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March 01, 2023

March 2023

Autumn is upon us and the sky is perpetually grey. I am doing a spring clean out of paper notes and stationery at home and at work. We humans accumulate so much objects. At work we have a share cupboard, which we can drop left over stuff. Neat.


A flurry of talks about including AI into our work.

I am researching about a ballerina. I chose a name randomly and found many gems. When I could not find her birth or death date, I figured she might be still alive. However, on the 9/2/2023 scrolling through Facebook I found out she died on 2/2/2022. Omg! That is freaky! Vale Jennifer Anne Stielow.


Slow month ahead. For hardcorre players there is nothing new. As for casual players they game mechanics is proving to tedious to use and too many mini events to follow anymore.


The last guy finally gave up on me - he kept going on about being frugal and skipping on major food events (e.g. birthday/BBQ) means early retirement. Yet he does not have a house of his own or an investment property. Also, after 9 dates he went to apply for a home loan. Weird. I said I'm not funding your dates and your home loan, when in the end, the property will not be mine. he event chose a property on his own. Sigh. He sure does not like to consult people about big purchase. Only his way or high way. Ugh.