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March 02, 2011

March 2011

February to March was filled with catastrophe one another after another. Floods in Oz, Earthquake in NZ and JPN. Mother nature is strong and powerful. I would divulge my feelings but too many people are already suffering, their pain is pain felt in my tears. Therefore I rather help than to linger over issues. I could not leave work to join others in volunteer aid work, plus I cannot take leave at my pleasure. Donate and pray is all I can do right now. Amongst all this disaster, I was able to salvage minor achievements in life.

I'm over the moon at my minor and outside of work hours achievements. My latest and fun achievement from FourSquare.

Also my current favourite We Rule Quest [iPhone] game. Come and place an order in my kingdom. lol.

Hee hee. Though there were some beauties, like Moomba (Melb) and SXSW (Austin). The highlight of the month would have to be watching the fireworks so up close, that debris fell into our eyes and hair. Crazy! However, it was glorious. Have you ever sat up close to a fireworks display?

People laziness never cease to amaze me. Why do people linger tasks to the due date? Do they prefer things to rot? I like to deliver excellent customer service and produce top notch product, sub par is crap. So sue me.


  1. Gr8 replacement RT @TechCrunch: With Square In Its Sights, Intuit Readies A Tablet App For GoPayment by @erickschonfeld
  2. Attending: Julie Wood's responding to adversity - - the why not story [presentation]. #VRT #SLT
  3. Like: Mr Tinkles and Ringo on a remote island scene. #Cats
  4. Donate your old iPad at an Apple Retail Store (USA only). So that schools in low income areas can benefit.
  5. Step brothers [movie] 2008. Starring Will Ferrell. Offers ideas: 1) Not happy wear a Chewbacca mask. 2) Hide & Seek w/ night vision goggle.
  6. Good Stuff RT @TechCrunch: An Incubator From Down Under: Meet StartMate's First Batch of Aussie Startups @ripemp
  7. @twitter ru aware of "bots" running amok on Twitter? Here is one of many news article about it
  8. This will benefit the common person for sure RT @lif_au: Legify Is An Index Of Current Australian Legislation
  9. Pretty darn funny alright RT @IntoMobile: Angry Birds: The Movie (Spoof Trailer from Rooster Teeth Shorts)
  10. Cat poses as a model with lace curtain. Peek a boo, I can see U.#Miao
  11. Tip: wanna put thick sauce in a burger, so that it tastes like Big Mac? Use Paul Newman's own Caesar salad (See image).
  12. Watched: What happens in Vegas [movie] 2008. Starring Cameron Diaz and @aplusk. 3 million dollars windfall must be amazing. Woot!
  13. #RentedonAppleTV Dinner for Schmucks [movie] 2010. Hilarious. I especially adore the taxidermy mouse displays. Gr8 story telling style.
  14. Doing my bit for #earthhour. Time to switch off power at the wall people.
  15. #RentedonAppleTV The Girl Who Played with Fire [movie] 2009. One of many gr8 foreign films. Oh yeah baby!
  16. Elderflower has a subtle taste to it and has gr8 potential, as an eye gel or ice cream. #omgfact
  17. Tragic but true. Law reform reqd RT @mashable: How the Web Has Changed Our Perception of Copyright Law -
  18. Aww. いかにも! かわいい です. RT @TechCrunch: Twimal: Super-Cute Twitter Toy Pet Reads Tweets For You by @serkantoto
  19. @gottsled Wouldn't be cool to have one word to replace the word "library" instead of two? #SLAVCONF
  20. @Oprah Did you get time to visit a Koala sanctuary? Kangaroo Island? Greenpeace's Sea Shepherd ?#OprahLiveTweet
  21. @gottsled @herbschulte @jennyluca Many high schools have begun to call their library "information centre", packed w/ computers.
  22. ppl outta be happy to 've terracotta tile roof, since they like the so called "prestige". Well, it comes with an expensive repair bill. Duh!
  23. ☀ Is anyone making kids swim gear that bloats into floatie when it hits water? Like those shrunken vacuum towel. #twitterquestion
