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April 02, 2007

End of March 2007

March 2007 was mostly spent following post dental surgery rules:
1]Bleeding occurs in the 1st 24/48hrs use cotton gauze to soak up the blood.

2]Take soluable pandol and Di-gesic pain killers
3]Use antiseptic mouth wash 3 times a day
4]Avoid ver hot/cold food and drinks
5]Eat soft food
6]Avoid vigorous exercise and minimize talking during this time.

After surgery the anaesthetic wore off, surge of pain rush to the left side of my face and my head throbs with pain. Took many soluable pandols. Nothing cann distract you from such pain. My cheek was very swollen. I mumble when i speak for the first 3 days. I survived on congee and mash potato as my staple meals, while Continental's instant soup was my snacks. Basically i mashed and slurp my food/medicine. I found it difficult to open my mouth any wider, brushing teeth was excruciating painful. The internal bits of my mouth were very sore. It hurts to yawn or look up [i had to bend my back to see stuff on walls].

I was pretty much sleep deprived. I would end up with fever. I was never too far from a bin in case of nausea and vomit caused by pandol and di-gesic's drowsiness. At times the pain is unbearable I usually won't fall asleep until 6am and or on a sunny day sleep only in the warmth of afternoon sunshine with my cat, Mimi.

After 3 dental surgery your gums are weaken to the state where you find it difficult to chomp on certain solid foods. My stitches are utmost important and needs to maintained to i avoided food that breaks in sharp pieces in my mouth. When you have wounds most foods feel like they are sharp.

--- on another topic: Internet Marketing Conference Dinner- March 2007.

My sister and I was invited to an evening conference dinner to learn and discuss about marketing online. It was sponsored by StoresOnline who is a host server, program websites, and create store

We learnt 3 kerwords to luring ppl to your website: Find it, Like it, and buy it. Then the speaker [M.Blake] talked about needing:
*Make dough 24/7 all year round
*Drop shipping
*Shopping cart
*Permission email mktn
*Website - give something for free + used the word "free"
*Out smart search engines with powerful words
*Affilate programs
*Database integration
*Tools and support [work shop sign ups]

Overall the information session was mild and the 3 course dinner was delicious, lots of lemon zest oil used on all dishes. hee hee.

--- on another topic: call centre

This was found in someone's call centre job's exit form, that was forwarded to me: RTFM stands for "read the f*** manual". lol.

--- on another topic: mobile phone developments

Moto = Micro SD
Nokia = Mini SD
SonyEricsson = Memory stick Micro 2 [Incl. MSP Duo adapter]

GSM (2G 9.6kbps)
GSM GPRS (2.5G 30-70kbps)
CDMA 1xRTT (2.5G 153kbps)
GSM 2GSM (3G 300kbps)
CDMA EVDO (3G 2.4mbps)

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