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August 03, 2010

Findings #27: English sentences that appeals to my ear...

A •cohort• of 60 Generation Y doctoral students.

The •vagabond• cat that came to stay.

Well, if we haven't gotten past •venerating• people who don't know anything.

A new age had plainly dawned, an age that made the institution of a segregated picnic seem an •anachronism•" (Henry Louis Gates, Jr.)


I had an •inkling• feeling...

She spoke •nonchalantly• as if it didn't happen.

That coward •mongrel• canine

Intoxication was not a •mitigating• factor in...

writing again to •reiterate

are particularly •egregious• in that


... would likely •skirt•those restrictions

rules •stipulate•that

but I try to •subvert• that by locking onto people's feet

Every •morsel• of food.

Web sites •ply• the newly pregnant with due-date calculators...

Ultrasounds reveal a nearly in •imperceptible• heartbeat of six weeks of •gestation•.

There are so many reason that discussion of miscarriage is •squelched•.

We •recoil• from death.

Some women also may be reacting against a newly •punitive• atmosphere towards older mothers.

The debate over abortion has became so •polarised• that exploring such contradictions feels too risky.

Commemorate• this event.

Permeated• the air.

I retreat from this angst by flipping through an in flight magazine, •marvelling• at the stuff on offer.

For there we all are: people.

That evening was overcast: the view was •murky•.

It's warm and humid: the air •leaden•.

And there, on a •secluded• signpost in national park, someone has •scrawled• Smoke ém out Bush.

The exhibition is moving, but along it is a sense of something too carefully •curated•.

But there is nothing •abashed• about the people nearby with •trestle• tables of souvenirs hats and books and cards or the tour guides leading groups of •gawkers•.

...have all become memorial walls; •ad hoc• arrangements of flowers and messages.

I take a photo. Just one, before a nearby security guard asks me politely but firmly, to •desist•.

The aims of this new national identity are •neither• cultural •nor• social, but...

..less recognised but no less •lamentable•.

...are •invariably more lacklustre•...

...causes other than those •espoused• by the government of the day.

Commission against corruption after a •stint• as Ombudsman.

What ensues is a comically sordid tale of music, sex, drugs, larger-than-life characters and the birth of world famous dance club The Hacienda.

At first, Olivier turns him away. Then he relentsMeanwile, he follows the boy, covertly inspecting his locker and breaking into his flat.

A middles-aged man meets a group of hunters in the desert who, unperturbed by his plan to kill himself, escort him to a remote mountain village.

On first encounter with Marie-Jo, she sits by the water contemplating the serrated blade of a pocket knife.

Dr Faust is a man enmeshed in a soulless existence.

No one can be sure who is leading whom...

All film epoch in other cultures...

On the surface, it's often oddly calm. Inwardly, it's always seething with latent violence.

A street finds himself harassed by thugs, then exacts cruel revenge on all those who have wronged him.

His client insists he videotape the victim's death throes for her later enjoyment.

After an onerous divorce, famous singer and actress Malak falls for the charming Lamei. 

in spite of attempts to sabotage her new relationship by her scriptwriter, director and most lethal of all her grandmother!

Focus on one rotten day when everything goes awryfor a group of tenuously linked Parisians.

The film captures the characters' myraidmoods.

Alternating irreverant comedy with poignant and reflective drama.

From A o B, object C is replete with examples of film making in a constant state of re-invention. Whether building on or reacting against yesterday's truisms.

Namoo counts down the days to end of an idyllic summer.

Never forcing the pathos with undue sentiments, the script orchestrates almost worldless reconcililation between A and B.

This heart warming yet burlesque...

Mr Russell forecast earnings from the existing Orange mobile business would become earnings positive before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation in the fourth quarter.

And the speech was less memorable than the venue.

That evening was overcast: the view was murky.

It's warm and humid: the air leaden.

And there, on a secluded signpost in national park, someone has scrawled Smoke ém out Bush.

The exhibition is moving, but along it is a sense of something too carefully curated.


