The •vagabond• cat that came to stay.
Well, if we haven't gotten past •venerating• people who don't know anything.
A new age had plainly dawned, an age that made the institution of a segregated picnic seem an •anachronism•" (Henry Louis Gates, Jr.)
I had an •inkling• feeling...
She spoke •nonchalantly• as if it didn't happen.
That coward •mongrel• canine
Intoxication was not a •mitigating• factor in...
writing again to •reiterate•
are particularly •egregious• in that
are particularly •egregious• in that
... would likely •skirt•those restrictions
rules •stipulate•that
but I try to •subvert• that by locking onto people's feet
Every •morsel• of food.
Web sites •ply• the newly pregnant with due-date calculators...
Ultrasounds reveal a nearly in •imperceptible• heartbeat of six weeks of •gestation•.
There are so many reason that discussion of miscarriage is •squelched•.
We •recoil• from death.
Some women also may be reacting against a newly •punitive• atmosphere towards older mothers.
The debate over abortion has became so •polarised• that exploring such contradictions feels too risky.
•Commemorate• this event.
•Permeated• the air.
I retreat from this angst by flipping through an in flight magazine, •marvelling• at the stuff on offer.
For there we all are: people.
That evening was overcast: the view was •murky•.
It's warm and humid: the air •leaden•.
And there, on a •secluded• signpost in national park, someone has •scrawled• Smoke ém out Bush.
The exhibition is moving, but along it is a sense of something too carefully •curated•.
But there is nothing •abashed• about the people nearby with •trestle• tables of souvenirs hats and books and cards or the tour guides leading groups of •gawkers•.
...have all become memorial walls; •ad hoc• arrangements of flowers and messages.
I take a photo. Just one, before a nearby security guard asks me politely but firmly, to •desist•.
The aims of this new national identity are •neither• cultural •nor• social, but...
..less recognised but no less •lamentable•.
...are •invariably more lacklustre•...
...causes other than those •espoused• by the government of the day.
Commission against corruption after a •stint• as Ombudsman.
What ensues is a comically •sordid• tale of music, sex, drugs, larger-than-life characters and the birth of world famous dance club The Hacienda.
At first, Olivier turns him away. Then he •relents•. •Meanwile•, he follows the boy, •covertly• inspecting his locker and breaking into his flat.
A middles-aged man meets a group of hunters in the desert who, •unperturbed• by his plan to kill himself, escort him to a remote mountain village.
On first encounter with Marie-Jo, she sits by the water contemplating the •serrated• blade of a pocket knife.
Dr Faust is a man •enmeshed• in a soulless existence.
No one can be sure who is leading whom...
All film •epoch• in other cultures...
On the surface, it's often oddly calm. •Inwardly•, it's always •seething• with •latent• violence.
A street finds himself harassed by thugs, then •exacts• cruel revenge on all those who have wronged him.
His client insists he videotape the victim's death •throes• for her later enjoyment.
After an •onerous• divorce, famous singer and actress Malak falls for the charming Lamei.
in spite of attempts to •sabotage• her new relationship by her scriptwriter, director and most lethal of all her grandmother!
Focus on one rotten day when everything goes •awry•for a group of tenuously linked Parisians.
The film captures the characters' •myraid•moods.
Alternating •irreverant• comedy with •poignant• and reflective drama.
From A o B, object C is •replete• with examples of film making in a constant state of re-invention. Whether building on or reacting against yesterday's •truisms•.
Namoo counts down the days to end of an •idyllic• summer.
Never forcing the •pathos• with undue sentiments, the script •orchestrates• almost worldless reconcililation between A and B.
This heart warming yet •burlesque•...
Mr Russell forecast earnings from the existing Orange mobile business would become earnings positive before interest, tax, depreciation and •amortisation• in the fourth quarter.
And the speech was less memorable than the venue.
That evening was overcast: the view was •murky•.
It's warm and humid: the air •leaden•.
And there, on a •secluded• signpost in national park, someone has •scrawled• Smoke ém out Bush.
The exhibition is moving, but along it is a sense of something too carefully •curated•.
Either if you've gotten one or not...
When I least want it.
It can be seen that...
The evidence is that...
In fact, ...
For example, ...
An example of [this] is ...
Author prominent:
According to Smith (1996: 45) there are...
Smith (1996:45)[argues/notes/reveals] that
Western (1983) identifies several forms of...
Heady and O'Loughlin (1980) claim that
Information prominent:
A number of studies have investigated the... (Western, 1983; Cass and Western, 1980; Braithwaite, 1979).
There is evidence to show that... (Emy, 1989).
The effects of... have been carefully documented.