  24. ☠ Interim procedures are such a cop out. Even worse when the executor who made a decree, fail to follow it. #FAIL
  25. Yeah. Many people are seen w/ a laptop, than a tablet RT @lif_au: Tablet Ownership Still Below 10% In Australia
  26. To those 3rd party app for social media, add a feature where we can post on people's wall or profile directly. eg. Facebook, MySpace, etc.
  27. 這個是管用 app RT @mashable: FitFu Turns Your iPhone Into an Exercise Motivation Tool [VIDEO] -
  28. I have created my own chimera on #werulequest [game] by accident. Honestly. See image if you dare.
  29. Thx god for app based phones RT @TechCrunch: Welcome To The Post-Carrier Future by @johnbiggs
  30. Facebook interface for comment sucks. I dislike the Enter button. I want the post button back!
  31. We need 3 tier start times. 8am for schools. 9am for businesses. 10am for tertiary. oh, plus 3 train lines per a platform. #TrafficJam
  32. @PeterMacFnd This TED video has radical machine for breast cancer. Speaker: Dr Deborah Rhodes. Please support it.
  33. @BCCare This TED video has radical machine for breast cancer. Speaker: Dr Deborah Rhodes. Please support it.
  34. @breastcancer This TED video has radical machine for breast cancer. Speaker: Dr Deborah Rhodes. Please support it.
  35. @BrstCancerNews This TED video has radical machine for breast cancer. Speaker: Dr Deborah Rhodes. Please support it.
  36. Watched: Bie Pa Shi Qu 別怕失去 by Jason Chan on @VEVO for iPhone.
  37. Former year 12 students interested in participating in research "impact of Facebook on study" Read article in @theage
  38. Cats and Dogs: the revenge of kitty galore [movie] rented on PS3. Great introduction. On the same par as James Bond movie introduction.
  39. @ConanOBrien where is the proof? pic please.
  40. A listing of museum apps from around the world. See blog post.Http://
  41. Vital machine to fight #BreastCancer RT A tool that finds 3x more breast tumors, and why it's not available to you
  42. Watching: The Day the Earth Stood Still [movie] 2008. Keanu Reeves, Jennifer Connelly, & Jaden Smith. Q: Are we destroying earth? Yes.
  43. A well made promo [video] "Smart people use smart libraries – library ireland week". Found on www.librarian.net
  44. Omg! RT @IntoMobile: Gameloft Releases Trailer for World of Warcraft Inspired 'Order & Chaos Online' for iPhone & iPad
  45. Dewey aisle could do with a QR code, so that patrons could scan them for more info or an expandable subject list. #Libraries
  46. For fun marketing have life size cardboard cut outs, patron pose, friend snaps a pic of 'em and post online. #Libraries
  47. @redcrossau pretty please ensure food and water gets to the remaining survivors from #Japan earthquake. #prayforJapan
  48. Video is a gr8 way to explain or introduce your services, especially about how it all works. Love a good demo. #Libraries
  49. It is not hidden now. Fine to post pic up, just don't give location. lol.
  50. Should try uploading to Scribd & charge RT @LISNews: College & Research Libraries Goes FULLY Open Access
  51. #WeRuleQuest [game] has the utmost disruptive upgrade. My cauliflowers! I know #Apple needs wifi. Only just 3G ntwk now.
  52. @_Mimco With 7cm wide hair clips. Any plans to make a Shambolic Barrette replaced with Romance Flower Alice in confetti mix on top?
  53. Twitter is my source of International News and I wouldn't have it any other way. Twitter's time line [video].
  54. Watching: Summer Wars [DVD]. サマーウォーズ, Samā Wōzu. \(//∇//)\ Ah. Memories.
  55. Social sharing is addictive and a must option in apps. Be it web or native app.
  56. So surreal. Looks like a blockbuster movie RT @CNETNews: What happens when pros try iMovie on an iPad 2?
  57. Application built with Flash seems to dislike Https in Facebook [PIC]. #FB #FAIL
  58. *流口水*。Jawbone Icon BT Head Set Gold. #Wicked