Either if you've gotten one or not...

When I least want it.

It can be seen that...

The evidence is that...

In fact, ...

For example, ...

An example of [this] is ...


Author prominent:

According to Smith (1996: 45) there are...

Smith (1996:45)[argues/notes/reveals] that

Western (1983) identifies several forms of...

Heady and O'Loughlin (1980) claim that

Information prominent:

A number of studies have investigated the... (Western, 1983; Cass and Western, 1980; Braithwaite, 1979).

There is evidence to show that... (Emy, 1989).

The effects of... have been carefully documented.


August 02, 2010

August 2010

Ah. The first few days of August I got the chance to sample the online web form on our test site. Not bad looking. A bit muddly at this stage but it is a work in progress. The form is broken into stages and direct the patron to enter and accept before going to next phase. Now that is vast improvement compared to the old paper copy where the patron did not notice the vital or sequence parts of the form needed to be filled by them or staff. Soon enough it will be my turn to test every button on this online web form in coming weeks.

I have to confess I'm always looking for ways to enhance and improve my productivity. Hence my hunt for apps for my iPhone. After exhausting my budget for apps, I have found a few nifty ones but none of them are simple and powerful as the notepad in the iPhone which you can synchronise to your Email, then copy the note onto whatever thereafter, by doing so you are sharing information from device to the cloud. Mavelous! Now I just need that to occur with Google Docs.

I don't mind and I am capable of retracting my statements or status updates on any Social Media without animosity. What I do not understand is why people fail to ask what is the meaning behind the statement, instead they choose the "I'm management" card and demand you scrub what is legitimate and honest to GOD the truth. I do pray such a person would stop putting things out of context. Propaganda is not cool in the world of Social Media. There is a good YouTube video posted and passed around on Twitter which demonstrate this problem. Tell me if this century management is still draconian and needs a refresher? Here is a link.

Inception [movie] is a clever and beautifully crafted movie. I haven't seen one like it in years. No vampire here. lol.

City under siege [HK Movie] starring Aaron Kwok and showing in Hoyts Cinema now that is what I call multiculturalism. Asian films should be shared and not be limited to a few outlets. I see a sea of change coming to Australian cities.


Testing: Myki [VIC TTA smart card]

So far...I have purchased my Myki smart card at Metshop for $15 ($5 credit included; card is $10) then registered online. During 5am to 7am travelled on train during Early Bird period and the touch on/off worked fine. No hiccup. No delay. No over charge on the card. I then proceed to top up at Flinders Station and it did add extra $10. I have tested it on Saturday beyond 2 hours on the train and yes, it does cap off at $3. Aesome. When it comes to the history of travel transaction on the Myki website, it was 24 hours behind in been updated. Why? WHo knows. However, your balance is pretty updated to the millisecond if you check it on the machine at the stations.

The saga continues...


  1. Astonishing and wicked tricks! RT @funnyordie: The most impressive bowling trick shots you'll see all day.
  2. A dream; Hope 4 fruition & success RT @mashable: Soon, You’ll Be Able to Play “Starcraft 2″ from Your iPhone or iPad -
  3. The Coalition sure uses a great deal of glossy paper pamphlets and sharp too. #PaperCutTime #NotEnviromentFriendly
  4. Yeah. My bad. It is Eureka Tower Bldg's #Skydeck88. lol.

  1. We are celebrating Melb Day at Sky Deck 89, not 88 (unfortunately -- ha ha). @Sngo1982
  2. @mel_pucca As long you got the sun shining on the water it is a refreshing walk on your day off.
  3. We have found a jellyfish that had beached itself. This 1 is blue.
  4. Visit beach during winter is gr8. U get whole beach 2 URself. Walking in water as knee exe. Starfish sunbathing.

