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February 01, 2023

February 2023

Nothing is forever. Things come and go. One thing does seem to stay forever - racism and sexism. The youth of today are bringing back racism and sexism. It seems like there has been no progress at all. With the access to Internet, youth can gather is the masses online. Morals are harder to teach when the masses can ignore mass media and live in their filter bubble.


Project ideas floating about. Researching other countries and their record storage being one of them. 


I started the year with a bang and scoring hundo legendary raid bosses on the first week of their re-introduction. I am amazed at my in-game success.


Nothing but fake far. I won't be celebrating valentines this year like every other year. 

The men I have dated seem to piss me off around summer with "my way or the high way" attitude. They so need to improve their financial literacy before they retire. They have no side gig, no digital sales and keep whingeing about having to work. Then they complain how everyone is making a profit off of them another snore fest. Overall not exactly romantic or pragmatic.