs = Kare wa yuki no tama o nagete imasu.

Snowball fight = 雪合戦 [ゆきがっせん (yukigassen)]

Join 加わる [くわわる (kuwawaru)]

Reindeer 馴鹿 [となかい /トナカイ (tonakai)] Deer, Shika.

Ice block 氷塊 [ひょうかい (hyoukai)]

Ice cup氷 カップ (hi kappu)

Where do I start? どこで開始するですか?

Ice breaker ship ride流氷観光砕氷船おーろら. (あーろら=Aurora)

Run! 走る[はしる] hashiru

Quickly 早く、速く、はやくHayaku

Faster, faster 高速化 [こうそくか (kousokuka)]

Stop! 停止するteishi

Stop (train)停車(駅)teishi(eki)


Wait for I 私を待つ watashi o matsu

Wait for us 私たち待つ watashi tachi o matsu

U drop something 何か anata wa nanika rakka.

Upstair 階上 [かいじょう (kaijou)]

Downstair 階下 [かいか (kaika)]

Next seat 隣室 rinshitsu

Next room 隣席 rinseki

Next building 隣建物 rintatemono

At the end of the street 通りの終わりに toori no owari ni

Lucky fabric satchels pkts. Omamori


Where's toilet/bin/atm? toire/gomibako/eitiemu wa doko desu ka?

Do you have toilet paper?chirigami ga arimasu ka?

What's street is this? Kono doro no namae wa nan desu ka?

What time ru open/close? nan-ji ni akimasu/shimarimasu ka?

Where can I buy tickets? chiketto wa doko de kae masu ka?

Where can I buy tickets for admission? nyuujou ken wa doko de kae masu ka?

Two admission tickets plz. nyujou-ken o ni-mai o kudasai.

Free admission. nyujou muryo.

Can I take a photo? shashin o totte mo ii desu ka?

Can I take a pic of U? anata no shashin o totte mo ii desu ka?

May I use the computer?pasokon wo tsukattemo iidesu ka?

How much per hour? Ichi-jikan ikura desu ka?

- $ -

money/no money. o-kane/kaneganai
wallet. saifu
bank. ginkou
paper$/coin. shihei/kouka
charges. ryoukin
service charge. saabisu-ryou

Is this free? Kore wa muryou desu ka?

Approximately how much do I have to pay? Daitai ikura gurai desu ka?


Cool: sugoi すごい.

Cute: kawaii.

Hot lookin': sekshi.

Handsome: kakkoi/hansamu.

Pretty: kire/bijin.

Hot: atsui.

Cold: samui.

Fun: tanoshi.

Interesting: omoshiroi.

Let's go: jo ikimasho.

I'm home: tadaimo.

G'luck: sachiare

Keep in touch: renraku shimasu.

That's kind of you: shinsetsu ni arigato.

Happy B'day: おたんじょうびおめdとございます.
otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu

Happy NY: akemashite omedeto gozaimasu. kotoshi mou yoroshiku onegai shimasu
{short version} akome kotoyoro

Ok: 大丈夫です。 daijoubu desu.

Sure: mochiron.

May not: dame desu.

Wrong: chigaimasu

Understand: wakarimasu.

Dunno(1): wakarimasen.
Dunno(2): shirimasen.

Plz: dozo/kudasai.

Thx: どうも。doumo/ありがとうございます。arigato gozaimasu.

No Thx: いいえ、結構です。 iie, kekkou desu.

Welcome: どういたしまして。dou, itashi mashite.

Excuse: すみません sumimasen.

Sorry: gomen nasai.

Wait-wait: chotto matte okudasai.

I do: hai, dekimasu.

I dun: iie, dekimasen.

A liltle like: sukoshi dekimasu.

Like: suki (ski) desu.

Dislike: suki ja arimasen.

Yes, it is: so desu ne.

No, wrong: iie. chigaimasu.

No problem: iindesyuo

Nerver mind: ki ni shinai de o kudasai

Findings #2: Greetings and Introduction

G'morning: おはよう。Ohayou gozaimasu.

G'day: こんにちは。Konnichi wa.Hi.おは. Oha.

What is you ur name? onamae wa nan desu ka?
My name is: watashi no namae wa {name} desu.

Nice to meet you: hajime mashite.

Please be kind to me: dozo yoroshiku.

