Still have patrons who do not know their trackpad, right mouse click, install plug-in, open TIFF file, and use a web browser. I have been devising new work procedures and training my team, so that they can educate the patron in return. We still need a FAQ, sample page, and videos on our organisation website. Patrons are getting agitated by the lack of information. It is more than just a DPI problem.
I do wish more retail spaces take up "Renew Newcastle project".
We see a promising change in the distribution channel and business model of ebooks. Thanks to JK Rowling selling Harry Potter ebook on her own website
Volcano are starting to come back alive and causing havoc on flights around the world. Um, not quite year 2012 yet. Oh well, we will see how it all turns out by the end of the year.
mel_pucca Melly Tango
Caravaggio's paintings in a book. Religion was his inspiration. His works were consistent & good. What inspires artists now?
mel_pucca Melly Tango
Watched: Blackbeard's lost ship. On Secrets of the Dead [show] via PBS iPhone app. He deliberately sink his ship? oh. wow.
Can't wait to use it on my next trip. RT @mashable: iPhone App Shrinks Your Data & Your Monthly Bill -
Hooray! RT @TechCrunch: With Ten Million Videos Played, TechCrunch TV Turns One by @jonorlin
I ❤ it RT @google: Introducing the Google+ project: Real-life sharing, rethought for the web:
Has it become obvious ppl want to use their tablets to create content, rather than on a laptop/PC? #TwitterQuestions
@maxcelcat how dare the Queen try us for Carbon Tax. I'm not happy, Jan. (♯`∧´)
Website content which require Adobe Flash/Microsoft Silverlight/Other are deferred to laptop for later reading (a month later). ☢
Renting DVDs? Too bad Zediva (startup) was accused of something something copyright. Bye bye good ol' days.
Do we really despise Clippy from Microsoft Office? lol. He is useful but then again I've been using OpenOffice
Best environmental version of 3D printing RT @newsycombinator: Solar-Powered 3D Printer that Prints Glass from Sand
Luv the concept RT @mashable: Nonstop High-Speed Trains Enabled by Docking Trams [VIDEOS] -
A law on TV & computer recycling is a must. Disgusted by sights TVs & CRT monitors on sides of nature strips & roads.
ShopAdvisor and IGotUGot sounds neat RT @mashable: Hacking for Change: 17 Apps That Could Make a Difference -
The next #Playstation console better offer wifi and bluetooth connectivity! Infra only cool for controllers but nothing else.
Hmm there's something not quite right about the latest member of this Japanese pop band... What is it?
Dislike PROTECT IP! Push for #digitalrights & revolt against bad Hollywood Internet censorship bills
RT @mashable: Sad Keanu Meme Inspires Reeves To Write a Book -
RT @LISNews: Lady Gaga Declares Herself Librarian of Glam Culture
In times like this, good that there's a means of checking RT @nytimestech: Gadgetwise: How to Know if You've Been Hacked
☺ Funny. Loved it. Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) by Katy Perry on @VEVO for iPhone.
"Two of most important things for companies are (1) design products to be hacked and (2) pay attention to user behavior." @timoreilly #AskGE
☹ ICT depts pls advise staff what they can & can't do on their PC. #Hospitals #PublishingFirms #PlugIn #RightClickMouse
rotfl. RT @TIME_Video: Watch: See the perfect tweet (well, maybe, sorta) in @oddtodd's twitter crash course.
#FTW for authors RT @TechCrunch: Meet The First Indie Publisher To Sell A Million Kindle Books by @leenarao
A boiling pot that can power my smartphone is a god send for outdoor trips and camping. Yay!
Yay RT @LibraryJournal: The British Library & Google to Digitize & Make Freely Available 250,000 Out-of-Copyright Books
Often nobody dares to interrupt the dominate speakers at Unconference. I do my darndest derail them. ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
( *`ω´) 128kbps sound quality is not good enough for me anymore, bumping to 320kbps. mwah ha ha.
Say no to desert RT @UN: Friday is World Day to Combat Desertification -- forests keep drylands working: #IYF2011
Apple is unfair to block iPhone owners from recording live acts. What if it is a band at home/backs stage practicing?
Watching: Nick & Norah's infinite playlist [movie] 2008. Ew. That bubble gum sure has a wicked night out.
New kind of communities: Group niches, Social posses (growing as I tweet), Content contributors (aka crowd sourcing).
Social media shifts concept of network & its uses. The networked librarian - Lee Raine at BayNet [video]
@thqwireless pls could add these enhancement to lightsaber duel in multiplayer mode: [1] a life bar [2] character speaks when hurt;
Best skit yet! Got me in stitches. Bravado perfm. RT @Sheamus: "Can I be your friend?"
I love to fit this hands free camera to my beanie when I'm snowboarding, ropeway, or boat ride. Replay XD1080. Wicked.
The Google doodle has turned into a guitar. ψ(`∇´)ψ So creative and fun. U gotta try it!
Everyone pls respect the ocean, by doing so we can minimise floods, bore water, and rate extinction for sea creatures. día feliz #OceansDay
replaces flash cards RT @TechCrunch: Evernote Peek: First Smart Cover App That Could Make You Smarter by @erickschonfeld
Cool. Learn to use an SLR without even owning one! Play with settings, click Snap, see how much you have to learn...
.@UNAIDS has turned #AIDSinfo into a free app so you can explore #HIV-related data on your smart phone! Details:
Hooray! I wonder what graphic level it would use? Pixel/2D/3D? RT @mashable: The Sims Are Coming to Facebook -
A good platform or ecosystem would offer... stability, sturdy changes, and intuitive features. #CustomerHappiness
"I don't want a scandal. I'm doing my job." -- Kathryn Bolkovac. The Whistleblower [movie] 2010.
#Chrome browser harnesses HTML5. #Android voice search to #GoogleGoggles change mobile internet. #Google rocks!
Reminder: #DPIproblem monitors are low resolution devices, while printers are high resolution devices; hence bloated blur pics print result.
Yay! Finally sb has come up w/ a gr8 solution to retain retailers & encourage new 1s. Renew Newcastle project.
Internet personalisation & invisible filter harms our search/feeds results & dent our pt of view. See TEDtalks [video]
Is it unsurmountable to have decent sized good quality images? #TwitterQuestion
☹ I don't like current touch screen laptops. Something NQR. Desktop app aren't thumb friendly. They need more fine tuning. ☁
Brands are like famous buildings & bridges. ppl use 'em as pt of ref on a map, comparison in goods & services, associate 'em w/ activity.
I didn't get a computer until college because it was "just a toy." I wonder which of our kids' toys might become a long happy career later?
#iCloud ,um, fluffy. #Apple #WWDC I like to learn & improve my presentation skills by watching its keynote.