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December 19, 2015

December 2015

Time passes us by faster than ever. However, implementing talked about strategies are still dragging its heels. Frustrating? Yes! I find people approach innovation with lip service. You got to start off small. Think about the foundation of your idea. You got to lay the bricks on the ground, before purchasing an automatic glass door. Wasting funds too fast is a dangerous game. To save money and resources is to use your professional network or the tradies' network. It has been inspiring to hear researchers and CEOs are contemplating these in various forms. However, this doesn't mean we can be complacent and hope that improvement will come forth. We got to be the ones pushing for it.

Areas that could do with improvement are:

  • Up-skilling staff on mobile devices capabilities, content creating, privacy, and security practice;
  • Start collecting analytic beyond the standard report requirement; 
  • Incorporate automatic reporting sensors to assist with statistics in reading rooms;
  • Create a research, design, and collaboration space for staff;
  • Establish a platform for staff to promote their internal services to other staff;
  • Create competitive online services in the knowledge industry;

Sad that GLAMR institutions are resorting to building commercial kitchens, cafes, and exhibition rooms, and calling them innovation, new experiences, and declaring the surveyed general public wanted this in the first place. When so many survey have stated more and more people are dependent on the Internet for nearly every aspect of their life, ranging from information searching, education, leisure, shopping, pay bills, and the biggest one of all - Connecting With Other People. People will continue to stare at their mobiles at those cafes, exhibitions, and catered events regardless of what's on offer.

It sure, makes you wonder what services do GLAMR offer online that taps into this ever growing consumer behaviour? Why isn't all GLAMR staff jobs involved in that industry? We should have something online that gets people engaged with GLAMR.

The general public who are graduates have two driving motives: where are my peers/friends at and what can improve my ability to nab a better job or get a job at very least. That's what I hear from millennials and generation X at meet ups.

Do we want to continue providing social experiences for inner city dwellers or do something radical in 2016?

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November 29, 2015

November 2015

Latest pet peeve: Where do people get the right to milk my savings??? I maybe generous at special occasions, but utility bills is where I stop. Why should I cover 80% of someone's else share of utility bill? Just so that you could "live it up" and I endure hardship. Besides hoarding does not provide solace. Rather it breeds moths, spider babies, and fluffy mold.

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November 01, 2015

October 2015

You'd think organisation of all sorts would have updated their ICT policy about using BOYD. Rather than leading people on by allowing and expecting them to buy their own devices, but only to be told they didn't need you to use it, wait but we did, yet we will not give you resources to update it. Ugh. Oxymoron.

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