How ru? 元気ですか。ogenki desu ka.

I'm good. You? hai, genki desu. anata wa?

Do u spk English? eigo ga dekimasu ka?

I spk lil' JPY: はい、少し日本語を話します。hai, sukoshi nihongo o hanasemasu.

What does it mean? どういう意味ですか。Dou iu imi desu ka.

What is it? これは何ですか。Kore wa nan desu ka.

How do you say this in English? kore wa eigo de nan to iimasu ka?

Please speak slowly. ゆっくり話してください。Yukkuri hanashite kudasai / yukkuri +o+s

Please say it again. もう一度言ってください。Mou ichido itte kudasai / mou ichido +o+s

Are you Japanese? Anata wa nihonjin desu ka? [No: いいえ iie.]

Where you from? dochira kara kimashita?

I'm from Australia. osutoraria kara kimashita.

Are you here on vacation?
kyuka de koko ni kimashita ka? [Yes: はい。hai.]

How long ru staying for? Itsu made koko ni imasu ka?

I'm here for two weeks. ni shukan koko ni imasu.

How old ru? nan-sai desu ka?29 year old. nijuuku sai desu.

What line of work do you do? o-shigoto wa nan desu ka?

I am a library technician. ...

I don't smoke. tabako o sumimasen.

That's my bag. watashi no (kaban) desu.

G'evening: こんばんは。Komban wa.

G'nite:おやすみなさい。O yasumi nasai.

G'bye: さよなら。Sayonara/ja mata.

CU l8r: ではまた。Dewa mata/mata ne.

CU tmr: また明日。Mata ashita.

Findings #1: In August 2008 I had the desire to learn JPY.

August 2008, my boss said that our team usually shut up shop around Christmas and a bit after New Year. She asked did I want to go on holiday using my annual leave, of course, I said yes. I thought long and hard where should I go with my budget and did I save enough? Then it hit me, I have always wanted to visit Japan.

September 2008, I got in contact with travel agent to book my flight and check if any visa was required. Also I went in forth of scouring and trolling the internet for good and easy survivals but despite finding heaps of words, I was unable to find audio play back which match the words I was keen on.

Briefly took a break of a few months to plan and concatenate desired locations to visit plus how to get there.

December 2008, I never gave up though and winged it when I was in Japan with my sister. Only recall 5 or about sentences and not much else. Ugh. lol.

March 16, 2009

March 2009

Swinburne student reunion on 1 March. Cool. Lunch at Cho Gao. One day i'm Gonna buy myself a Suckao ceramic cup from Max Well Brennan and melt choclate in it. ha ha. Sunday 8th March we went to Aquarium. $31.50 per adult. The penguins were adorable but the sea horses and blue legged frog were top notch creatures. 14th March. Dinner at cool Movida was yummy. The tapas had full flavour and was bite size yet fulfiling, especially lamb shrank and leak & potato croquettes. The churro was a tad dry nonetheless crunchy. The drinks were pronto and exactly as we ordered, no delay and no mix up. Gr8.

Learning Japanese is fun using Human Japanese software. However, my ability to pronounciate is far from being perfect. Enjoy seeing difference from native speakers.

My attempt to connect iPhone to analogue tv was half successful, got audio alright but video was mono black and white. How disappointing. It requires a digital tv or something like that. Um.

My attempt at viewing online rental movie on PC was dismal. Firstly, the download of the movie from iTunes took up a whole day (1.45GB) and only viewable in iTunes. I can hear the audio but the video was choppy and lagging against the audio being played, um. Is it a PC problem or the monitor (60-70 Hz) or poor file quality? Dunno. I'll try again once I'm on ADSL2+ and faster monitor (200mhz). ha ha. if I strike a winning, of course.

Sad that Australia doesn't have gr8 internet plans. Internet caps were very high on charges and signal strength frequently drops. Once you have exceeded in data allowance, on top of your cap monthly cost is the excess charges, your included value doesn't cover data usage .Telco are unable revert plan back to your original one uless there are loops involved -how wonderful.

28th March. Butcher's Grill was so-so in food & service. I'm sure other people had a better time, my bad luck.

