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January 19, 2010

January 2010

When you lose yourself in another person's arm, you feel vulnerable but it is until you kiss do you feel the buzz. Every passing day you start to appreciate this person. You like how they feel and how they stir that pot of emotion. However, lots of little things get neglected in return and we get side tracked by having too much fun. Also it is unfortunate some people aren't meant to be forever and same goes for plans.Gadgets are so worth the wait, my time, and money, as it helps me organise sudden changes in my life and reminds what were my original goals for each month. Thank god for emails, alerts, alarms, and push notification. Ka pow! You resurge to setup more things to be processed automatically so you can go about having fun without a hint of worry. I love you my Apple iPhone and Mophie Juice Pack (battery storer/charger for iPhone). I hope Google Nexus One will do the same in the future.






  1. To kill time we walked through a jungle board walk. It has a nice water feature.
  2. Status: napping at Malaysia KL Airport yet not deeply. I'm keeping an eye out for Sis who nodded off. oink. 8am here. flight is 11pm. Sigh.
  3. Yup RT @Idothat2: RT if you have Googled your own name.#idothat2 via @maximuski
  4. Woot! I'm in #MalaysiaAirport & I've a whole day to go before my next flight then 3 trains to catch before reaching my hotel. Lol.
  5. at #Melbourne Airport about to aboard my flight to JPY. No free wifi or decent 3G in here.
  6. Though #iPad is gr8 4 elders, it is also an medium iFrame, big iClock, medium iMedia player, just to name a few possibilities.
  7. #NowPlaying 張敬軒 - 放榜
  8. This what it is like to be up close & personal with a cheetah behind a glass wall. Whew. #WerribeeZoo
  9. *Drools* over #iPad. Gr8 4 dad. Since iPhone is too small for his poor eye sight. #AppleSensation
  10. @burigyu Thank you for the information on the supermarket in Asahikawa. Useful map btw.
  11. Awesome idea. Reading: CNN. Cell phone stories writing new chapter in print publishing. Http://
  12. Mr Doyle ought to divert traffic & pretty up other quiet streets than to have just 1 fancy street. #WastedGST #Fail
  13. Liking: look to other 'ppl' who might be good.
  14. Any information on supermarkets in Sapporo and Asahikawa, however small, would be very much appreciated. #LazyTweet
  15. Liking: aim to network to leverage relationships.
  16. #omgthatssotrue 男人不出錢、不影照片、不安排活動即是十分煩也蹉跎. #LameLad
  17. C'mon Rafael Nadal. U can do it. Cheer! Cheer! #AustraliaOpen
  18. #whatislove as I can't hold it nor can I see it, most the time it is in "like" mode. Too bad ppl fall out of luv too easily.
  19. I C 5-10 cents SMS but only on same ntwk only. Sigh. RT - News - Aussies being ripped off on SMS
  20. Up close w/ a cheetah behind glass @Werribee zoo (昨天) etc.
  21. Ever smack into glass door while looking at a display? #idothat2
  22. Sick app! RT
  23. Dear Internet: ドキドキとまらない。とってもすごい。よよかぎりなく。#LuvU4eva
  24. @maxcelcat man, you mophie juice pack (spare power pack within an iPhone skin cover).
  25. Good point. I hate random poll used against I RT The daily Dilbert: Comic for 23 Jan, 2010 #comic via @DailyDilbert
  26. Wow. He's 1 talented dude RT David Blaine's TED MED talk is now online! It's amazing: via @Pogue
  27. I think Virgin offer this too RT MiFi Makes Sharing 3G Easy /via @lif_au
  28. FOR real? RT Obama’s First Real Tweet! - /via @mashable
  29. LOL. The drawing encapsulated stages of life - partly RT God's control panel: /via @Pogue
  30. #Letsbehonest b4 1990 there were no such thing as the Sunday newspaper in #Melbourne (FYI).
  31. Read: The Age, Private schools getting 'too much money'Http:// #WastedGST.
  32. WTF RT Starting Today, Facebook Apps Can Ask You To Hand Over Your Email Address by @jasonkincaid/via @TechCrunch
  33. #letsbehonest ppl should be grateful when I remind them of their duties, rather than be mad or etc. Next time: I'll ignore U & it.
  34. Fever & minor bowel pains haven't incapacited me yet, to lugg huge heavy stuff = nuts. #InconsiderateCoWorkerDay
  35. Sweet MOG RT Here's more on that upcoming BBC 10-hour series, "Life." You have NEVER seen footage like this! @Pogue