  5. Interesting core class material  RT @mashable: College Curriculum Requires Undergrads to Play Video Game “Portal” -

  6. My avatar's latest outfit 'plume tube dress & gasp boot by Elizabeth and James' in Popsugar's Retail Therapy #FB.

  7. So do I  RT @rosa I really hope Apple's September 1 event is somehow related to Lady Gaga's mystery visit their HQ.

  8. Neato! QT @lif_au How To Manage Disposable Email Addresses With Gmail

  9. ♬Humans grow inwards at work♜ and outwards among friends♞, businesses grow outward♝, buildings grow upwards♚, where does Earth grow ☹?

  10. ☯ ⓋⓄⓉⒺ : The Hoddle Muddle (cf. Royal Auto, Sep 2010, p.65).#TrafficJamHurts Have your say  Go To Http://

  11. FYI: A bus #fail 2 brake gently, jolts U the standing patron, it will damage UR 'medial collateral ligament' in UR knee (like me).#OmgFact

  12. Washington State Library App. 'Ask WA' app is ask a librarian. Just downloaded it (available in Oz). What 2 ask best?

  13. Unsure if U want to own that book? Use Redlaser app w/ location ON. Bang! Auto find online store & your nearest library.Http://

  14. Also DCPL [library] has an iPhone app too! Libraries in the app race too. Awesome.

  15. ♥ The Outsider [book] by Albert Camus / translated by Joseph Laredo. My fave book of all time. ★★★★★

  16. @sngo1982 I have just saw them and they're pretty. I've purchased two starry change rooms and racks. However, storage facility was so-so. 

  17. ☠ More action, ☛less dallying, ☛less heckle. PPL 've the rite 2 know. Less knowledge, less understanding from PPL. Status retracted on Y&LN.

  18. Nasty & incomplete feature. So not convenient. Who did beta test? RT @lif_au: PowerPoint CD Save Doesn’t Include Viewer

  19. Tip: Charge iPhone via USB slot on PS3. Gold starfor me. Now if only I can plug PS3 to a solar panel charger. Hee hee.#MayEarthProsper

  20. Indeed publishers should offer digital copies with physical books as complimentary or else face this tweet reality. See

  21. Review: I had an awesome time sampling Metal Gear Solid 4 on iPhone. The touchscreen game play was smooth, beautiful, & good missions.★★★★

  22. A good website for following August 2010 Oz election.

  23. My latest cute sim from The Sims 3 [game]. Credit goes to KatieBones for uploading sim to The Exchange. Thx U.

  24. Sick. I luv it. lol.  RT @nerdist: GEN-I-US! @jonahray made a graphic which explains "Inception" to Mac users:

  25. FourSquare doesn't falsification friend's check-in like Facebook Places. See this blog for how easy it is lie

  26. Our A&D manager's last day. Farewell and Bon voyage to our sweet Mrs KC. Thx 4 your support and wisdom.

  27. ☯ My days end well because I'm bless and ♛ I luv The Sims 3 now that it is working (at times) ^_^.

  28. READ: Daly, K. 2010. Being cyber safety aware, in Screen Education, Winter, issue 58, pp. 42-46. [M: Every child & teenager should read it.]

  29. @mel_pucca proof of mini creme brûlée. see pic. ah. a treat to myself.

  30. Dinner at Tomodachi tonight. Sushi training it instead of pub grub. I see creme brûlée. OMG! so much ppl too!

  31. Well written RT@ALIANational: RT@ACCAN_AU: Great article... @stilgherrian explains... different broadband policies #NBN

  32. @mel_pucca After had removing High End Loft Stuff I was OK until I dL & install custom lots plus an individual sim. #Crashes. Darn it.

  33. I welcome this partnership, bring it on RT @mashable: Paypal Might Help Google Make Android Purchases Easier [REPORT] -

  34. @mel_pucca Now: "Your the sims 3 base game is incompatible with the current Sims 3 expansion pack. Please update your game launcher" Oh Dear

  35. @mel_pucca Plus after installing today's latest patch for The Sims3: High-End Loft Stuff, my DVD driver s/w & rego key was erased from PC.

