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June 28, 2007

June was wearily icy cold

I know it is winter and all, but does it have to be so icy cold that you need bomber jackets to keep you warm. I find it a struggle to wake up and even wash my face. Plain cold water feels sharps. Despite that I did go shopping, hang out with a new bunch of people who I met from Japanese language club, and watch a movie or two. I am keen on smart phones but haven't found one that has good battery, camera with flash included, doco editor that displays Chinese and Japanese. sigh. YouTube is interesting, I did not you can record adverts and upload online without fear of infringing copyright. hee hee.

Reference: The ultimate guide to job interview answer/by Bob Firestone ISBN: 146520607. In job interview provide the following in sequential order:

S = situation [eg. billing enquiry]
T = tension [eg. re-enforcing policy]
A = action [eg.troubleshootn]
R = result/resolution [eg.complaints]

S = strength
W = weakness
O = opportunity
T = threats

In addition, behavioural Qs, note reaction from/to how ppl are feeling, and how you fit in the team.

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