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June 01, 2014

June 2014

I tried to be calm and collected during the study visit week. I prefer to not freeze in the cold if I could help it, the hermit needed a daily dose of free wifi every evening. Sorry, but I'm not addicted to posting every pic and selfie of myself. My facial expression collectively is limited and probably repetitive anyways. However, I did my best to stay awake despite my chronic fatigue felt otherwise, and out in the F-cold after a long day I was not praised, instead I  labelled as being rude, for the hermit felt rushed by my yawns. 

Despite the study visit was organised a year ago, apparently, it was not their fault they have no cash, and that the $900 in transport, food, expenses did not buy them happiness or wonderful experience. Oh really? 

Also to offer my own 3G mobile connection to act as someone's Internet hotspot and so they could post 1 tweet, who actually ended consuming more data to play online game and send messages to their friends, was again my fault, for dragging them to the interstate when they could have been home and use the F-Internet paid for by yours truly. 

All this pain I caused for the hermit was apparently my fault for planning a semi-business-study-visit-holiday mid last year. Yes, I could have gone solo, as I have done previously, when I visited Sydney, Wagga Wagga, and New York City, but I was being considerate and invited an Internet-addicted-FOMO-selfie-hermit to the lovely Brisbane. How pitiful that the hermit's life has been ruined within a week. 

At least I was productive and managed complete my professional study visit report in time. My few frustrations were the location of trivia night as QUT has three campuses on 18th June 2014, #FourSquare app no longer accepts checkin as of 20th June 2014, and I tried teaching the hermit how to do a panoramic trick but she kept getting it wrong and frequently wanting to give up (to focus on her selfie). However, my life was not ruined by it, rather I should used GoPro and egg time more, next time then. 

People who becomes a hermit or who operate in silo develop insensitivity towards the people they live with, and do weird things, such as leaking people's sensitive data and private thoughts. However, the hermit reckon the adviser was insensitive for decreeing how the hermits should tweets events. When the adviser was only warning them it was insensitive to publicly post people's date of birth on social media without the person's permission, and that it was a violation of privacy act, and potentially attract criminal who has dealing in identify theft. 

So the hermit doesn't have a profession that could be in jeopardy by racism or sexist jokes, so there is nothing to lose, right? Not only will you be fired. You won't be hired either. 

So the hermit has no penny against their name, and if their bank account was hacked into there is nothing to worry about, right? Wrong. Criminal can apply for big home loans against your name and you will have a big debt for the rest of your life and it may bleed into your kids's future (if you have any). 

The point is sensitive data is not suitable for public consumption for a reason and if it belongs to someone else, you have no right to post it anywhere. Also data will be used against you in the future, even if you are a hermit, as social media data is recognised as admissible evidence in the court of law. So Twitter users and Facebook users with public profile respect others, even if you don't respect yourself. 