  36. Who has this withdrawal symptom from movies? RT Post-Avatar Depression Hits Thousands of Fans [VIDEO] - @mashable
  37. #DontTalkToMe when I'm playing a game on PS3 & listen to music on my iPod. I can't hear you. duh.
  38. Gosh, we had mjr changes RT Thought-provoking: The Changing Nature of Employment in the Great Recession @timoreilly
  39. Unfair tax RT New 'Google tax' proposed to support newspapers, music #thehub /via @australianit
  40. Go SonyEricsson, Nokia, Apple. Keep up the good work RT Greenpeace Rankings Show Greenest Gadget Companies /via @lif_au
  41. Mt Dandenong look out point. $5 entry fee. Lots of nice gardens & maze. Very chilly air. #LocalSights #HazyMelb
  42. East Burwood's 24hrs 7days Kmart. For real. LMAO. Beat that Internet shoppers. j/k. #ShopAddictSpotting
  43. We so need cheaper key ring size solar power chargers for our mobile phone. Wouldn't that be a cool idea? #omgfact
  44. Just home from drinks w/ cool 6 ppl, today was their last day & they will be leaving our organisation. Sad yet fun to trully chat w/ them.
  45. #TransportHint plz ppl go to the left to avoid being hit on escalators & roads.
  46. Ha ha RT @timoreilly RT @OReilly_Verlag: RT @BennoZwitschert: I never realized that after Monday and Tuesday, the calendar says W T F.
  47. Great & funny art work about weather found on NYT.Http:// #WeatherWoe #ClimateChange #PaintedArt
  48. false alarm at work today. we were all puzzled should we go to assembly point or not as the woop woop sound didn't go off.#PerplexPanic
  49. Lots of news about water shortages, yet towns are being flooded,#PleaseExplainWhy we aren't collecting flood waters?
  50. #PleaseExplainWhy dble std still exists? gals are to have BF, guys can F*K any1 (incl. farm animal) anytime.
  51. *crossing fingers* bring on the cool change, rain if needed. lol.
  52. @maxcelcat exercise & control your pelvic muscles to hold it in. Also try drinking water which retains w/in body. eg. cranberry juice.
  53. #ihungupbecause I accidentally hit the transfer button. lol. knowing voip sys it auto uses the last punched in number.
  54. I'm sure ppl can multi task (e/ CPU help). I do 3 w/ accuratacy RT NYTimes: The Children of Cyberspace: Old Fogies by Their 20s
  55. Neat as it is, question will military or terrorist try to abuse it? Fun toy btw.
  56. Ought to be a given right on mobile phones RT Flash Player 10.1 on Google’s Nexus One - /via @mashable
  57. Village Coburg drive-in cinema was awesome. U can basically watch 3 giant scrns (if u have wondering eyes) yet u ought to watch only 1.
  58. Something fishy about restaurants #FAIL to reply to their online booking (sent off as an email). If so why bother to offer it?
  59. Ha ha. Get use to it. See ya @17:30 RT everytime i wake up, the modem's on. am i dreaming? -_-? /via @sngo1982
  60. #WhatWereYouThinking when you requested a product from a snow ridden country for shipment? RE: patron query.
  61. My cat knew where the camera was…*giggles*. #CatLover
  62. nothing like the smell of shortbread. is there are perfume that captures that essence? #LazyTweet
  63. - I'm familiar with the card on left, but the card on right I've never seen such a cutie. I want 1.
  64. #NotCute when ppl forget they ordered a loan instead of photocopy yet want the book emailed to them.
  65. #BewareOf mold in your toothbrush.
  66. #ToBeHonest I can't stand spicy food but I can't get enough of Nando mild sauce or bamboo shoots in chilli oil.
  67. I wonder if Oz politician would mop up petrol in NT, if we tweet. lol RT
  68. About head off home via train after 1 yr of car pooling. Feels odd. January peak hr is ok. #MetroAfterConnex
  69. Early morn desk shift & doing my best not to tweet / check email. Many ppl haven't accepted iPhone as a communi8 tool.#iPhoneHater
  70. I wish by year 2010 adapters would be more universal for travellers like myself. #OverloadedByElectricalAdapterLugging
  71. That rings true & ought 2b reality RT Hotel WiFi Should Be a Right, Not a Luxury by @sarahcuda /via @TechCrunch
  72. I'm lucky to have human hands after watch another repeat of#EdwardScissorsHand on Tv.
  73. Finishing editing 2009 NYE pics. The pic of a dog w/ a party hat & glowing eyes stood out.
  74. The coolest New Year ever! No forty degree heat for us this time. Plenty of rain instead. Woot!