-------------------------------Twitter Post----------------------------------------
  1. For those who wanna know why u rec'd #spam from email relentlessly see URL
  2. so today I wear the fool hat. boo.
  3. in hind sight, there is such as a good thing and I should 've just my cap incl. value instead of free sms site. sigh.
  4. argh! I'm a fool 2 fink free sms site r free of unwanted crap. lost some credibility no thx 2 spam. sigh. hope no one was harmed. :s
  5. @DHughesy then u can throw a tweet party & charge 'em 4 parkn their bikes on da curb or let a parking inspector charge each 1 a fine. lol
  6. #earthhour should be made into #earthday, a perferably a Sunday. Then can we make a gr8 difference. wot u all fink?
  7. churro with chocolate dip, um, a yummy weekend treat. (/--/) a slave to the chocolate god. LOL
  8. @animedancer87 i'd think his enteries would be witty, funny, & bring sunshine to a gloomy day with laughter. I can only imagine.
  9. 'bob giblets' eatery was a let down & has da same curse as 'hot croc' did in yr 2007. LOL. 'watchmen' was, um, okay.
  10. watch on tv Ch9. penguins r so cute.
  11. @wondercast oh ic. words lack tone so unable 2 c ur joke. hee hee. some Asians do look-a-like.
  12. @animedancer87 yeah, not a lot of celebrities are that interesting these days. Nao is a gem. wish he'd twitter too.
  13. I myself is happy Sim3 is just around the cnr. oh can't wait to build my ideal community. evil ha ha
  14. Internet cap of 250Mb sux, while $99 for 1G is a joke. go die ppl
  15. @perezhilton sorry for belated "happy birthday". 31 is not old, 105 yr old is old. lol
  16. wot's the pt of having #bundles when telcos can chg ur bundle to NO bundle? huh? #AAPT? wot gives?
  17. after Nov '08 AAPT bumped fr agreed "$35.45" to $45.50 for Internet on my bill w/out my consent! mad! my lazy family didn't ntc it woh.
  18. @sngo1982 hey u go online yahoo chat now!
  19. Funny stuff and no smite button required. lol.
  20. just watched DVD ver. of Tropic Thunder & man, was it Gr8, loved Robert DJnr role & Ben biceps were rippin', Jack semi funny
  21. RT @arjbarker @DHughesy frens wif ur ex depends on both ppl comfortable wif the idea & naturally accept this is all they'll ever be. peace.
  22. you'd fink having an a/c wif a telco over many yrs they'd chg ur plan easily. not. exit fee r ouchies.
  23. Doncaster has dev. in2 a mini Chadstone but 2 bad ppl still ram trolley/prams in2 ur leg in da mall.
  24. is it me or is it adult movie tik leaning to $20. man, yo u can so buy a DVD wif that.
  25. finding it difficult to embed ppt files on wiki. too large. ah, just my luck.
  26. never did catch the flick, instead we walked around in peak hour. ha. no free list are a pain.
  27. Gonna catch a flick in MC #hoyts and #Nandos in 20mins.
  28. #AIG u sux. In this period of GEC and GCC. HOW could U?!
  29. ppl fr interstate should outta know they ain't special in Melb so no, we ain't bowing to ya
  30. @maxcelcat ic i 2 've iPhone but I dun care abt chg unless it is of gr8 benefit. upgrade firmware, huh? neat. yet another restore.
  31. HaPpY St. PaTrIcK$ dAy 2 every1
  32. @animedancer87 I agree Nao-san blog is the funniest n delicious
  33. @wondercast I beg to differ on the voice similarity, but u nailed their style of pop songs are same.
  34. wiki make it such a pain to embed word doco. why is that? what profit can you get?
  35. oh online dictionary are all easy to use. bang in words and press enter. ta da.
  36. @sngo1982 Japanese dictionary online
  37. @vezzah is it me or has this GEC made ppl more demanding about paid services. overloading incoming copy requests. ugh. tiring work.
  38. @maxcelcat does it have a cute animation while ur doing that long file transport? eg.fishes.
  39. bro is sick of nandos plus anything that is take away which he does the drive-by-buy bit too. :( agro
  40. mom gave me a buzz, it seems she is tired from washing衣服吧. That's why she wants pizza. 1st day of the wk n she's tired. no way.
  41. and who is buying the pizza? i doubt bro likes oily food.
  42. Making comparing of Zoho vs WetPaint wiki(s) ability 2 display SlideShows wif restricted access. Zero winners.