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May 03, 2018

May 2018

Life goes on. It felt like yesterday I was working like a crazy octopus. I have managed to fall ill and develop dark circles from all those late nights preparing material for meetings after meetings. Now I am working on developing a pilot online training module for librarians with a small company. Taking one step at a time. I am getting trained up first.

After attending a few events, write up more instructional wiki pages, hand in assignment each week, on the very last week as I am about hand in my assignment, the platform was blocked due to site owner had not agreed to the new European Union privacy act. I emailed the trainer and the site owner.

While I waited, I rode my kick scooter around my suburb, and then at 7:30pm, I fell off my kick scooter while going down a steep hill. I blacked for 5 minutes according to a stranger. Blood all over both hands. Stiff shoulder, right hip, and both knees. Swollen face on the right. The hospital said I had a mild concussion and I was to stay off my feet 24 hours to avoid another fall. I have bruises, scrapes, and cuts, which I feel needs more than a few days to heal.

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