  59. Musee du Louvre (free app) Lots of artworks on your iPhone.#appstore
  60. John Murray Archive (free app) by National Library of Scotland.#appstore
  61. Field Guide to Victorian Fauna (Free App) to animals.
  62. Don't let bees go extinct! It affects food source. #KillBeesKillEarthWatch doco trailer Http://
  63. @Beaky_ Ouch, that's awful. I hope the kid doesn't lose interest in fireworks. Nothing like a bad experience to deter people.
  64. A decent read for non-ipad owners too RT @MakeUseOf: New FREE iPad PDF guide from MakeUseOf. Download now!
  65. Freaky RT @CNETNews: Earthquake video shows how engineering may have saved lives
  66. Tip: do not sit too up close to fireworks display, as debris fall into your eyes. Awesome! #Moomba
  67. Watched: 21st Century Girl [video] by Willow Smith on VEVO for iPhone.
  68. $99 for Smurfberries! Outrageous RT @mashable: Apple Changes In-App Purchase Policy to Protect Parents’ Credit Cards -
  69. quite the battle RT @newscientist: Born to be viral: Watch what it looks like when a hacker attacks a computer
  70. Graeme Base's The Waterhole (2001) pri. coll. on display at Cowen Gallery, #SLV#AustralianArt
  71. 心を込めて祈りなさい。kokorookotomete inori nasai. #prayforjapan☛☚ ☮
  72. Loving Maggie Beers' ice cream range. Burnt fig honeycomb & carmel ice cream. Yum!
  73. @sroberts82 I suggest you read blog post, "Firesheep in wolves' clothing", found in @TechCrunch
  74. How does Kindle, Nook, and Kobo eReaders protect itself from Firesheep? #TwitterQuestions
  75. ☂ Practicing not to use any electrical gadget 1 hour prior to sleep. Aim to sleep well.
  76. Definitely kids needs to earn their keep at home. If not, they'll end up snotty, lazy, farts & no one wants 'em. Current population
  77. Neat stuff RT @HootSuite: Hoot! New Blog post: HootSuite Reinvents Social Analytics ~ Custom Reports to Measure Success
  78. @Pogue ♬ 卄丹ㄗㄗㄚҍìɾէհժɑվ❧
  79. @petecashmore congratulations! RT @mashable: Mashable CEO Pete Cashmore Earns World Economic Forum’s Leadership Award -
  80. Brilliant RT @TechCrunch: Dropico Launches Yet Another Photo Sharing App (But You Just Might Like It) by @robinwauters
  81. Gr8 idea & useful in many conferences RT @mashable: Turn Your Phone Into an Interactive “Hello My Name Is” Badge - #sxsw
  82. Attended: a presentation on a newly renovated website. Woot!
  83. Hooray! Japan launches 'Hayabusa' bullet train. @news_com_auHttp://
  84. #RentedonAppleTV: Legend of the guardians: The owls of Ga'Hoole [movie]. Good story. ★★★★
  85. It is wonderful kids with autism can learn n' play using iPad. An unexpected consumer category. #iPadrocks
  86. Incredible keynote presentation. Yes! We're living in post PC product fever and we're loving the experience. Apple
  87. #RentedonAppleTV: The girl with the dragon tattoo [movie]. This foreign film is dark. ★ ★ ★
  88. well crafted. looks awesome RT @timoreilly: magical sculptures carved out of old books. Beautiful. via @jamesoreilly
  89. Played with FaceTime. To call an iPod select the person's Apple ID/email. To call an iPhone select the person's mobile ph no. Gr8 stuff.
  90. Woot! I ❤ Airplay improvement, more plz RT @mashable: What's New in iOS 4.3 -
  91. Many ppl may think that library staff hold innovation back, when in actual fact it is the out of date IT staff & managers. #iPadrocks
  92. Read: Kylie Minogue will return to Australia to tour her $25 million show. @news_com_au See video Http://
  93. mix up in grapevine RT @hbraum: RT @librarianbyday: Heads up! hashtag for HarperCollins fiasco is #hcod NOT #hocd @rww
  94. Have your say on "Regional Rail Link". Want it or Not?#PublicTransport #Trains
  95. Since there has been a shift from traditional 100% ownership to just partial ownership of books. There should be a #ebookrights
  96. #UsefulSentence: kindly accept deepest sympathy in your sad bereavement. (so beautifully written) #MS1268