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June 05, 2010

June 2010

Amongst other things I find myself ridden with illness due to this icy coldest winter yet I have celebrated a few peoples' birthday without going broke; and started to play a some games on PlayStation 3. Playstation Home 3D word looks beautiful. Great escape during this cold times.Temporarily took over the role of tester for a project at work. Online delivery system can be tough and I am adamant in reporting bugs to parts which fail work intuitively, plus words that lead to confusion. I do not like half baked goods. Now waiting for fixes to take place before going back to square one testing.


  1. Comment: loving the co-op in sacred 2 [game] on #PS3. High Elf L5. The beginning of a new found joy in rpg again.
  2. #Playstation3 Home is sim-like & beautiful. I'd like air hockey and foos ball tables too. Will #PS3 be selling gift card like iTune 1 day?
  3. Ability 2 use inf. internet English is deem unedu by folks who 've traditional teaching bkgnd but not by linguist. #OmgFacts
  4. I agree. jobs always changing, hard to predict when but mechanic & computer run cars, sysadmin & cloud, are 1st on list.
  5. RT @timoreilly: Smart #cloud article by @bernardgolden: How complex systems have changed the job of the auto mechanic and the #sysadmin ...
  6. Hilarious. A very well made movie trailer. Go Java! @mashable: Java: The Movie! Humor for Geeks [VIDEO] -
  7. My favourite snack of the day: green tea candy.
  8. Ouch! RT @Gizmodo: Hopefully Your Fedex Guy Doesn't Throw Your iPhone 4 Like This
  9. RT @lif_au: Offers Free PDF Guides To Major Cities
  10. Yeah bring it. btw gr8 PR method. RT @mashable: Augmented Reality Ice Cream Machine Trades Smiles for Free Desserts -
  11. Compelling debate I'll say RT @australianit: Top Aussie CIOs discuss the risks and rewards of cloud computing #thehub
  12. Self testing sounds like fun RT @newscientist: Smartphone add-on will bring eye tests to the masses.
  13. That is sweet of you to do so RT @SquareEnixDLG: CHAOS RINGS OST & "Thank You" wallpaper!! #iphone#chaosrings
  14. My avatar has buck tooth now? pic distort. Testing out: FourSquare and somehow I'm a mayor of MCFC. That's quick!
  15. Completed a tax quiz & scored 45% with amateur Tax IQ level. Woot! U can try it too. Http://
  16. Scored a free apple at the train station this morning. Promo for BT 'super for life'. Yummy.
  17. We should be given the option to totally switch it off RT @mashableApple Now Stores and Shares Your iPhone’s Location
  18. Why Now? Do I get to choose how & when? -- iOS4 privacy policy updated: Apple anonymously collect location data.
  19. @eviltofu nope. the ibook app does not come with iPhone iOS4. Like @ArrTeeArr said in her tweet. It is a separate dload.
  20. @elfiec isn't it cute though?
  21. @Mathewh yes, you can so. look under settings for wallpaper (preinstalled ones), whereas your own go to photos and allocate as per normal.
  22. Is it me or has #iOS4 dumb down pixel quality for pics already in#iPhone upon being upgraded? Gonna try re-sync tonight & hope all is okay.
  23. Who knew ^^ QT @timoreilly Interesting to see how #blackberry still dominates #iphone in Washington DC. via @digiphile
  24. ★★★ ˙ʇods ʎuɐ oƃ 1 uı ʎʇıɔ uı sdoɥs ןןɐ sʇsıן ʇı sı ʎʇıppo ˙sʇd uʇɐdıɔıʇɹɐd ʇǝƃ op n ʇǝʎ ɹoʎɐɯ ɐ ʇou ˙ʍou ʞʍ ɐ ɹoɟ ddɐ ǝɹɐnbsɹnoɟ@ :pǝʇsǝʇ
  25. RT @Pogue: Very nice writeup of all the new features in iPhone OS 4, which becomes available on Tuesday...
  26. Attended: The Lights in Winter festival multicultural dance feast tonight with FHS. It was insightful. Too much perverts tho'
  27. Funny. I luv how U miss took the dude as sales rep RT @Pogue: My Times video is now online! The Sprint Evo 4G phone:
  28. Testing: Stanza [iPhone] app feat. d/load any public PDF by entering in a URL. websites (yes) #Box.Net (yes) #SkyDrive (yes)#GDocs (no).
  29. RT @mashable: HTC Incredible Bug Reveals Potential Privacy Nightmare -
  30. Doing my fair bit of green thumb activity at work. Nipping seedling off stems and re-planting them.
  31. programmers take note if ur db, code, exe, ports, API, features r wonky/incomplete I doubt ur web GUI would be any differ.#TestingHardCore
  32. ˙ ɔıʌ_nsdɔ@ ʎɐpɥʇɹıq ɥʇ521 ʎddɐɥ
