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December 08, 2016

December 2016

I feel refreshed after the trip and partially tired now. Trying to do multiple things at once is not easy. First off the cab, writing up my first assignment for the summer semester. Second is to organise my goals for 2017. Lastly, try to visit all those fabulous Christmas markets around Victoria. I too, want to enjoy this festive season. A blink of an eye and time has past us all.

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November 2016

I forgot about November. Oh, gosh. It has been so hectic and tiring. I did not make a blog post for November.

I have been trying sort out a big matter with my university. Why was I blocked from semester 3 enrollment and blocked from electronic resources. Apparently, the university's graduation system deemed I had sufficient points to graduate, despite I still have two incomplete core units to go, and so, the system un-enrolled me and then proceed to block me from accessing electronic databases. Yeah. I was unable to download electronic articles. It took up two weeks worth of communication to iron it all out. The stress was unwarranted and squandered time that could have been spent doing research.

In the meantime, I have applied for a shared Social Media role with ALIA Student and New Grads group. So far, no news as yet.

Then I had to plan and pack for my one week holiday. My brother took ages to make up his mind, about as to whether to book a rental car or not. When he finally did book one, but it was done so at the very last minute. Whoever thought nagging someone was so exhausting.

Tasmania was gorgeous and there were plenty to see. That is if you like galleries, museum, farms, beaches, and mountains.

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