  36. Testing: TheSims3 game -- if U evict ppl from a hse w/ swimming pool then move new ppl in2 it, s/pool sinks to basement lvl. #FAIL

  37. ☹ Dislike: ppl who walk and smoke cancer. Not only do they burn U w/ their ashes, must they spread their disease like HIV? Wot No Perfume? ☢

  38. ☠By 2020: throw out bro old clothing, mom's broken dishes, stained mugs, yellowed plastic containers, eclipse tins, spider filled boxes, etc

  39. #Myki card interrupts with work's security card. Null result. Is anyone experiencing the same? #YesOrNo

  40. ♨ A mini 'durian escapade' cupcake from #TheCupcakeFamily(QV) was delicious. Nice distraction. Just $2. *burp* ☻

  41. For every almond kernel I eat is followed by a macadamia nut. Almond on it's own is bitter. #whodoesthat

  42. I laugh at thee who tries to control another human being, it is never 100%. ha ha. #OMGfact

  43. FYI. Rock concert can destroy your inner ear.

  44. Who knew U had 2 wear ear plugs at a bus stop in case some1 threw a firecracker at U. Explosion sound can destroys your inner ear (4evr).

  45. Wish: to learn the dance move found in Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland [2010 Movie] the "Futterwacken" dance. Wouldn't you?

  46. My avatar in Popsugar's Retail Therapy game on FB. Cute, yeah? It's been a while since I last played games on FB.

  47. ☢ We do live with lots of toxins from cosmetics. Let's pressure Gov & Co. to be more innovative.  [video]

  48. Yeah. I hope so too. RT @pamelafox: @raphink Would be nice if Prezi can port over from Flash to some combo of HTML5/SVG/canvas one day.

  49. ☢ Total chaos in Melbourne Central. Delayed trains again. By 25mins! Too much ppl finishing work & class at 5pm. Douche! What 24/7 city?

  50. FYI. Sticky taped fingers do not work on iPhone but if you use fabric band-aid it responds better. #Hint #OMGfact

  51. Cake day at work. Yay!

  52. ☠ Morning rush: meeting room table's legs decided to buckle & luckily no one was hurt. We were able to put 1 leg back on & not the other 1.

  53. Watched: Inception [movie]. Hands off to the visual story telling style. Exhilarating, subtle humour, emotional journey, & speechless 結果.

  54. It's priceless, even so if it rack up 1 million hits RT The YouTube Movie Is The Hot Ticket by @parislemon@TechCrunch

  55. As I'm playing am iPhone game, Luxor, and it told me "now get to work". #OMGfact it gave me quite the shock but then I laughed. Good one.

  56. @sngo1982 their sweet lullaby puts me to sleep. oh yeah. I want a mp3 of that sweet sound. C'mon #Lego release OST for your games on iTunes.

  57. My tax should be spent on this transportation RT Take the high road with 'Fast Bus' of the future [video]

  58. ANZ (free) wifi at Southern Cross was able to download 20MB in 3mins. Now that's impressive. Now what we need is some entertainment here...

  59. @oldspice will there be travel pack sizes of 100ml bottles?

  60. @mel_pucca so far the app doesn't allow 2 create card unless U select a retailer from it's Ltd USA based list. Not suitable 4 international.

  61. ♨ Nufn like omelette sprinkled with ginger, ham and cheese sandwich. Yum. Missing seaweed slices. Ah ha ha. ☺

  62. Lol. A site where ppl are willing 2 offer service or goods 4 just $5, that's nuts. Http:// (as mentioned by @mashablestweet)

  63. Oh yeah. Testing: Put All Your Club Cards on a Digital Key Ring - (@mashable)

  64. ❦Playing ɾÉէɑìӀ Եհeɾɑթվ on FB but I'm hoping for #iPhone app. I wonder when will Sim3 have an online world like mmorpg game. ❦#PortableGame

  65. Spent part of my arvo browsing YouTube video responses by @OldSpice. Not only did I laugh. I find them to be inspirational.#GreatMarketing