  33. Dissecting an application bit by bit with my thinking power. Roars! Also devising scrn dumps of app 2 b useful 2 noobies. #尺モㄥ丹工ち
  34. Bloody WiCkEd! QT @TechCrunch Finally, Google TV Explained In A Clear, Concise Manner [Video] - by @parislemon
  35. @DHughesy 9 yo is when I took public transport on my own. I'd encourage young ones to go in pairs or with friends & call folks as sun sets.
  36. Final Fantasy series getting an original iPhone instalment. A RPG explosion on iPhone in the making. [Sumfn 2 look fwd 2]
  37. RT @mashable: New Slang: Find Out What Those Crazy Kids Are Saying [APPS] -
  38. Watching: アリス九號 Alice Nine's untitled vandal(ism) #finalegraced the beautiful day [Music DVD]. ♥ Տհօմ ìʂ հօէ!
  39. Watched: The Expendables [Movie Trailer]. Omg. It has many of action our fave hero/tough guys in one, not complete set, anyhow. *Drools*.
  40. ☠ Due to lack of memory in digital tv I doubt they have any firmware update like smart phone. #FAIL
  41. @TechCrunch  Happy Birthday! ✌ [fyi the Square symbol is an iPhone emoticon icon of a sliced cake]
  42. RT @lif_au: How To Report Unwanted Spam SMS
  43. Within MMORPG games ppl r secretive but in forums the info lay bare & free to access. Internet is ur best friend.#KnowledgeIsPowerPeople ♜
  44. Bad: ☠ I've a runny nose & sore throat. Good: ⑧ found $15 on the ground. FTW.
  45. USB sockets on digital Tv lack capabilities & limited function due to Tv firmware. PS3/Xbox is needed when playing your own media.#FAIL
  46. Tested: laptop w/ EyeTv DTT Deluxe. EyeTv's mini antenna #FAILagainst roof antenna in digital Tv rcptn. TerraTec Home Cinema s/w is okay.
  47. Painted glow in the dark paint on edges of saucers used on coffee table. Now we can find them in the dark. Woot! ♞
  48. I've favourited a YouTube video -- Candidates@Google: Barack Obama
  49. I've favourited a YouTube video -- @Google & YouTube present A Conversation with Conan ...
  50. At times RT @timoreilly "We are purpose maximizers, not profit maximizers." Dan Pink in a gr8 animated video @theRSAorg
  51. I've favourited a YouTube video -- RSA Animate - Drive: The surprising truth about what...
  52. RT @mashable: Pete Cashmore Discusses Facebook’s New Privacy Settings on PBS [VIDEO] -
  53. RT @ALIANational: Morning everyone! Here's your earworm for the day: librarians do lady gaga Kate #fb
  54. Collaboration in Word/Excel is most welcomed QT @Pogue I take on Microsoft Office 2010--and the free Office Web apps!
  55. ☠ Posts to tribute pages of dead kids on Facebook should require logins & friends only.
  56. Ha ha. This app has hidden gems. Too bad the favourites section fails to refresh appropriately. Sigh. Emailed Tappit.
  57. Super Kawaii. No list or multi options upon 1 swipe. ★★★ RT @mashable: Hello Kitty Has Her Own iPhone Twitter Client -
  58. Fun, so much 2 watch RT @google: Hey! @googletalks just uploaded its 900th video on its @youtube page,
  59. Most iPhone games 've no voice over, this is nice & refreshn game play @toucharcade: 'Splinter Cell Conviction' Review
  60. Potential RT @TechCrunch: Buzzd Aggregates Check-Ins From Foursquare, Gowalla & Others In Social City Guide- @leenarao
  61. Potential RT @TechCrunch: Buzzd Aggregates Check-Ins From Foursquare, Gowalla & Others In Social City Guide- @leenarao
  62. RT @lif_au: A Comprehensive Guide To Excel Keyboard Shortcuts
  63. RT @lif_au: A Comprehensive Guide To Excel Keyboard Shortcuts
  64. Tested & placed Qs on Google Buzz, Yahoo Answers, Twitter 3rd party sites. Yahoo Answers has the fastest replies so far. Um. Are ppl shy?
  65. Tested & placed Qs on Google Buzz, Yahoo Answers, Twitter 3rd party sites. Yahoo Answers has the fastest replies so far. Um. Are ppl shy?
  66. RT @timoreilly: "Libaries are for everybody. They're like democracy's living room." in story about library budget cuts
  67. ♨ Nufn like Black Sesame malt 黑芝麻糊 to wake you up. Yay! 
  68. ✈ Watching: Prince of Persia: Sands of time [movie]. Ka Pow!
  69. To stay awake is tuff in winter when all U wanna do is hibernate. Dang! Energy zapped off 2 neverland. Thinking about Foursquare app. ♬♪
  70. RT When online gripes are met with a lawsuit - @nytimes [Yes to federal law on meritless defamation suit.]
  71. Me likely likey. Wouldn't you? RT @lif_au: Google Maps Improves Timetable Integration