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March 02, 2019

March 2019

It doesn't feel like autumn, more like an extended summer. 37 degrees straight on the first week of March. Oh la la la. Light make up only.


The adults in my family have reach a boiling point in their lives, where they cannot stand living in Australia - everything just cost too much. Yet they won’t migrate elsewhere and apparently it is my fault. Ugh, really?

They argue:
  • Food in Australia should at Asian country prices and American portions.
  • Big brands where clothes are made from China should sell for $1 in Australia.
  • A house with three bedroom, garage, and drive way should cost only AUD $380,000.
  • Movie tickets should remain $5.
  • Bro won’t leave the nest because I cannot drive. 
  • Mom won’t move because she is concerned about my cleaning skills. 

You just can’t win with these folks. The arguments and the accusations have no correlation yet they insist there is. I'm blind. 
