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We can’t let someone with this much contempt for women’s rights anywhere near the White House.https://t.co/OjU9gRwsxo— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) March 30, 2016
— Melly Tango (@melpucca) March 30, 2016
— Melly Tango (@melpucca) March 30, 2016
You looking at me? #cactusface (@ Guilfoyles Volcano) https://t.co/QhZKj5zvq0 pic.twitter.com/CEQrMBgba9— Melly Tango (@melpucca) March 26, 2016
Gr8 tip. To bring App Store back to life just 10 taps on any of the menus. See CNET video. https://t.co/UBeLHTUeog— Melly Tango (@melpucca) March 25, 2016
#EarthHour: If the whole world can come together for 1 night, there’s nothing we can’t do! RT if you agree. pic.twitter.com/WiZl2bZgKw— WWF (@WWF) March 19, 2016
#KoreanCuisine w @sngo1982 the seaweed was very crunchy and kimchi works well in fried rice. https://t.co/6V7RedROMI pic.twitter.com/VBAdCtVD5c— Melly Tango (@melpucca) March 19, 2016
#DoughnutTime w @sngo1982 #VeganFox #MelonDengeaes (@ Emporium Melbourne in Melbourne, VIC) https://t.co/Ime0M8BREd pic.twitter.com/ThjrLTjgDq— Melly Tango (@melpucca) March 19, 2016
Does a tool exist that will show you ideas that oppose your own? Instead of a search engine, a challenge engine? h/t @TeresaBrazen— Scott Berkun (@berkun) March 17, 2016
— Melly Tango (@melpucca) March 14, 2016
Watching: The Night Before [movie] 2015. Starring Seth Rogen, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Lizzy Caplan, Anthony Mackie, Mindy Kaling. #xmas #fun— Melly Tango (@melpucca) March 12, 2016
Obama in #SXSW speech shows he doesn't understand importance of privacy. Giving key to gov't would also give key to Russia, China and others— Darrell Issa (@DarrellIssa) March 11, 2016
#ใใฃใ That is totally #awesome Thanks @ladoo and @Trunktown275 #LuckyDay pic.twitter.com/TE4GdnaMRr— Melly Tango (@melpucca) March 11, 2016
.@newcardigan @GLAMR_NewProf Brolly is a new tool that can archive social media posts. https://t.co/Mi4RevmOjJ talk ya’s on the weekend.— Melly Tango (@melpucca) March 10, 2016
.@VicRoads a bike rider who is transporting a child decides to speed up to a signalling car. Negligent or what? pic.twitter.com/a9rLyR2Xar— Melly Tango (@melpucca) March 9, 2016
JOIN THE FACE OPPOSING VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN https://t.co/af2chhAD9v #FaceItTogether via @unwomenaust— Melly Tango (@melpucca) March 7, 2016
That sucks. ๐ฎ https://t.co/cPUsSjqeVN— Melly Tango (@melpucca) March 6, 2016
Swimming in llamas and #Twitter bird balloons with @sngo1982 in Andy Warhol and Ai WeiWei (@aiww) exhibitio... https://t.co/IV8kFImYTj— Melly Tango (@melpucca) March 5, 2016
#AI is changing what you expect of your device - @timoreilly #hardwarecon pic.twitter.com/Fhx3lfTpNq— HardwareCon (@HardwareCon) March 4, 2016
Attending: Andy Warhol — Ai WeiWei [exhibition] with @sngo1982 #freedom #equality https://t.co/xuwgqXO84e pic.twitter.com/B7caDQFsLa— Melly Tango (@melpucca) March 5, 2016
Having lunch with @sngo1982 in the new sushi train joint. #nomnomnom (@ Tetsujin) https://t.co/ZQEnzuStrj pic.twitter.com/hbemc8FVvD— Melly Tango (@melpucca) March 5, 2016
Whoopi Goldberg and Patrick Stewart's readings of Kanye tweets deserve Oscars https://t.co/ErZ8leP5fs pic.twitter.com/texKk8apNH— Mashable (@mashable) March 3, 2016
Thanks for sharing it @angryaussie I can see how flexible this #GIF is for various other captions. cc @kellos @keziahillstart— Melly Tango (@melpucca) March 4, 2016
.@VicRoads are push #bike cyclists free to run through a red light? Should cyclists giveaway to a car turning into a street or vice versa?— Melly Tango (@melpucca) March 2, 2016